Revision f82c6163
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor fast 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar' => [ qw(data) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(rounding link_project) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(rounding link_order) ],
# valid parameters -> better as class members with rose generic set/get
... | ... | |
customernumbers => '',
part_id => '',
rounding => 1,
link_project => 0,
link_order => 0,
project_id => '',
... | ... | |
# TODO check user input param values - (defaults are assigned later)
# 1- If there are any customer numbers check if they refer to valid customers
# otherwise croak and do nothing
# 2 .. n Same applies for other params if used at all (rounding -> 0|1 link_project -> 0|1)
# 2 .. n Same applies for other params if used at all (rounding -> 0|1 link_order -> 0|1)
# from/to date from data. Defaults to begining and end of last month.
# TODO get/set see above
... | ... | |
my @donumbers;
if ($self->data->{link_project}) {
if ($self->data->{link_order}) {
my %time_recordings_by_order_id;
my %orders_by_order_id;
foreach my $tr (@$time_recordings) {
... | ... | |
sub init_link_project {
sub init_link_order {
... | ... | |
my %time_recordings_by_customer_id;
push @{ $time_recordings_by_customer_id{$_->customer_id} }, $_ for @$time_recordings;
my %convert_params = map { $_ => $self->data->{$_} } qw(rounding link_project project_id);
my %convert_params = map { $_ => $self->data->{$_} } qw(rounding link_order project_id);
$convert_params{default_part_id} = $self->data->{part_id};
my @donumbers;
... | ... | |
sub convert_with_linking {
my ($self, $time_recordings_by_order_id, $orders_by_order_id) = @_;
my %convert_params = map { $_ => $self->data->{$_} } qw(rounding link_project project_id);
my %convert_params = map { $_ => $self->data->{$_} } qw(rounding link_order project_id);
$convert_params{default_part_id} = $self->data->{part_id};
my @donumbers;
... | ... | |
sub get_order_for_time_recording {
my ($self, $tr) = @_;
# check project
my $project_id;
#$project_id = $self->overide_project_id;
$project_id = $self->data->{project_id};
$project_id ||= $tr->project_id;
#$project_id ||= $self->default_project_id;
my $orders;
if (!$tr->order_id) {
# check project
my $project_id;
#$project_id = $self->overide_project_id;
$project_id = $self->data->{project_id};
$project_id ||= $tr->project_id;
#$project_id ||= $self->default_project_id;
if (!$project_id) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : no project id';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if (!$project_id) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : no project id';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
my $project = SL::DB::Project->load_cached($project_id);
my $project = SL::DB::Project->load_cached($project_id);
if (!$project) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project not found';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if (!$project->active || !$project->valid) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project not active or not valid';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if ($project->customer_id && $project->customer_id != $tr->customer_id) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project customer does not match customer of time recording';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if (!$project) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project not found';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if (!$project->active || !$project->valid) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project not active or not valid';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
$orders = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_all(where => [customer_id => $tr->customer_id,
or => [quotation => undef, quotation => 0],
globalproject_id => $project_id, ],
with_objects => ['orderitems']);
} else {
# order_id given
my $order = SL::DB::Manager::Order->find_by(id => $tr->order_id);
push @$orders, $order if $order;
if ($project->customer_id && $project->customer_id != $tr->customer_id) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project customer does not match customer of time recording';
if (!scalar @$orders) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : no order found';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
... | ... | |
my $orders = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_all(where => [customer_id => $tr->customer_id,
or => [quotation => undef, quotation => 0],
globalproject_id => $project_id, ],
with_objects => ['orderitems']);
my @matching_orders;
foreach my $order (@$orders) {
if (any { $_->parts_id == $part_id } @{ $order->items_sorted }) {
... | ... | |
return $matching_orders[0];
my $matching_order = $matching_orders[0];
if (!$matching_order->is_sales) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : found order is not a sales order';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if ($matching_order->customer_id != $tr->customer_id) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : customer of order does not match customer of time recording';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
if ($tr->project_id && $tr->project_id != ($matching_order->globalproject_id || 0)) {
my $err_msg = 'ConvertTimeRecordings: searching related order failed for time recording id ' . $tr->id . ' : project of order does not match project of time recording';
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), $err_msg);
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $err_msg;
return $matching_order;
... | ... | |
ie. 0.25h 0.5h 0.75h 1.25h ...
Defaults to rounding true (1).
=item C<link_project>
=item C<link_order>
If set the job tries to find a previous Order with the current
customer and project number and tries to do as much automatic
workflow processing as the UI.
If set the job links the created delivery order with with the order
given in the time recording entry. If there is no order given, then
it tries to find an order with with the current customer and project
number and tries to do as much automatic workflow processing as the
Defaults to off. If set to true (1) the job will fail if there
is no Sales Orders which qualifies as a predecessor.
is no sales order which qualifies as a predecessor.
Conditions for a predeccesor:
* Order given in time recording entry OR
* Global project_id must match time_recording.project_id OR data.project_id
* Customer name must match time_recording.customer_id OR data.customernumbers
* Customer must match customer in time recording entry
* The sales order must have at least one or more time related services
* The Project needs to be valid and active
The job doesn't care if the Sales Order is already delivered or closed.
The job doesn't care if the sales order is already delivered or closed.
If the sales order is overdelivered some organisational stuff needs to be done.
The sales order may also already be closed, ie the amount is fully billed, but
the services are not yet fully delivered (simple case: 'Payment in advance').
t/background_job/convert_time_recordings.t | ||
use Test::More tests => 20;
use Test::More tests => 27;
use strict;
... | ... | |
sub clear_up {
foreach (qw(OrderItem Order DeliveryOrder TimeRecording Project Part Customer RecordLink)) {
foreach (qw(TimeRecording OrderItem Order DeliveryOrder Project Part Customer RecordLink)) {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Employee->delete_all(where => [ '!login' => 'unittests' ]);
... | ... | |
my %data = (
link_project => 1,
project_id => $project->id,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
link_order => 1,
project_id => $project->id,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
my $db_obj = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new();
... | ... | |
# two time recordings, one order linked with project_id
%data = (
link_project => 1,
project_id => $project->id,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
link_order => 1,
project_id => $project->id,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
$db_obj = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new();
... | ... | |
# two time recordings, one order linked with project_id
%data = (
link_project => 1,
project_id => $project->id,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
link_order => 1,
project_id => $project->id,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
$db_obj = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new();
... | ... | |
%data = (
link_project => 0,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
link_order => 0,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
$db_obj = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new();
... | ... | |
# time recording, linked with order_id
$part = new_service(partnumber => 'Serv1', unit => 'Std')->save;
$customer = new_customer()->save;
# sales order with globalproject_id
$sales_order = create_sales_order(
save => 1,
customer => $customer,
taxincluded => 0,
orderitems => [ create_order_item(part => $part, qty => 3, sellprice => 70), ]
@time_recordings = ();
push @time_recordings, new_time_recording(
start_time => DateTime->new(year => 2021, month => 4, day => 19, hour => 10, minute => 5),
end_time => DateTime->new(year => 2021, month => 4, day => 19, hour => 11, minute => 5),
customer => $customer,
order => $sales_order,
part => $part,
%data = (
link_order => 1,
from_date => '01.04.2021',
to_date => '30.04.2021',
$db_obj = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new();
$job = SL::BackgroundJob::ConvertTimeRecordings->new;
$ret = $job->run($db_obj);
is_deeply($job->{job_errors}, [], 'no errros');
like($ret, qr{^Number of delivery orders created: 1}, 'linked by order_id: one delivery order created');
$linked_dos = $sales_order->linked_records(to => 'DeliveryOrder');
is(scalar @$linked_dos, 1, 'linked by order_id: one delivery order linked to order');
$linked_items = $sales_order->items->[0]->linked_records(to => 'DeliveryOrderItem');
is(scalar @$linked_items, 1, 'linked by order_id: one delivery order item linked to order item');
is($linked_items->[0]->qty*1, 1, 'linked by order_id: qty in delivery order');
is($linked_items->[0]->base_qty*1, 1, 'linked by order_id: base_qty in delivery order');
# reload order and orderitems to get changes to deliverd and ship
Rose::DB::Object::Helpers::forget_related($sales_order, 'orderitems');
is($sales_order->items->[0]->ship*1, 1, 'linked by order_id: ship in related order');
$::locale = $old_locale;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Zeiterfassung: Konvertierung: angegebenen Auftrag als Vorgänger verwenden können