package SL::MT940;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use DateTime;
use SL::DB::Default;
use Encode;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
sub _join_entries {
my ($parts, $from, $to, $separator) = @_;
$separator //= ' ';
join $separator,
grep { $_ }
map { s{^\s+|\s+$}{}g; $_ }
grep { $_ }
map { $parts->{$_} }
sub parse {
my ($class, $file_name, %params) = @_;
my ($local_bank_code, $local_account_number, %transaction, @transactions, @lines);
my $line_number = 0;
my $default_currency = substr(SL::DB::Default->get_default_currency, -1, 1);
my $store_transaction = sub {
if (%transaction) {
push @transactions, { %transaction };
%transaction = ();
my ($active_field);
foreach my $line (read_file($file_name)) {
chomp $line;
$line = Encode::decode($params{charset} // 'UTF-8', $line);
$line =~ s{\r+}{};
my $current_field;
if ($line =~ m{^:(\d+[a-z]*):}i) {
$current_field = $1;
$active_field = $1;
if (@lines && ($line =~ m{^\%})) {
$lines[-1]->[0] .= substr($line, 1);
} elsif (@lines && ($active_field eq '86') && !$current_field) {
$lines[-1]->[0] .= $line;
} else {
push @lines, [ $line, $line_number ];
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# AT MT940 has the format :25://AT20151/00797453990/EUR
# DE MT940 has the format :25:BLZ/Konto
# https://www.bankaustria.at/files/MBS_MT940_V5107.pdf
if ($line->[0] =~ m{^:25:(?://AT)?(\d+)/(\d+)}) {
$local_bank_code = $1;
$local_account_number = $2;
} elsif ($line->[0] =~ m{^:61: (\d{2}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}) (\d{4})? (C|D|RC|RD) ([a-zA-Z]?) (\d+) (?:, (\d*))? N (.{3}) (.*)}x) {
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# :61:2008060806CR952,N051NONREF
my $valuta_year = $1 * 1 + 2000;
my $valuta_month = $2;
my $valuta_day = $3;
my $trans_month = $4 ? substr($4, 0, 2) : $valuta_month;
my $trans_day = $4 ? substr($4, 2, 2) : $valuta_day;
my $debit_credit = $5;
my $currency = $6 || $default_currency;
my $amount1 = $7;
my $amount2 = $8 || 0;
my $transaction_code = $9;
my $reference = $10;
my $valuta_date = DateTime->new_local(year => $valuta_year, month => $valuta_month, day => $valuta_day);
my $trans_date = DateTime->new_local(year => $valuta_year, month => $trans_month, day => $trans_day);
my $diff = $valuta_date->subtract_datetime($trans_date);
my $trans_year_diff = $diff->months < 6 ? 0
: $valuta_date > $trans_date ? 1
: -1;
$trans_date = DateTime->new_local(year => $valuta_year + $trans_year_diff, month => $trans_month, day => $trans_day);
my $sign = ($debit_credit eq 'D') || ($debit_credit eq 'RC') ? -1 : 1;
$reference =~ s{//.*}{};
$reference = '' if $reference eq 'NONREF';
%transaction = (
line_number => $line->[1],
currency => $currency,
valutadate => $valuta_date,
transdate => $trans_date,
amount => ($amount1 * 1 + ($amount2 / (10 ** length($amount2))))* $sign,
reference => $reference,
transaction_code => $transaction_code,
local_bank_code => $local_bank_code,
local_account_number => $local_account_number,
} elsif (%transaction && ($line->[0] =~ m{^:86:})) {
if ($line->[0] =~ m{^:86:\d+([^\d])(.+)}) {
# structured
my ($separator, $rest) = ($1, $2);
my %parts = map { ((substr($_, 0, 2) // '0') * 1 => substr($_, 2)) } split quotemeta($separator), $rest;
$transaction{purpose} = _join_entries(\%parts, 20, 29) . _join_entries(\%parts, 60, 63);
$transaction{remote_name} = _join_entries(\%parts, 32, 33, '');
$transaction{remote_bank_code} = $parts{30};
$transaction{remote_account_number} = $parts{31};
} else {
# unstructured
$transaction{purpose} = substr($line->[0], 5);
return @transactions;