kivitendo/Devel/REPL/Plugin/ @ eeec1d5e
12237492 | Sven Schöling | package Devel::REPL::Plugin::AutoloadModules;
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
use Data::Dumper;
has 'autoloaded' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub { {} } );
my $re = qr/Runtime error: Can.t locate object method "\w+" via package "\w+" \(perhaps you forgot to load "(\w+)"\?\)/;
around 'execute' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my @re = $self->$orig(@_); # original call
return @re unless defined $re[0] && $re[0] =~ /$re/; # if there is no "perhaps you forgot" error, just return
my $module = $1; # save the missing package name
return @re if $self->autoloaded->{$module}; # if we tried to load it before, give up and return the error
$self->autoloaded->{$module} = 1; # make sure we don't try this again
$self->eval("use SL::$module"); # try to load the missing module
@re = $self->$orig(@_); # try again
return @re;