Revision f2461e14
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
$self->_js_load_second_row($item, $item_id, 0);
$self->js->run('kivi.Order.init_row_handlers') if $self->order->is_sales; # for lastcosts change-callback
... | ... | |
$item->longdescription($item->part->notes) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{longdescription};
$item->project_id($record->globalproject_id) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{project_id};
# item fields that currently can't be set in row but are needed:
$item->lastcost($item->part->lastcost) if $is_new;
$item->lastcost($item->part->lastcost) if $is_new && !defined $attr->{lastcost_as_number};
return $item;
... | ... | |
$new_attr{active_discount_source} = $discount_src;
$new_attr{longdescription} = $part->notes if ! defined $attr->{longdescription};
$new_attr{project_id} = $record->globalproject_id;
$new_attr{lastcost} = $part->lastcost;
# add_custom_variables adds cvars to an orderitem with no cvars for saving, but
# they cannot be retrieved via custom_variables until the order/orderitem is
templates/webpages/order/tabs/_second_row.html | ||
<th>[%- 'LP' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[%- LxERP.format_amount(ITEM.part.listprice, 2, 0) %]</td>
<th>[%- 'EK' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- L.input_tag("order.orderitems[].lastcost_as_number",
size = 5,
class="recalc reformat_number numeric") %]
[%- END %]
<th>[%- 'On Hand' | $T8 %]</th>
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Auftrags-Controller: Einkaufspreis in zweiter Zeile