Revision f74b0dac
Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Helper/ | ||
foreach my $h (@{ $h_aref }) {
my @names = (
keys %{ $self->profile->[$p_num]->{profile} || {} },
keys %{ $self->profile->[$p_num]->{mapping} || {} },
for my $name (@names) {
for my $i (0..$#$h) {
... | ... | |
profile => { ACCESSORS },
profile => { ACCESSORS+ },
class => $classname,
row_ident => $row_ident,
mapping => { MAPPINGS* },
ACCESSORS := $field => $accessor, ACCESSORS*
ACCESSORS := $field => $accessor
MAPPINGS := $alias => $field
The C<profile> is a HASHREF which may be used to map header fields to custom
The C<ACCESSORS> may be used to map header fields to custom
accessors. Example:
profile => {
listprice => 'listprice_as_number',
profile => {
listprice => 'listprice_as_number',
In this case C<listprice_as_number> will be used to store the values from the
C<listprice> column.
... | ... | |
C<row_ident> is used to determine the correct profile in multiplexed data and
must be given there. It's not used in non-multiplexed data.
If C<mappings> is present, it must contain a hashref that maps strings to known
fields. This can be used to add custom profiles for known sources, that don't
comply with the expected header identities.
Without strict profiles, mappings can also directly map header fields that
should end up in the same accessor.
Mappings can be identical to known fields and will be prefered during lookup,
but will not replace the field, meaning that:
profile => {
name => 'name',
description => 'description',
mapping => {
name => 'description',
shortname => 'name',
will work as expected, and shortname will not end up in description. This also
works with the case insensitive option. Note however that the case insensitive
option will not enable true unicode collating.
Here's a full example:
class => 'SL::DB::Order',
... | ... | |
class => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
row_ident => 'I',
profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' }
profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
mapping => { 'Verkaufspreis' => 'sellprice' }
... | ... | |
Note that the last entry can be off, but will give an estimate.
Error handling is also known to break on new Perl versions and need to be
adjusted from time to time due to changes in Text::CSV_XS.
=head1 CAVEATS
=over 4
SL/Helper/Csv/ | ||
my $i = 0;
foreach my $header (@{ $h_aref }) {
my $spec = $self->_parse_profile(profile => $csv_profile->[$i]->{profile},
mapping => $csv_profile->[$i]->{mapping},
class => $csv_profile->[$i]->{class},
header => $header);
push @specs, $spec;
... | ... | |
my $profile = $params{profile};
my $class = $params{class};
my $header = $params{header};
my $mapping = $params{mapping};
my @specs;
for my $col (@$header) {
next unless $col;
if ($self->_csv->strict_profile) {
if (exists $profile->{$col}) {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$col}, $class);
} else {
$self->unknown_column($col, undef);
if (exists $mapping->{$col} && $profile->{$mapping->{$col}}) {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$mapping->{$col}}, $class);
} elsif (exists $mapping->{$col}) {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $mapping->{$col}, $class);
} elsif (exists $profile->{$col}) {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$col}, $class);
} else {
if (exists $profile->{$col}) {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$col}, $class);
if ($self->_csv->strict_profile) {
$self->unknown_column($col, undef);
} else {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $col, $class);
t/helper/csv.t | ||
use Test::More tests => 75;
use Test::More tests => 84;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
... | ... | |
# Mappings
# simple case
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
sep_char => ',',
quote_char => "'",
profile => [
profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
mapping => { purchaseprice => 'listprice' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
ok $csv->parse, 'simple mapping parses';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->listprice, 1.5234, 'simple mapping works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
strict_profile => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { lastcost => 'lastcost_as_number' },
mapping => { purchaseprice => 'lastcost' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
ok $csv->parse, 'strict mapping parses';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, 1221.52, 'strict mapping works';
# swapping
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;1;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
strict_profile => 1,
profile => [{
mapping => { partnumber => 'description', description => 'partnumber' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
ok $csv->parse, 'swapping parses';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->partnumber, 'Kaffee', 'strict mapping works 1';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, '1', 'strict mapping works 2';
# case insensitive shit
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Description\nKaffee", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
mapping => { description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part'
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'case insensitive mapping without profile works';
# case insensitive shit
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Price\n4,99", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
mapping => { price => 'sellprice' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, 4.99, 'case insensitive mapping with profile works';
# vim: ft=perl
# set emacs to perl mode
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Csv: mapping support