


Herunterladen (20,2 KB) Statistiken
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83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# SQL-Ledger Accounting
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# Contributors:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Warehouse module

package WH;

use SL::AM;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::Form;

sub transfer {

my $self = shift;

if (!@_) {

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

my $units = AM->retrieve_units($myconfig, $form);

my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM transfer_type|;
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query);

my %transfer_types;

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$transfer_types{$ref->{direction}} ||= { };
$transfer_types{$ref->{direction}}->{$ref->{description}} = $ref->{id};

my @part_ids = map { $_->{parts_id} } @_;
my %partunits = selectall_as_map($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT id, unit FROM parts WHERE id IN (| . join(', ', map { '?' } @part_ids ) . qq|)|, 'id', 'unit', @part_ids);

my ($now) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT current_date|);

$query = qq|INSERT INTO inventory (warehouse_id, bin_id, parts_id, chargenumber, oe_id, orderitems_id, shippingdate,
employee_id, project_id, trans_id, trans_type_id, comment, qty)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, (SELECT id FROM employee WHERE login = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;

$sth = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $query);

my @directions = (undef, 'out', 'in', 'transfer');

while (@_) {
my $transfer = shift;
my ($trans_id) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('id')|);

my ($direction, @values) = (0);

$direction |= 1 if ($transfer->{src_warehouse_id} && $transfer->{src_bin_id});
$direction |= 2 if ($transfer->{dst_warehouse_id} && $transfer->{dst_bin_id});

push @values, conv_i($transfer->{parts_id}), "$transfer->{chargenumber}", conv_i($transfer->{oe_id}), conv_i($transfer->{orderitems_id});
push @values, $transfer->{shippingdate} eq 'current_date' ? $now : conv_date($transfer->{shippingdate}), $form->{login}, conv_i($transfer->{project_id}), $trans_id;

if ($transfer->{transfer_type_id}) {
push @values, $transfer->{transfer_type_id};
} else {
push @values, $transfer_types{$directions[$direction]}->{$transfer->{transfer_type}};

push @values, "$transfer->{comment}";

daec8d7a Moritz Bunkus
my $qty = $transfer->{qty};
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
if ($transfer->{unit}) {
my $partunit = $partunits{$transfer->{parts_id}};

$qty *= $units->{$transfer->{unit}}->{factor};
$qty /= $units->{$partunit}->{factor} || 1 if ($partunit);

if ($direction & 1) {
do_statement($form, $sth, $query, conv_i($transfer->{src_warehouse_id}), conv_i($transfer->{src_bin_id}), @values, $qty * -1);

if ($direction & 2) {
do_statement($form, $sth, $query, conv_i($transfer->{dst_warehouse_id}), conv_i($transfer->{dst_bin_id}), @values, $qty);




sub get_warehouse_journal {

my $self = shift;
my %filter = @_;

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

my $all_units = AM->retrieve_units($myconfig, $form);

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

# filters
my (@filter_ary, @filter_vars, $joins);

if ($filter{warehouse_id} ne '') {
push @filter_ary, " = ? OR = ?";
push @filter_vars, $filter{warehouse_id}, $filter{warehouse_id};

if ($filter{bin_id} ne '') {
push @filter_ary, " = ? OR = ?";
push @filter_vars, $filter{bin_id}, $filter{bin_id};

if ($filter{partnumber}) {
push @filter_ary, "p.partnumber ILIKE ?";
push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{partnumber} . '%';

if ($filter{description}) {
push @filter_ary, "(p.description ILIKE ?)";
push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{description} . '%';

if ($filter{chargenumber}) {
ddf943f2 Moritz Bunkus
push @filter_ary, "i1.chargenumber ILIKE ?";
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{chargenumber} . '%';

if ($form->{fromdate}) {
push @filter_ary, "?::DATE <= i1.itime::DATE";
push @filter_vars, $form->{fromdate};

if ($form->{todate}) {
push @filter_ary, "?::DATE >= i1.itime::DATE";
push @filter_vars, $form->{todate};

if ($form->{l_employee}) {
$joins .= "";

# prepare qty comparison for later filtering
my ($f_qty_op, $f_qty, $f_qty_base_unit);
if ($filter{qty_op} && defined($filter{qty}) && $filter{qty_unit} && $all_units->{$filter{qty_unit}}) {
$f_qty_op = $filter{qty_op};
$f_qty = $filter{qty} * $all_units->{$filter{qty_unit}}->{factor};
$f_qty_base_unit = $all_units->{$filter{qty_unit}}->{base_unit};

map { $_ = "(${_})"; } @filter_ary;

# if of a property number or description is requested,
# automatically check the matching id too.
map { $form->{"l_${_}id"} = "Y" if ($form->{"l_${_}description"} || $form->{"l_${_}number"}); } qw(warehouse bin);

# customize shown entry for not available fields.
$filter{na} = '-' unless $filter{na};

# make order, search in $filter and $form
$form->{sort} = $filter{sort} unless $form->{sort};
$form->{order} = ($form->{sort} = 'itime') unless $form->{sort};
$form->{sort} = 'itime' if $form->{sort} eq "date";
$form->{order} = $filter{order} unless $form->{order};
$form->{sort} .= (($form->{order}) ? " DESC" : " ASC");

my $where_clause = join(" AND ", @filter_ary) . " AND " if (@filter_ary);

$select_tokens{'trans'} = {
"parts_id" => "i1.parts_id",
"qty" => "ABS(SUM(i1.qty))",
"partnumber" => "p.partnumber",
"partdescription" => "p.description",
"bindescription" => "b.description",
"chargenumber" => "i1.chargenumber",
"warehousedescription" => "w.description",
"partunit" => "p.unit",
"bin_from" => "b1.description",
"bin_to" => "b2.description",
"warehouse_from" => "w1.description",
"warehouse_to" => "w2.description",
"comment" => "i1.comment",
"trans_type" => "tt.description",
"trans_id" => "i1.trans_id",
"date" => "i1.itime::DATE",
"itime" => "i1.itime",
"employee" => "",
"projectnumber" => "COALESCE(pr.projectnumber, '$filter{na}')",

$select_tokens{'out'} = {
"bin_to" => "'$filter{na}'",
"warehouse_to" => "'$filter{na}'",

$select_tokens{'in'} = {
"bin_from" => "'$filter{na}'",
"warehouse_from" => "'$filter{na}'",

# build the select clauses.
# take all the requested ones from the first hash and overwrite them from the out/in hashes if present.
for my $i ('trans', 'out', 'in') {
4895d0c6 Moritz Bunkus
$select{$i} = join ', ', map { +/^l_/; ($select_tokens{$i}{"$'"} || $select_tokens{'trans'}{"$'"}) . " AS r_$'" }
( grep( { !/qty$/ and /^l_/ and $form->{$_} eq 'Y' } keys %$form), qw(l_parts_id l_qty l_partunit l_itime) );
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus

my $group_clause = join ", ", map { +/^l_/; "r_$'" }
4895d0c6 Moritz Bunkus
( grep( { !/qty$/ and /^l_/ and $form->{$_} eq 'Y' } keys %$form), qw(l_parts_id l_partunit l_itime) );
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
my $query =
qq|SELECT DISTINCT $select{trans}
FROM inventory i1
LEFT JOIN inventory i2 ON i1.trans_id = i2.trans_id
LEFT JOIN parts p ON i1.parts_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b1 ON i1.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b2 ON i2.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w1 ON i1.warehouse_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w2 ON i2.warehouse_id =
LEFT JOIN transfer_type tt ON i1.trans_type_id =
LEFT JOIN project pr ON i1.project_id =
LEFT JOIN employee e ON i1.employee_id =
WHERE $where_clause i2.qty = -i1.qty AND i2.qty > 0 AND
i1.trans_id IN ( SELECT i.trans_id FROM inventory i GROUP BY i.trans_id HAVING COUNT(i.trans_id) = 2 )
GROUP BY $group_clause


SELECT DISTINCT $select{out}
FROM inventory i1
LEFT JOIN inventory i2 ON i1.trans_id = i2.trans_id
LEFT JOIN parts p ON i1.parts_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b1 ON i1.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b2 ON i2.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w1 ON i1.warehouse_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w2 ON i2.warehouse_id =
LEFT JOIN transfer_type tt ON i1.trans_type_id =
LEFT JOIN project pr ON i1.project_id =
LEFT JOIN employee e ON i1.employee_id =
WHERE $where_clause i1.qty < 0 AND
i1.trans_id IN ( SELECT i.trans_id FROM inventory i GROUP BY i.trans_id HAVING COUNT(i.trans_id) = 1 )
GROUP BY $group_clause


FROM inventory i1
LEFT JOIN inventory i2 ON i1.trans_id = i2.trans_id
LEFT JOIN parts p ON i1.parts_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b1 ON i1.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b2 ON i2.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w1 ON i1.warehouse_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w2 ON i2.warehouse_id =
LEFT JOIN transfer_type tt ON i1.trans_type_id =
LEFT JOIN project pr ON i1.project_id =
LEFT JOIN employee e ON i1.employee_id =
WHERE $where_clause i1.qty > 0 AND
i1.trans_id IN ( SELECT i.trans_id FROM inventory i GROUP BY i.trans_id HAVING COUNT(i.trans_id) = 1 )
GROUP BY $group_clause
ORDER BY r_$form->{sort}|;

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @filter_vars, @filter_vars, @filter_vars);

my @contents = ();
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
map { /^r_/; $ref->{"$'"} = $ref->{$_} } keys %$ref;
my $qty = $ref->{"qty"} * 1;

next unless ($qty > 0);

if ($f_qty_op) {
my $part_unit = $all_units->{$ref->{"partunit"}};
next unless ($part_unit && ($part_unit->{"base_unit"} eq $f_qty_base_unit));
$qty *= $part_unit->{"factor"};
next if (('=' eq $f_qty_op) && ($qty != $f_qty));
next if (('>=' eq $f_qty_op) && ($qty < $f_qty));
next if (('<=' eq $f_qty_op) && ($qty > $f_qty));

push @contents, $ref;



return @contents;

# This sub is the primary function to retrieve information about items in warehouses.
# $filter is a hashref and supports the following keys:
# - warehouse_id - will return matches with this warehouse_id only
# - partnumber - will return only matches where the given string is a substring of the partnumber
# - partsid - will return matches with this parts_id only
# - description - will return only matches where the given string is a substring of the description
# - chargenumber - will return only matches where the given string is a substring of the chargenumber
# - charge_ids - must be an arrayref. will return contents with these ids only
# - expires_in - will only return matches that expire within the given number of days
# will also add a column named 'has_expired' containing if the match has already expired or not
# - hazardous - will return matches with the flag hazardous only
# - oil - will return matches with the flag oil only
# - qty, qty_op - quantity filter (more info to come)
# - sort, order_by - sorting (more to come)
# - reservation - will provide an extra column containing the amount reserved of this match
# note: reservation flag turns off warehouse_* or bin_* information. both together don't make sense, since reserved info is stored separately
sub get_warehouse_report {

my $self = shift;
my %filter = @_;

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

my $all_units = AM->retrieve_units($myconfig, $form);

# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

# filters
my (@filter_ary, @filter_vars, @wh_bin_filter_ary, @wh_bin_filter_vars, $columns, $group_by);

delete $form->{include_empty_bins} unless ($form->{l_warehousedescription} || $form->{l_bindescription});

if ($filter{warehouse_id}) {
push @wh_bin_filter_ary, " = ?";
push @wh_bin_filter_vars, $filter{warehouse_id};

if ($filter{bin_id}) {
push @wh_bin_filter_ary, " = ?";
push @wh_bin_filter_vars, $filter{bin_id};

push @filter_ary, @wh_bin_filter_ary;
push @filter_vars, @wh_bin_filter_vars;

if ($filter{partnumber}) {
push @filter_ary, "p.partnumber ILIKE ?";
push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{partnumber} . '%';

if ($filter{description}) {
push @filter_ary, "p.description ILIKE ?";
push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{description} . '%';

if ($filter{partsid}) {
push @filter_ary, " = ?";
push @filter_vars, $filter{partsid};

if ($filter{chargenumber}) {
push @filter_ary, "i.chargenumber ILIKE ?";
push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{chargenumber} . '%';

# prepare qty comparison for later filtering
my ($f_qty_op, $f_qty, $f_qty_base_unit);

if ($filter{qty_op} && defined $filter{qty} && $filter{qty_unit} && $all_units->{$filter{qty_unit}}) {
$f_qty_op = $filter{qty_op};
$f_qty = $filter{qty} * $all_units->{$filter{qty_unit}}->{factor};
$f_qty_base_unit = $all_units->{$filter{qty_unit}}->{base_unit};

map { $_ = "(${_})"; } @filter_ary;

# if of a property number or description is requested,
# automatically check the matching id too.
map { $form->{"l_${_}id"} = "Y" if ($form->{"l_${_}description"} || $form->{"l_${_}number"}); } qw(warehouse bin);

# make order, search in $filter and $form
$form->{sort} = $filter{sort} unless $form->{sort};
$form->{sort} = "parts_id" unless $form->{sort};
$form->{order} = $filter{order} unless $form->{order};
$form->{sort} =~ s/ASC|DESC//; # kill stuff left in from previous queries
my $orderby = $form->{sort};
$form->{sort} .= (($form->{order}) ? " DESC" : " ASC");

my $where_clause = join " AND ", ("1=1", @filter_ary);

my %select_tokens = (
"parts_id" => "i.parts_id",
"qty" => "SUM(i.qty)",
"warehouseid" => "i.warehouse_id",
"partnumber" => "p.partnumber",
"partdescription" => "p.description",
"bindescription" => "b.description",
"binid" => "",
"chargenumber" => "i.chargenumber",
"chargeid" => "",
"warehousedescription" => "w.description",
"partunit" => "p.unit",
82498fb7 Moritz Bunkus
"stock_value" => "p.lastcost / COALESCE(pfac.factor, 1)",
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
4895d0c6 Moritz Bunkus
my $select_clause = join ', ', map { +/^l_/; "$select_tokens{$'} AS $'" }
( grep( { !/qty/ and /^l_/ and $form->{$_} eq 'Y' } keys %$form),
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
qw(l_parts_id l_qty l_partunit) );

my $group_clause = join ", ", map { +/^l_/; "$'" }
4895d0c6 Moritz Bunkus
( grep( { !/qty/ and /^l_/ and $form->{$_} eq 'Y' } keys %$form),
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
qw(l_parts_id l_partunit) );

82498fb7 Moritz Bunkus
my %join_tokens = (
"stock_value" => "LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON (p.price_factor_id =",

my $joins = join ' ', grep { $_ } map { +/^l_/; $join_tokens{"$'"} }
( grep( { !/qty/ and /^l_/ and $form->{$_} eq 'Y' } keys %$form),
qw(l_parts_id l_qty l_partunit) );

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
my $query =
qq|SELECT $select_clause
FROM inventory i
LEFT JOIN parts p ON i.parts_id =
LEFT JOIN bin b ON i.bin_id =
LEFT JOIN warehouse w ON i.warehouse_id =
82498fb7 Moritz Bunkus
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
WHERE $where_clause
GROUP BY $group_clause $group_by
ORDER BY $form->{sort}|;

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @filter_vars);

my (%non_empty_bins, @all_fields, @contents);

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
$ref->{qty} *= 1;
my $qty = $ref->{qty};

next unless ($qty > 0);

if ($f_qty_op) {
my $part_unit = $all_units->{$ref->{partunit}};
next if (!$part_unit || ($part_unit->{base_unit} ne $f_qty_base_unit));
$qty *= $part_unit->{factor};
next if (('=' eq $f_qty_op) && ($qty != $f_qty));
next if (('>=' eq $f_qty_op) && ($qty < $f_qty));
next if (('<=' eq $f_qty_op) && ($qty > $f_qty));

if ($form->{include_empty_bins}) {
$non_empty_bins{$ref->{binid}} = 1;
@all_fields = keys %{ $ref } unless (@all_fields);

82498fb7 Moritz Bunkus
$ref->{stock_value} *= $ref->{qty};

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
push @contents, $ref;


if ($form->{include_empty_bins}) {
$query =
qq|SELECT AS warehouseid, w.description AS warehousedescription, AS binid, b.description AS bindescription
FROM bin b
LEFT JOIN warehouse w ON (b.warehouse_id =|;

@filter_ary = @wh_bin_filter_ary;
@filter_vars = @wh_bin_filter_vars;

my @non_empty_bin_ids = keys %non_empty_bins;
if (@non_empty_bin_ids) {
push @filter_ary, qq|NOT IN (| . join(', ', map { '?' } @non_empty_bin_ids) . qq|)|;
push @filter_vars, @non_empty_bin_ids;

$query .= qq| WHERE | . join(' AND ', map { "($_)" } @filter_ary) if (@filter_ary);

$sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @filter_vars);

while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
map { $ref->{$_} ||= "" } @all_fields;
push @contents, $ref;

if (grep { $orderby eq $_ } qw(bindescription warehousedescription)) {
@contents = sort { ($a->{$orderby} cmp $b->{$orderby}) * (($form->{order}) ? 1 : -1) } @contents;


return @contents;

sub convert_qty_op {

my ($self, $qty_op) = @_;

if (!$qty_op || ($qty_op eq "dontcare")) {
return undef;

if ($qty_op eq "atleast") {
$qty_op = '>=';
} elsif ($qty_op eq "atmost") {
$qty_op = '<=';
} else {
$qty_op = '=';


return $qty_op;

sub retrieve_transfer_types {

my $self = shift;
my $direction = shift;

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

my $types = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT * FROM transfer_type WHERE direction = ? ORDER BY sortkey|, $direction);


return $types;

sub get_basic_bin_info {

my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;

Common::check_params(\%params, qw(id));

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh();

my @ids = 'ARRAY' eq ref $params{id} ? @{ $params{id} } : ($params{id});

my $query =
qq|SELECT AS bin_id, b.description AS bin_description, AS warehouse_id, w.description AS warehouse_description
FROM bin b
LEFT JOIN warehouse w ON (b.warehouse_id =
WHERE IN (| . join(', ', ('?') x scalar(@ids)) . qq|)|;

my $result = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, map { conv_i($_) } @ids);

if ('' eq ref $params{id}) {
$result = $result->[0] || { };

return $result;


return map { $_->{bin_id} => $_ } @{ $result };
