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package SL::FCGIFixes;

use strict;

use Encode;
use FCGI;
use version;

# FCGI does not use Perl's I/O layer. Therefore it does not honor
# setting STDOUT to ":utf8" with "binmode". Also FCGI starting with
# 0.69 implements proper handling for UTF-8 flagged strings -- namely
# by downgrading them into bytes. The combination of the two causes
# Lx-Office's way of handling strings to go belly up (storing
# everything in Perl's internal encoding and using Perl's I/O layer
# for automatic conversion on output).
# This workaround monkeypatches FCGI's print routine so that all of
# its arguments safe for "$self" are encoded into UTF-8 before calling
# FCGI's original PRINT function.
# However, this must not be done if raw I/O is requested -- e.g. when
# sending out binary data. Fortunately that has been centralized via
# Locale's "with_raw_io" function which sets a variable indicating
# that current I/O operations should be raw.

sub fix_print_and_internal_encoding_after_0_68 {
return if version->new("$FCGI::VERSION")->numify <= version->new("0.68")->numify;

my $encoder = Encode::find_encoding('UTF-8');
my $original_fcgi_print = \&FCGI::Stream::PRINT;

no warnings 'redefine';

*FCGI::Stream::PRINT = sub {
if (!$::locale || !$::locale->raw_io_active) {
my $self = shift;
my @vals = map { $encoder->encode($_, Encode::FB_CROAK|Encode::LEAVE_SRC) } @_;
@_ = ($self, @vals);

goto $original_fcgi_print;

sub apply_fixes {
