package YAML::Base;
use strict; use warnings;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw(field XXX);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
while (@_) {
my $method = shift;
return $self;
# Use lexical subs to reduce pollution of private methods by base class.
my ($_new_error, $_info, $_scalar_info, $parse_arguments, $default_as_code);
sub XXX {
require Data::Dumper;
my %code = (
sub_start =>
"sub {\n",
set_default =>
" \$_[0]->{%s} = %s\n unless exists \$_[0]->{%s};\n",
init =>
" return \$_[0]->{%s} = do { my \$self = \$_[0]; %s }\n" .
" unless \$#_ > 0 or defined \$_[0]->{%s};\n",
return_if_get =>
" return \$_[0]->{%s} unless \$#_ > 0;\n",
set =>
" \$_[0]->{%s} = \$_[1];\n",
sub_end =>
" return \$_[0]->{%s};\n}\n",
sub field {
my $package = caller;
my ($args, @values) = &$parse_arguments(
[ qw(-package -init) ],
my ($field, $default) = @values;
$package = $args->{-package} if defined $args->{-package};
return if defined &{"${package}::$field"};
my $default_string =
( ref($default) eq 'ARRAY' and not @$default )
? '[]'
: (ref($default) eq 'HASH' and not keys %$default )
? '{}'
: &$default_as_code($default);
my $code = $code{sub_start};
if ($args->{-init}) {
my $fragment = $code{init};
$code .= sprintf $fragment, $field, $args->{-init}, ($field) x 4;
$code .= sprintf $code{set_default}, $field, $default_string, $field
if defined $default;
$code .= sprintf $code{return_if_get}, $field;
$code .= sprintf $code{set}, $field;
$code .= sprintf $code{sub_end}, $field;
my $sub = eval $code;
die $@ if $@;
no strict 'refs';
*{"${package}::$field"} = $sub;
return $code if defined wantarray;
sub die {
my $self = shift;
my $error = $self->$_new_error(@_);
sub warn {
my $self = shift;
return unless $^W;
my $error = $self->$_new_error(@_);
# This code needs to be refactored to be simpler and more precise, and no,
# Scalar::Util doesn't DWIM.
# Can't handle:
# * blessed regexp
sub node_info {
my $self = shift;
my $stringify = $_[1] || 0;
my ($class, $type, $id) =
? $stringify
? &$_info("$_[0]")
: do {
require overload;
my @info = &$_info(overload::StrVal($_[0]));
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'Regexp') {
@info[0, 1] = (undef, 'REGEXP');
: &$_scalar_info($_[0]);
($class, $type, $id) = &$_scalar_info("$_[0]")
unless $id;
return wantarray ? ($class, $type, $id) : $id;
$_info = sub {
return (($_[0]) =~ qr{^(?:(.*)\=)?([^=]*)\(([^\(]*)\)$}o);
$_scalar_info = sub {
my $id = 'undef';
if (defined $_[0]) {
\$_[0] =~ /\((\w+)\)$/o or CORE::die();
$id = "$1-S";
return (undef, undef, $id);
$_new_error = sub {
require Carp;
my $self = shift;
require YAML::Error;
my $code = shift || 'unknown error';
my $error = YAML::Error->new(code => $code);
$error->line($self->line) if $self->can('line');
$error->document($self->document) if $self->can('document');
return $error;
$parse_arguments = sub {
my $paired_arguments = shift || [];
my ($args, @values) = ({}, ());
my %pairs = map { ($_, 1) } @$paired_arguments;
while (@_) {
my $elem = shift;
if (defined $elem and defined $pairs{$elem} and @_) {
$args->{$elem} = shift;
else {
push @values, $elem;
return wantarray ? ($args, @values) : $args;
$default_as_code = sub {
no warnings 'once';
require Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $code = Data::Dumper::Dumper(shift);
$code =~ s/^\$VAR1 = //;
$code =~ s/;$//;
return $code;
=head1 NAME
YAML::Base - Base class for YAML classes
package YAML::Something;
use YAML::Base -base;
YAML::Base is the parent of all YAML classes.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>
Copyright (c) 2006. Ingy döt Net. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>