


| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
Name Größe
COA_Account_Settings001.sql 437 Bytes
COA_Account_Settings002.sql 305 Bytes
PgCommaAggregateFunction.sql 679 Bytes
README 109 Bytes 5,02 KB 7,56 KB 49,4 KB 1,67 KB
acc_trans_without_oid.sql 1,8 KB
add_ar_paid_defaults.sql 248 Bytes
add_makemodel_prices.sql 444 Bytes 2,25 KB
ap_ar_orddate_quodate.sql 317 Bytes
ap_storno.sql 279 Bytes
ar_add_donumber.sql 334 Bytes
ar_add_invnumber_for_credit_note.sql 384 Bytes
ar_ap_storno_id.sql 705 Bytes
ar_storno.sql 278 Bytes 1,38 KB 1,29 KB 1,38 KB
bank_accounts.sql 678 Bytes
buchungsgruppen_sortkey.sql 636 Bytes
cb_ob_transaction.sql 345 Bytes
change_makemodel_vendor_id.sql 427 Bytes
chart_category_to_sgn.sql 409 Bytes
chart_names.sql 581 Bytes
chart_names2.sql 536 Bytes
chart_taxkey_id_from_taxkeys.sql 283 Bytes
chart_type_skonto.sql 1,27 KB 465 Bytes 1,85 KB
convert_curr_to_text.sql 3,57 KB 6,35 KB
csv_import_profiles.sql 711 Bytes
custom_variables.sql 1,43 KB
custom_variables_indices.sql 297 Bytes
custom_variables_indices_2.sql 252 Bytes
custom_variables_parts_services_assemblies.sql 328 Bytes
custom_variables_sub_module_not_null.sql 370 Bytes
custom_variables_valid.sql 459 Bytes
customer_add_constraints.sql 743 Bytes
customer_add_taxincluded_checked.sql 247 Bytes
customer_add_taxincluded_checked_2.sql 286 Bytes
customer_long_entries.sql 398 Bytes
customer_vendor_add_currency.sql 245 Bytes
customer_vendor_phone_no_limits.sql 289 Bytes
customer_vendor_taxzone_id.sql 525 Bytes
customer_vendor_ustid_length.sql 585 Bytes
defaults_add_language_id.sql 195 Bytes 1,73 KB 1,31 KB
defaults_posting_records_config.sql 541 Bytes 1,18 KB
defaults_show_delete_on_orders.sql 551 Bytes
defaults_show_mark_as_paid_config.sql 473 Bytes
delivery_order_items_add_pricegroup_id.sql 226 Bytes
delivery_orders.sql 3,94 KB
delivery_orders_fields_for_invoices.sql 456 Bytes
department_drop_role.sql 386 Bytes
drafts.sql 431 Bytes
drop_datevexport.sql 437 Bytes
drop_sic_code.sql 349 Bytes
drop_yearend.sql 208 Bytes
dunning_config_interest_rate.sql 202 Bytes
dunning_dunning_id.sql 883 Bytes
dunning_invoices_for_fees.sql 707 Bytes
dunning_invoices_per_dunning_level.sql 602 Bytes
emmvee_background_jobs.sql 697 Bytes 272 Bytes
employee_deleted.sql 177 Bytes
employee_no_limits.sql 1,32 KB 902 Bytes 3,62 KB
fix_datepaid.sql 864 Bytes
fix_taxdescription.sql 3,71 KB
follow_ups.sql 1,99 KB
generic_translations.sql 470 Bytes
gl_storno.sql 1,33 KB 1,12 KB
history_erp.sql 646 Bytes
history_erp_snumbers.sql 169 Bytes
invalid_entries_in_custom_variables_validity.sql 268 Bytes
invalid_taxkeys.sql 452 Bytes
invalid_taxkeys_2.sql 455 Bytes
language_output_formatting.sql 321 Bytes
lastschrift.sql 316 Bytes
license_invoice_drop.sql 384 Bytes
marge_initial.sql 707 Bytes
oe_customer_vendor_fkeys.sql 420 Bytes
oe_delivered.sql 307 Bytes
oe_employee_id_foreignkey.sql 291 Bytes
oe_is_salesman.sql 373 Bytes
parts_add_unit_foreign_key.sql 260 Bytes
parts_ean.sql 131 Bytes
parts_has_sernumber.sql 215 Bytes
payment_terms_sortkey.sql 369 Bytes
payment_terms_translation.sql 378 Bytes
payment_terms_translation2.sql 431 Bytes
periodic_invoices.sql 1,44 KB 281 Bytes
price_factors.sql 1,37 KB
project_flag_active.sql 256 Bytes
record_links.sql 618 Bytes
record_links_post_delete_triggers.sql 2,96 KB
record_links_post_delete_triggers2.sql 1,27 KB
release_2_4_1.sql 395 Bytes
release_2_4_2.sql 528 Bytes
release_2_4_3.sql 608 Bytes
release_2_6_0.sql 504 Bytes
release_2_6_1.sql 535 Bytes
release_2_6_2.sql 480 Bytes
release_2_6_3.sql 299 Bytes
release_2_7_0.sql 709 Bytes
rename_buchungsgruppe_16_19_to_19.sql 229 Bytes
rename_buchungsgruppen_accounts_16_19_percent.sql 674 Bytes 2,24 KB
schema_normalization_1.sql 1,43 KB
schema_normalization_2.sql 1,41 KB
schema_normalization_3.sql 242 Bytes 228 Bytes
sepa.sql 1,13 KB
sepa_in.sql 520 Bytes
shipto_add_cp_gender.sql 190 Bytes
skr03_04_bwa_zuordnung_konten_4250_4610.sql 755 Bytes
skr04_fix_category_3151_3160_3170.sql 305 Bytes
status_history.sql 529 Bytes
tax_description_without_percentage.sql 2,7 KB
tax_description_without_percentage_skr04.sql 2,68 KB
tax_id_if_taxkey_is_0.sql 211 Bytes
tax_primary_key_taxkeys_foreign_keys.sql 362 Bytes
tax_report_table_name.sql 209 Bytes
todo_user_config.sql 586 Bytes
transaction_description.sql 339 Bytes
transaction_description_not_null.sql 523 Bytes
transfer_type_shipped.sql 272 Bytes
trigger_assembly_update_lastcost.sql 2,01 KB 2,39 KB
units_id.sql 214 Bytes
units_no_type_distinction.sql 179 Bytes
units_sortkey.sql 327 Bytes
units_translations_and_singular_plural_distinction.sql 628 Bytes
update_date_paid.sql 637 Bytes
ustva_2010.sql 1004 Bytes
ustva_2010_fixes.sql 228 Bytes
ustva_setup_2007.sql 939 Bytes
ustva_setup_2007_update_chart_taxkeys_tax.sql 9,15 KB
ustva_setup_2007_update_chart_taxkeys_tax_add_missing_tax_accounts.sql 769 Bytes
ustva_setup_2007_update_chart_taxkeys_tax_skr04.sql 5,45 KB
vendor_add_constraints.sql 734 Bytes 6,75 KB
warehouse2.sql 245 Bytes
warehouse3.sql 321 Bytes
warehouse_add_bestbefore.sql 252 Bytes
warehouse_alter_chargenumber.sql 339 Bytes

Aktuellste Revisionen

# Datum Autor Kommentar
705d8c59 19.11.2012 15:35 Moritz Bunkus

Buchungsgruppe 'Standard 16%/19%' in 'Standard 19%' umbenennen

315f87f6 16.11.2012 13:36 G. Richardson

Bug 1945 - UStVA-Schlüssel Anpassungen für SKR04

Schlüssel für die UStVA für die Konten 3801, 3804, 3806 und 4400

Vorhandene Konten werden aktualisiert, auch bei bestehenden Mandanten,
es wird aber geprüft, ob es nicht schon Änderungen gibt, und nur...

67233506 09.11.2012 16:06 Sven Schöling

Skontokonten korrekt typisieren

behebt #1975

5c7cee58 08.11.2012 13:50 Moritz Bunkus

Merge branch 'master' of

3ccf1a99 08.11.2012 13:50 Moritz Bunkus

Kontaktpersonenfeld von Freitext auf Datum umstelen

Basierend auf Patch von Thomas Heck <> mit
Verfeinerungen von mir.

Implementiert #2021.

882594ac 08.11.2012 13:18 Thomas Heck

Merge branch 'master' of

4a5e3c2c 08.11.2012 13:13 Thomas Heck

Update der Finanzamtnummern in Hamburg

fixt #1841

7ea32650 08.11.2012 12:26 Moritz Bunkus

Währungen mit mehr als drei Zeichen erlauben & Spaltentyp 'text' anstelle von 'char(3)'

Alle Währungsspalten sind nun vom Typ 'text' anstatt 'char(3)'. Das
hat zwei Effekte:

1. Es ist möglich, Währungen einzugeben, deren Abkürzung nicht exakt
drei Zeichen lang ist....

5a23fdf6 07.11.2012 14:49 Moritz Bunkus

Merge branch 'master' of

4bacfb02 07.11.2012 14:49 Moritz Bunkus

Hinweise auf lx_office.conf in kivitendo.conf geändert

Fixt #2031.

Revisionen anzeigen

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