Revision f63bc3db
Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
# needed because the standard dbh sets datestyle german and we don't want to mess with that
my $date_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY';
my $number_format = '1000.00';
my $myconfig = { numberformat => $number_format };
# callbacks that produce the xml spec for these column types
my %column_types = (
... | ... | |
$haben->{notes} =~ s{\n+}{ }g;
my %row = (
customer_id => $soll->{customer_id} || $haben->{customer_id},
vendor_id => $soll->{vendor_id} || $haben->{vendor_id},
amount => abs($amount->{amount}),
amount => $::form->format_amount($myconfig, abs($amount->{amount}),5),
debit_accno => $soll->{accno},
debit_accname => $soll->{accname},
credit_accno => $haben->{accno},
credit_accname => $haben->{accname},
tax => defined $amount->{net_amount} ? abs($amount->{amount}) - abs($amount->{net_amount}) : 0,
taxdescription => defined($soll->{tax_accno}) ? $soll->{taxdescription} : $haben->{taxdescription},
tax => defined $amount->{net_amount} ? $::form->format_amount($myconfig, abs($amount->{amount}) - abs($amount->{net_amount}), 5) : 0,
notes => $haben->{notes},
itime => $soll->{itime},
(map { ($_ => $tax->{$_}) } qw(taxkey tax_accname tax_accno)),
(map { ($_ => ($haben->{$_} // $soll->{$_})) } qw(acc_trans_id invnumber name vcnumber transdate)),
(map { ($_ => $tax->{$_}) } qw(taxkey tax_accname tax_accno taxdescription)),
(map { ($_ => ($haben->{$_} // $soll->{$_})) } qw(acc_trans_id invnumber name vcnumber transdate itime customer_id vendor_id)),
$csv->print($fh, [ map { $row{$_} } @datev_columns ]);
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
GDPDU: Steuerdaten konsistent halten, Zahlenformatierung