Revision ef32afed
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 12 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/Helper/ | ||
package SL::Controller::Helper::Paginated;
use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(make_paginated get_paginate_spec get_current_paginate_params _save_current_paginate_params _get_models_handler_for_paginated _callback_handler_for_paginated);
my ($controller_paginate_spec, $current_page, $current_per_page);
sub make_paginated {
my ($class, %specs) = @_;
$specs{MODEL} ||= $class->_controller_name;
$specs{MODEL} =~ s{ ^ SL::DB:: (?: .* :: )? }{}x;
$specs{PER_PAGE} ||= "SL::DB::Manager::$specs{MODEL}"->default_objects_per_page;
$specs{FORM_PARAMS} ||= [ qw(page per_page) ];
$specs{ONLY} ||= [];
$specs{ONLY} = [ $specs{ONLY} ] if !ref $specs{ONLY};
$controller_paginate_spec = \%specs;
my %hook_params = @{ $specs{ONLY} } ? ( only => $specs{ONLY} ) : ();
$class->run_before('_save_current_paginate_params', %hook_params);
callback => '_callback_handler_for_paginated',
get_models => '_get_models_handler_for_paginated',
ONLY => $specs{ONLY},
# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "CONSPEC", \%specs);
sub get_paginate_spec {
my ($class_or_self) = @_;
return $controller_paginate_spec;
sub get_current_paginate_params {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $spec = $self->get_paginate_spec;
$params{page} = $current_page unless defined $params{page};
$params{per_page} = $current_per_page unless defined $params{per_page};
my %paginate_params = (
page => ($params{page} * 1) || 1,
per_page => ($params{per_page} * 1) || $spec->{PER_PAGE},
my $calculated_params = "SL::DB::Manager::$spec->{MODEL}"->paginate(%paginate_params, args => {});
%paginate_params = (
num_pages => $calculated_params->{max},
common_pages => $calculated_params->{common},
# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "get_current_paginate_params: ", \%paginate_params);
return %paginate_params;
# private functions
sub _save_current_paginate_params {
my ($self) = @_;
my $paginate_spec = $self->get_paginate_spec;
$current_page = $::form->{ $paginate_spec->{FORM_PARAMS}->[0] } || 1;
$current_per_page = $::form->{ $paginate_spec->{FORM_PARAMS}->[1] } * 1;
# $::lxdebug->message(0, "saving current paginate params to $current_page / $current_per_page");
sub _callback_handler_for_paginated {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
if ($current_page) {
my $paginate_spec = $self->get_paginate_spec;
$params{ $paginate_spec->{FORM_PARAMS}->[0] } = $current_page;
$params{ $paginate_spec->{FORM_PARAMS}->[1] } = $current_per_page if $current_per_page;
# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "CB handler for paginated; params nach modif:", \%params);
return %params;
sub _get_models_handler_for_paginated {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$params{model} ||= $self->get_paginate_spec->{MODEL};
"SL::DB::Manager::$params{model}"->paginate($self->get_current_paginate_params, args => \%params);
# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "GM handler for paginated; params nach modif:", \%params);
return %params;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Controller::Helper::Paginated - A helper for semi-automatic handling
of paginating lists of database models in a controller
In a controller:
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use SL::Controller::Helper::Paginated;
MODEL => 'BackgroundJobHistory',
ONLY => [ qw(list) ],
FORM_PARAMS => [ qw(page per_page) ],
sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;
my $paginated_models = $self->get_models;
$self->render('controller/list', ENTRIES => $paginated_models);
In said template:
[% USE L %]
[% FOREACH entry = ENTRIES %]
[% END %]
[% L.paginate_controls %]
This specialized helper module enables controllers to display a
paginatable list of database models with as few lines as possible. It
can also be combined trivially with the L<SL::Controller::Sorted>
helper for sortable lists.
For this to work the controller has to provide the information which
indexes are eligible for paginateing etc. by a call to
L<make_paginated> at compile time.
The underlying functionality that enables the use of more than just
the paginate helper is provided by the controller helper
C<GetModels>. See the documentation for L<SL::Controller::Sorted> for
more information on it.
A template can use the method C<paginate_controls> from the layout
helper module C<L> which renders the links for navigation between the
This module requires that the Rose model managers use their C<Paginated>
The C<Paginated> helper hooks into the controller call to the action via
a C<run_before> hook. This is done so that it can remember the paginate
parameters that were used in the current view.
=over 4
=item C<make_paginated %paginate_spec>
This function must be called by a controller at compile time. It is
uesd to set the various parameters required for this helper to do its
The hash C<%paginate_spec> can include the following parameters:
=over 4
=item * C<MODEL>
Optional. A string: the name of the Rose database model that is used
as a default in certain cases. If this parameter is missing then it is
derived from the controller's package (e.g. for the controller
C<SL::Controller::BackgroundJobHistory> the C<MODEL> would default to
=item * C<PER_PAGE>
Optional. An integer: the number of models to return per page.
Defaults to the underlying database model's default number of models
per page.
=item * C<FORM_PARAMS>
Optional. An array reference with exactly two strings that name the
indexes in C<$::form> in which the current page's number (the first
element in the array) and the number of models per page (the second
element in the array) are stored.
Defaults to the values C<page> and C<per_page> if missing.
=item * C<ONLY>
Optional. An array reference containing a list of action names for
which the paginate parameters should be saved. If missing or empty then
all actions invoked on the controller are monitored.
These functions are called on a controller instance.
=over 4
=item C<get_paginate_spec>
Returns a hash containing the currently active paginate
parameters. The following keys are returned:
=over 4
=item * C<page>
The currently active page number (numbering starts at 1).
=item * C<per_page>
Number of models per page (at least 1).
=item * C<num_pages>
Number of pages to display (at least 1).
=item * C<common_pages>
An array reference with one hash reference for each possible
page. Each hash ref contains the keys C<active> (C<1> if that page is
the currently active page), C<page> (the page number this hash
reference describes) and C<visible> (whether or not it should be
=item C<get_current_paginate_params>
Returns a hash reference to the paginate spec structure given in the call
to L<make_paginated> after normalization (hash reference construction,
applying default parameters etc).
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
SL/Template/Plugin/ | ||
return '<a href="' . $controller->get_callback(%params) . '">' . _H($title) . $image . '</a>';
sub paginate_controls {
my ($self) = @_;
my $controller = $self->{CONTEXT}->stash->get('SELF');
my $paginate_spec = $controller->get_paginate_spec;
my %paginate_params = $controller->get_current_paginate_params;
my %template_params = (
pages => {
cur => $paginate_params{page},
max => $paginate_params{num_pages},
common => $paginate_params{common_pages},
url_maker => sub {
my %url_params = _hashify(@_);
$url_params{ $paginate_spec->{FORM_PARAMS}->[0] } = delete $url_params{page};
$url_params{ $paginate_spec->{FORM_PARAMS}->[1] } = delete $url_params{per_page} if exists $url_params{per_page};
return $controller->get_callback(%url_params);
my $output;
$controller->_template_obj->process('templates/webpages/common/paginate.html', \%template_params, \$output);
return $output;
... | ... | |
See the documentation of L<SL::Controller::Helper::Sorted> for an
overview and further usage instructions.
=item C<paginate_controls>
Create a set of links used to paginate a list view.
See the documentation of L<SL::Controller::Helper::Paginated> for an
overview and further usage instructions.
templates/webpages/common/paginate.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
<span class='paginate'>
[%- MACRO build_url BLOCK %]
[%- IF base_url %]
[%- base_url %]&page=[% page %]
[%- ELSE %]
[% url_maker('page' => page) %]
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
[%- IF pages.max > 1 %]
[%- IF pages.cur > 1 %]<a class='paginate-prev' href='[% base_url _ "&page=" _ (pages.cur - 1) %]'>« [% 'prev' | $T8 %]</a> [% ELSE %]<b>«</b> [% END %]
<span class='paginate'>
[%- IF pages.cur > 1 %]<a class='paginate-prev' href='[% build_url(page=pages.cur - 1) %]'>« [% 'prev' | $T8 %]</a> [% ELSE %]<b>«</b> [% END %]
[%- FOR p = pages.common %]
[%- NEXT UNLESS p.visible %]
[%- IF %]<a class='paginate-page' href="[% base_url _ "&page=" _ %]">[% %]</a> [% ELSE %]<b>[% %]</b> [%- END %]
[%- IF %]<a class='paginate-page' href="[% build_url( %]">[% %]</a> [% ELSE %]<b>[% %]</b> [%- END %]
[%- END %]
[%- IF pages.cur < pages.max %]<a class='paginate-next' href='[% base_url _ "&page=" _ (pages.cur + 1) %]'>[% 'next' | $T8 %] »</a>[% ELSE %]<b>»</b>[%- END %]
[%- IF pages.cur < pages.max %]<a class='paginate-next' href='[% build_url(page=pages.cur + 1) %]'>[% 'next' | $T8 %] »</a>[% ELSE %]<b>»</b>[%- END %]
[%- END %]
templates/webpages/delivery_plan/_list.html | ||
[%- END %]
<p align=right>[% PROCESS 'common/paginate.html' pages=SELF.pages, base_url=SELF.url_for(action='list', sort_dir=SELF.sort_dir, sort_by=SELF.sort_by) %]</p>
[% PROCESS 'common/paginate.html' pages=SELF.pages, base_url=SELF.url_for(action='list', sort_dir=SELF.sort_dir, sort_by=SELF.sort_by) %]
[%- END %]
templates/webpages/delivery_plan/report_bottom.html | ||
[% SET report_bottom_url_args = {} %]
[% report_bottom_url_args.import(SELF.flat_filter) %]
[% report_bottom_url_args.import({action='list', sort_dir=SELF.sort_dir, sort_by=SELF.sort_by}) %]
<p align=right>[% PROCESS 'common/paginate.html' pages=SELF.pages, base_url=SELF.url_for(report_bottom_url_args) %]</p>
[% PROCESS 'common/paginate.html' pages=SELF.pages, base_url=SELF.url_for(report_bottom_url_args) %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Controller-Helfer zum Paginaten von Listen