Revision f8443aae
Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 3 Jahren hinzugefügt
t/controllers/csvimport/inventory.t | ||
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; # maybe in Tests available?
use Test::Deep qw(cmp_deeply superhashof ignore);
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use lib 't';
use SL::Dev::Part qw(new_part new_assembly new_service);
use SL::Dev::Inventory qw(create_warehouse_and_bins set_stock);
use_ok 'Support::TestSetup';
use_ok 'SL::Controller::CsvImport';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Bin';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Part';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Warehouse';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Inventory';
use_ok 'SL::WH';
use_ok 'SL::Helper::Inventory';
my ($wh, $bin1, $bin2, $assembly1, $assembly_service, $part1, $part2, $wh_moon, $bin_moon, $service1);
sub reset_state {
# Create test data
sub test_import {
my ($file,$settings) = @_;
my $controller = SL::Controller::CsvImport->new(
type => 'inventories'
charset => 'utf-8',
sep_char => ',',
quote_char => '"',
numberformat => $::myconfig{numberformat},
my $csv_inventory_import = SL::Controller::CsvImport::Inventory->new(
settings => $settings,
controller => $controller,
file => $file,
#print "profile param type=".$csv_part_import->settings->{parts_type}."\n";
$csv_inventory_import->run(test => 0);
# don't try and save objects that have errors
$csv_inventory_import->save_objects unless scalar @{$csv_inventory_import->controller->data->[0]->{errors}};
return $csv_inventory_import->controller->data;
$::myconfig{numberformat} = '1000.00';
my $old_locale = $::locale;
# set locale to en so we can match errors
$::locale = Locale->new('en');
my ($entries, $entry, $file);
# different settings for tests
my $settings1 = {
apply_comment => 'missing',
comment => 'Lager Inventur Standard',
# starting test of csv imports
# to debug errors in certain tests, run after test_import:
# die Dumper($entry->{errors});
##### create complete bullshit
$file = \<<EOL;
$entries = test_import($file, $settings1);
$entry = $entries->[0];
is scalar @{ $entry->{errors} }, 3, "Three errors occurred";
cmp_deeply(\@{ $entry->{errors} }, [
'Error: Warehouse not found',
'Error: Bin not found',
'Error: Part not found'
"Errors for bullshit import are ok"
##### create minor bullshit
$file = \<<EOL;
Warehouse,"Bin 1","ap 1",3.4
$entries = test_import($file, $settings1);
$entry = $entries->[0];
is scalar @{ $entry->{errors} }, 1, "One error for minor bullshit occurred";
cmp_deeply(\@{ $entry->{errors} }, [
'Error: A quantity and a target quantity could not be given both.'
"Error for minor bullshit import are ok"
##### add some qty on earth, but we have something already stocked
part => $part1,
qty => 25,
bin => $bin1,
is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_stock(part => $part1), "25.00000", 'simple get_stock works');
is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_onhand(part => $part1), "25.00000", 'simple get_onhand works');
$file = \<<EOL;
Warehouse,"Bin 1","ap 1",3.4
$entries = test_import($file, $settings1);
$entry = $entries->[0];
diag Dumper($entry->{object}->trans_id);
is scalar @{ $entry->{errors} }, 0, "No error for valid data occurred";
is $entry->{object}->qty, "3.4", "Valid qty accepted"; # evals to text
is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_stock(part => $part1), "28.40000", 'simple add (stock) qty works');
is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_onhand(part => $part1), "28.40000", 'simple add (onhand) qty works');
# now check the real Inventory entry
my $trans_id = $entry->{object}->trans_id;
my $inv_obj = SL::DB::Manager::Inventory->find_by(trans_id => $trans_id);
# we expect one entry for one trans_id
is ref $inv_obj, "SL::DB::Inventory", "One inventory object, no array or undef";
is $inv_obj->qty == 3.4, 1, "Valid qty accepted"; # evals to text
is $inv_obj->comment, 'Lager Inventur Standard', "Valid comment accepted"; # evals to text
is $inv_obj->employee_id, 1, "Employee valid"; # evals to text
is ref $inv_obj->shippingdate, 'DateTime', "Valid DateTime for shippingdate";
is $inv_obj->shippingdate, DateTime->today_local, "Default shippingdate set";
my $tt = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(id => $inv_obj->trans_type_id);
is ref $tt, 'SL::DB::TransferType', "Valid TransferType, no undef";
is $tt->direction, 'in', "Transfer direction correct";
is $tt->description, 'correction', "Transfer description correct";
clear_up(); # remove all data at end of tests
# end of tests
sub clear_up {
SL::DB::Manager::Inventory->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Assembly->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Part->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Bin->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->delete_all(all => 1);
sub create_standard_stock {
($wh, $bin1) = create_warehouse_and_bins();
($wh_moon, $bin_moon) = create_warehouse_and_bins(
warehouse_description => 'Our warehouse location at the moon',
bin_description => 'Lunar crater',
$bin2 = SL::DB::Bin->new(description => "Bin 2", warehouse => $wh)->save;
$assembly1 = new_assembly(number_of_parts => 2)->save;
($part1, $part2) = map { $_->part } $assembly1->assemblies;
$service1 = new_service(partnumber => "service number 1",
description => "We really need this service",
my $assembly_items;
push( @{$assembly_items}, SL::DB::Assembly->new(parts_id => $part1->id,
qty => 12,
position => 1,
push( @{$assembly_items}, SL::DB::Assembly->new(parts_id => $part2->id,
qty => 6.34,
position => 2,
push( @{$assembly_items}, SL::DB::Assembly->new(parts_id => $service1->id,
qty => 1.2,
position => 3,
$assembly_service = new_assembly(description => 'Ein Erzeugnis mit Dienstleistungen',
assembly_items => $assembly_items
# vim: ft=perl
# set emacs to perl mode
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# End:
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Testfälle CSV-Import Warenbewegung im Lager