Revision fa388453
Von Kivitendo Admin vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt
SL/Model/ | ||
Invoices are not supported as of now, but are planned for the future.
The old deliveryorder C<sales_delivery_order> and C<purchase_delivery_order> must be implemented
The old delivery order C<sales_delivery_order> and C<purchase_delivery_order> must be implemented
in the new DeliveryOrder Controller
=head1 METHODS
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=item C<update_after_new>
Creates a new record_object by record_type and sub_type
set reqdate and transdate if required by type_data
Creates a new record_object by record_type and sub_type.
Sets reqdate and transdate if required by type_data.
Returns the record object.
=item C<new_from_workflow>
Expects source_object, target_object, can have flags.
Creates a new record from source_subtype by target_type->new_from(source_record)
Set default flag no_link_record to false and looks up the correct target_type
Creates a new record from a source_subtype by target_type->new_from(source_record).
Set default flag no_link_record to false and looks up the correct target_type.
Throws an error if target_type not exists.
Throws an error if the target_type doesn't exist.
Returns the new record_object.
Returns the new record object.
=item C<new_from_workflow_multi>
Expects an arrayref with source_objects and a target_object, can have flags.
Creates a new record_objects from one or more source_objects. By now only for orders.
Looks up the correct target_type throws an error if it doesn't exist.
Creates a new record object from one or more source objects. For now only for orders.
Looks up the correct target type and throws an error if it doesn't exist.
Return the new record_object.
Returns the new record object.
=item C<increment_subversion>
Only orders.
Only for orders.
Increments the record's subversion number.
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Expects a record to delete.
Deletes the whole record and puts an entry in the history.
Cleans up the spool directory.
Dies and throws an error if dberror.
Dies and throws an error if there is a dberror.
TODO: check status order when old deliveryorder (do) will be implemented.
TODO: check status order once old deliveryorder (do) is implemented.
=item C<save>
Expects a record to save and params to handles stuff like validity_token, custom_shipto,
items_to_delete, close objects, requirement_specs
Expects a record to be saved and params to handle stuff like validity_token, custom_shipto,
items_to_delete, close objects and requirement_specs.
=over 2
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=over 4
=item * C<with_validity_token -E<gt> scope>
=item * C<with_validity_token → scope>
=item * C<delete custom shipto if empty>
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Sets an entry in history
Sets an entry in the history.
Dies and throws error when error
Dies and throws an error when there is an error.
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=item C<clone_for_save_as_new>
Expects the saved record and the record to change.
Expects the saved record and the record to be changed.
Sets the actual employee.
Sets also new transdate, new reqdate and an empty recordnumber if not allready changed in record to change.
Also sets a new transdate, new reqdate and an empty recordnumber if it wasn't already changed in the old record.
=item C<_save_history>
Expects a record for id, addition for text (SAVED,DELETED,...)
Expects a record and an addition reason for the history (SAVED,DELETED,...)
=item C<_get_history_snumbers>
Expects a record returns snumber for history_entry
Expects a record, returns snumber for the history entry.
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
SL/Model/Record - POD stylistisch überarbeitet