


Herunterladen (4,56 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::BackgroundJob::SelfTest;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::BackgroundJob::Base);

use Test::Builder;
use TAP::Parser;
use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
use Sys::Hostname;
use FindBin;

use SL::DB::AuthUser;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::Common;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
array => [
'modules' => {},
'add_modules' => { interface => 'add', hash_key => 'modules' },
'errors' => {},
'add_errors' => { interface => 'add', hash_key => 'errors' },
'full_diag' => {},
'add_full_diag' => { interface => 'add', hash_key => 'full_diag' },
scalar => [
qw(diag tester config aggreg),

sub create_job {
$_[0]->create_standard_job('20 2 * * *'); # every day at 2:20 am

sub setup {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->config($::lx_office_conf{self_test} || {});

$self->tester->reset; # stupid Test::Builder mplementation uses class variables

$self->modules(split /\s+/, $self->config->{modules});

sub run {
my $self = shift;

return 1 unless $self->modules;

foreach my $module ($self->modules) {

sprintf "SelfTest status: %s, passed: %s, failed: %s, unexpectedly succeeded: %s",

if (!$self->aggreg->all_passed || $self->config->{send_email_on_success}) {

return 1;

sub run_module {
my ($self, $module) = @_;

# TAP usually prints out to STDOUT and STDERR, capture those for TAP::Parser
my $output;

$self->tester->output (\$output);
$self->tester->todo_output (\$output);

# sanitize module name;
# this allows unicode package names, which are known to be buggy in 5.10, you should avoid them
$module =~ s/[^\w:]//g;
$module = "SL::BackgroundJob::SelfTest::$module";

# try to load module;
(my $file = $module) =~ s|::|/|g;
eval {
require $file . '.pm';
} or $self->add_errors($::locale->text('Could not load class #1 (#2): "#3"', $module, $file, $@)) && return;

eval {
my $worker = $module->new;

} or $self->add_errors($::locale->text('Could not load class #1, #2', $module, $@)) && return;

$self->{diag_per_module}{$module} = $output;

my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({ tap => $output});

$self->aggreg->add($module => $parser);

sub _email_user {
$_[0]{email_user} ||= SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $_[0]->config->{send_email_to});

sub _send_email {
my ($self) = @_;

return if !$self->config || !$self->config->{send_email_to};

my $user = $self->_email_user;
my $email = $user ? $user->get_config_value('email') : undef;

return unless $email;

my ($output, $content_type) = $self->_prepare_report;

my $mail = Mailer->new;
$mail->{from} = $self->config->{email_from};
$mail->{to} = $email;
$mail->{subject} = $self->config->{email_subject};
$mail->{content_type} = $content_type;
$mail->{message} = $$output;


sub _prepare_report {
my ($self) = @_;

my $user = $self->_email_user;
my $template = Template->new({ 'INTERPOLATE' => 0,
'EVAL_PERL' => 0,
'ABSOLUTE' => 1,
'CACHE_SIZE' => 0,

return unless $template;
my $email_template = $self->config->{email_template};
my $filename = $email_template || ( (SL::DB::Default->get->templates || "templates/mails") . "/self_test/status_mail.txt" );
my $content_type = $filename =~ m/.html$/ ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain';

my %params = (
SELF => $self,
host => hostname,
database => $::auth->client->{dbname},
client => $::auth->client->{name},
path => $FindBin::Bin,

my $output;
$template->process($filename, \%params, \$output) || die $template->error;

return (\$output, $content_type);

sub log {
my $self = shift;
$::lxdebug->message(0, "[" . __PACKAGE__ . "] @_") if $self->config->{log_to_file};



=head1 NAME

SL::BackgroundJob::SelfTest - pluggable self testing


use SL::BackgroundJob::SelfTest;



=head1 BUGS

=head1 AUTHOR
