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Revision f54fd660

Von Sven Schöling vor etwa 16 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID f54fd660afa7832f7793d602c7bb1738e9174a39
  • Vorgänger beee568e
  • Nachfolger 1a16973b

Whitespace Purge

Unterschiede anzeigen:

if ($amount eq "") {
$amount = 0;
# Hey watch out! The amount can be an exponential term like 1.13686837721616e-13
my $neg = ($amount =~ s/^-//);
my $exp = ($amount =~ m/[e]/) ? 1 : 0;
if (defined($places) && ($places ne '')) {
if (not $exp) {
if ($places < 0) {
open(OUT, $self->{OUT})
or $self->error($self->cleanup . "$self->{OUT} : $!");
} else {
$self->{attachment_filename} = ($self->{attachment_filename})
$self->{attachment_filename} = ($self->{attachment_filename})
? $self->{attachment_filename}
: $self->generate_attachment_filename();
my ($self, $myconfig) = @_;
# connect to database
my $dbh =
DBI->connect($myconfig->{dbconnect}, $myconfig->{dbuser},
if ($curr eq '') {
$query = qq|SELECT curr FROM defaults|;
my ($currency) = selectrow_query($self, $dbh, $query);
SET $set
WHERE curr = ?
AND transdate = ?|;
} else {
$query = qq|INSERT INTO exchangerate (curr, buy, sell, transdate)
VALUES (?, $buy, $sell, ?)|;
shiptophone = ? AND
shiptofax = ? AND
shiptoemail = ? AND
module = ? AND
module = ? AND
trans_id = ?|;
my $insert_check = selectfirst_hashref_query($self, $dbh, $query, @values, $module, $id);
$key = "all_currencies" unless ($key);
my $query = qq|SELECT curr AS currency FROM defaults|;
$self->{$key} = [split(/\:/ , selectfirst_hashref_query($self, $dbh, $query)->{currency})];
$key = "all_payments" unless ($key);
my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM payment_terms ORDER BY id|;
$self->{$key} = selectall_hashref_query($self, $dbh, $query);
if ($params{"employees"}) {
$self->_get_employees($dbh, "all_employees", $params{"employees"});
if ($params{"salesmen"}) {
$self->_get_employees($dbh, "all_salesmen", $params{"salesmen"});
if ($params{"dunning_configs"}) {
$self->_get_dunning_configs($dbh, $params{"dunning_configs"});
if($params{"currencies"}) {
$self->_get_currencies($dbh, $params{"currencies"});
if($params{"customers"}) {
if (ref $params{"customers"} eq 'HASH') {
$self->_get_customers($dbh, $params{"customers"}{key}, $params{"customers"}{limit});
$self->_get_customers($dbh, $params{"customers"});
if($params{"vendors"}) {
if (ref $params{"vendors"} eq 'HASH') {
$self->_get_vendors($dbh, $params{"vendors"}{key}, $params{"vendors"}{limit});
$self->_get_vendors($dbh, $params{"vendors"});
if($params{"payments"}) {
$self->_get_payments($dbh, $params{"payments"});
qq|WHERE trans_id = | . $trans_id
. $restriction . qq| |
. $order;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $self->dberror($query);
$sth->execute() || $self->dberror("$query");
$hash_ref->{snumbers} =~ s/^.+_(.*)$/$1/g;
$tempArray[$i++] = $hash_ref;
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub() and return \@tempArray
$main::lxdebug->leave_sub() and return \@tempArray
if ($i > 0 && $tempArray[0] ne "");

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff