


Herunterladen (2,57 KB) Statistiken
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99ed8abf Moritz Bunkus
package YAML;
c6bc1816 Sven Schöling
our $VERSION = '1.14';

use YAML::Mo;

use Exporter;
push @YAML::ISA, 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw{ Dump Load };
our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ freeze thaw DumpFile LoadFile Bless Blessed };

use YAML::Node; # XXX This is a temp fix for Module::Build
99ed8abf Moritz Bunkus
# XXX This VALUE nonsense needs to go.
use constant VALUE => "\x07YAML\x07VALUE\x07";

# YAML Object Properties
c6bc1816 Sven Schöling
has dumper_class => default => sub {'YAML::Dumper'};
has loader_class => default => sub {'YAML::Loader'};
has dumper_object => default => sub {$_[0]->init_action_object("dumper")};
has loader_object => default => sub {$_[0]->init_action_object("loader")};
99ed8abf Moritz Bunkus
sub Dump {
my $yaml = YAML->new;
if $YAML::DumperClass;
return $yaml->dumper_object->dump(@_);

sub Load {
my $yaml = YAML->new;
if $YAML::LoaderClass;
return $yaml->loader_object->load(@_);

no warnings 'once';
# freeze/thaw is the API for Storable string serialization. Some
# modules make use of serializing packages on if they use freeze/thaw.
*freeze = \ &Dump;
*thaw = \ &Load;

sub DumpFile {
my $OUT;
my $filename = shift;
if (ref $filename eq 'GLOB') {
$OUT = $filename;
else {
my $mode = '>';
if ($filename =~ /^\s*(>{1,2})\s*(.*)$/) {
($mode, $filename) = ($1, $2);
open $OUT, $mode, $filename
c6bc1816 Sven Schöling
or YAML::Mo::Object->die('YAML_DUMP_ERR_FILE_OUTPUT', $filename, $!);
binmode $OUT, ':utf8'; # if $Config{useperlio} eq 'define';
99ed8abf Moritz Bunkus
local $/ = "\n"; # reset special to "sane"
print $OUT Dump(@_);

sub LoadFile {
my $IN;
my $filename = shift;
if (ref $filename eq 'GLOB') {
$IN = $filename;
else {
c6bc1816 Sven Schöling
open $IN, '<', $filename
or YAML::Mo::Object->die('YAML_LOAD_ERR_FILE_INPUT', $filename, $!);
99ed8abf Moritz Bunkus
c6bc1816 Sven Schöling
binmode $IN, ':utf8'; # if $Config{useperlio} eq 'define';
99ed8abf Moritz Bunkus
return Load(do { local $/; <$IN> });

sub init_action_object {
my $self = shift;
my $object_class = (shift) . '_class';
my $module_name = $self->$object_class;
eval "require $module_name";
$self->die("Error in require $module_name - $@")
if $@ and "$@" !~ /Can't locate/;
my $object = $self->$object_class->new;
return $object;

my $global = {};
sub Bless {
require YAML::Dumper::Base;
YAML::Dumper::Base::bless($global, @_)
sub Blessed {
require YAML::Dumper::Base;
YAML::Dumper::Base::blessed($global, @_)
sub global_object { $global }
