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Revision ee23f6e0

Von Bernd Blessmann vor mehr als 13 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID ee23f6e0a13418cf83d8f70063e2a0de5f5ea66b
  • Vorgänger 55a380fc
  • Nachfolger b9043da3

Änderungen für die Aufklappmenüs Forderungen und Verbindlichkeiten verhindern, ...

... bei schon bebuchten Konten. Siehe auch Bug 1640.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

my $ChartTypeIsAccount = ($form->{charttype} eq "A") ? "1":"";
my $AccountIsPosted = ($form->{orphaned} ) ? "":"1";
my $parameters_ref = {
ChartTypeIsAccount => $ChartTypeIsAccount,
AccountIsPosted => $AccountIsPosted,
select_category => $select_category,
select_charttype => $select_charttype,
select_bwa => $select_bwa,
'Cc' => 'Cc',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => 'Verändern der Lx-Office-Installationseinstellungen (Menüpunkte unterhalb von \'System\')',
'Change representative to' => 'Vertreter ändern in',
'Changes to Receivables and Payables are only possible if no transactions to this account are posted yet.' => 'Änderungen bei Forderungen oder Verbindlichkeiten sind nur möglich, wenn dieses Konto noch nicht bebucht wurde.',
'Charge Number' => 'Chargennummer',
'Charge number' => 'Chargennummer',
'Charset' => 'Zeichensatz',
'Cc' => '',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => '',
'Change representative to' => '',
'Changes to Receivables and Payables are only possible if no transactions to this account are posted yet.' => '',
'Charge Number' => '',
'Charge number' => '',
'Chart' => '',
 [% 'Inventory' | $T8 %]
[% IF AccountIsPosted %]
[%- SET DIS = ' disabled="disabled"' %]
[% END %]
<fieldset class="DEPENDS ON charttype BEING A">
<legend>[% 'Include in drop-down menus' | $T8 %]</legend>
<p style='font-weight:normal'>[% 'These will only be effective if the account is NOT a summary account AND there exists at least one taxkey. Setting the account as a summary account will erase these settings.' | $T8 %]</p>
<p style='font-weight:normal'>[% 'Changes to Receivables and Payables are only possible if no transactions to this account are posted yet.' | $T8 %]</p>
<table width="100%">
<th align="left">[% 'Receivables' | $T8 %]</th>
<input name="AR_amount" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="AR_amount"
[% HTML.escape(AR_amount) %]>&nbsp;
[% HTML.escape(AR_amount)%][% DIS %]>&nbsp;
[% 'Revenue' | $T8 %] <br>
<input name="AR_paid" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="AR_paid"
[% HTML.escape(AR_paid) %]>&nbsp;
[% HTML.escape(AR_paid) %][% DIS %]>&nbsp;
[% 'Receipt' | $T8 %] <br>
<input name="AR_tax" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="AR_tax"
[% HTML.escape(AR_tax) %]>&nbsp;
[% HTML.escape(AR_tax) %][% DIS %]>&nbsp;
[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]
<input name="AP_amount" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="AP_amount"
[% HTML.escape(AP_amount) %]>&nbsp;
[% HTML.escape(AP_amount) %][% DIS %]>&nbsp;
[% 'Expense/Asset' | $T8 %] <br>
<input name="AP_paid" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="AP_paid"
[% HTML.escape(AP_paid) %]>&nbsp;
[% HTML.escape(AP_paid) %][% DIS %]>&nbsp;
[% 'Payment' | $T8 %] <br>
<input name="AP_tax" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="AP_tax"
[% HTML.escape(AP_tax) %]>&nbsp;
[% HTML.escape(AP_tax) %][% DIS %]>&nbsp;
[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff