Revision ede34fe7
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 11 Jahren hinzugefügt
locale/de/all | ||
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return' => 'Berichtigte Anmeldung',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)' => 'Ist dies eine berichtigte Anmeldung? (Nr. 10/Zeile 15 Steuererklärung)',
'Amount' => 'Betrag',
'Amount (for verification)' => 'Betrag (zur Überprüfung)',
'Amount Due' => 'Betrag fällig',
'Amount and net amount are calculated by kivitendo. verify_amount and verify_netamount can be used for sanity checks.' => 'Betrag und Nettobetrag werden von kivitendo berechnet. verify_amount und verify_netamount können für Plausibilitätsprüfungen angegeben werden.',
'Amount payable' => 'Noch zu bezahlender Betrag',
'Amount payable less discount' => 'Noch zu bezahlender Betrag abzüglich Skonto',
'An exception occurred during execution.' => 'Während der Ausführung trat eine Ausnahme auf.',
... | ... | |
'CSV export -- options' => 'CSV-Export -- Optionen',
'CSV import: contacts' => 'CSV-Import: Ansprechpersonen',
'CSV import: customers and vendors' => 'CSV-Import: Kunden und Lieferanten',
'CSV import: orders' => 'CSV-Import: Aufträge',
'CSV import: parts and services' => 'CSV-Import: Waren und Dienstleistungen',
'CSV import: projects' => 'CSV-Import: Projekte',
'CSV import: shipping addresses' => 'CSV-Import: Lieferadressen',
... | ... | |
'Confirmation' => 'Auftragsbestätigung',
'Contact' => 'Kontakt',
'Contact Person' => 'Ansprechperson',
'Contact Person (database ID)' => 'Ansprechperson (Datenbank-ID)',
'Contact Person (name)' => 'Ansprechperson (Name)',
'Contact deleted.' => 'Ansprechperson gelöscht.',
'Contact is in use and was flagged invalid.' => 'Die Ansprechperson ist noch in Verwendung und wurde deshalb nur als ungültig markiert.',
'Contact person (surname)' => 'Ansprechperson (Nachname)',
... | ... | |
'Custom Variables' => 'Benutzerdefinierte Variablen',
'Custom variables for module' => 'Benutzerdefinierte Variablen für Modul',
'Customer' => 'Kunde',
'Customer (database ID)' => 'Kunde (Datenbank-ID)',
'Customer (name)' => 'Kunde (Name)',
'Customer Master Data' => 'Kundenstammdaten',
'Customer Name' => 'Kundenname',
... | ... | |
'Delivery Plan' => 'Lieferplan',
'Delivery Plan for currently outstanding sales orders' => 'Lieferplan für offene Verkaufsaufträge',
'Department' => 'Abteilung',
'Department (database ID)' => 'Abeilung (Datenbank-ID)',
'Department (description)' => 'Abteilung (Beschreibung)',
'Department 1' => 'Abteilung (1)',
'Department 2' => 'Abteilung (2)',
'Department Id' => 'Reservierung',
... | ... | |
'Do you want to set the account number "#1" to "#2" and the name "#3" to "#4"?' => 'Soll die Kontonummer "#1" zu "#2" und den Name "#3" zu "#4" geändert werden?',
'Do you want to store the existing onhand values into a new warehouse?' => 'Möchten Sie die vorhandenen Mengendaten in ein Lager übertragen?',
'Document' => 'Dokument',
'Document Project (database ID)' => 'Projektnummer des Belegs (Datenbank-ID)',
'Document Project (description)' => 'Projektnummer des Belegs (Beschreibung)',
'Document Project (number)' => 'Projektnummer des Belegs',
'Document Project Number' => 'Projektnummer des Belegs',
'Document Template' => 'Dokumentvorlage',
'Documentation' => 'Dokumentation',
... | ... | |
'Element disabled' => 'Element deaktiviert',
'Employee' => 'Bearbeiter',
'Employee #1 saved!' => 'Benutzer #1 gespeichert!',
'Employee (database ID)' => 'Bearbeiter (Datenbank-ID)',
'Employees' => 'Benutzer',
'Empty selection for warehouse will not be added, even if the old bin is still visible (use back and forth to edit again).' => 'Leere Lager-Auswahl wird ignoriert, selbst wenn noch ein Lagerplatz ausgewählt ist. Alle Daten können durch zurück und vorwärts korrigiert werden.',
'Empty transaction!' => 'Buchung ist leer!',
... | ... | |
'Error when saving: #1' => 'Fehler beim Speichern: #1',
'Error!' => 'Fehler!',
'Error: Buchungsgruppe missing or invalid' => 'Fehler: Buchungsgruppe fehlt oder ungültig',
'Error: Customer/vendor missing' => 'Fehler: Kunde/Lieferant fehlt',
'Error: Customer/vendor not found' => 'Fehler: Kunde/Lieferant nicht gefunden',
'Error: Gender (cp_gender) missing or invalid' => 'Fehler: Geschlecht (cp_gender) fehlt oder ungültig',
'Error: Invalid business' => 'Fehler: Kunden-/Lieferantentyp ungültig',
'Error: Invalid contact' => 'Fehler: Ansprechperson ungültig',
'Error: Invalid currency' => 'Fehler: ungültige Währung',
'Error: Invalid department' => 'Fehler: Abteilung ungültig',
'Error: Invalid language' => 'Fehler: Sprache ungültig',
'Error: Invalid order for this order item' => 'Fehler: Auftrag für diese Position ungültig',
'Error: Invalid part' => 'Fehler: Artikel ungültig',
'Error: Invalid part type' => 'Fehler: Artikeltyp ungültig',
'Error: Invalid parts group' => 'Fehler: Warengruppe ungültig',
'Error: Invalid payment terms' => 'Fehler: Zahlungsbedingungen ungültig',
'Error: Invalid price factor' => 'Fehler: Preisfaktor ungültig',
'Error: Invalid price group' => 'Fehler: Preisgruppe ungültig',
'Error: Invalid project' => 'Fehler: Projekt ungültig',
'Error: Invalid shipto' => 'Fehler: Lieferadresse ungültig',
'Error: Invalid tax zone' => 'Fehler: Steuerzone ungültig',
'Error: Invalid vendor in column make_#1' => 'Fehler: Lieferant ungültig in Spalte make_#1',
'Error: Name missing' => 'Fehler: Name fehlt',
'Error: Part not found' => 'Fehler: Artikel nicht gefunden',
'Error: Unit missing or invalid' => 'Fehler: Einheit fehlt oder ungültig',
'Errors' => 'Fehler',
'Ertrag' => 'Ertrag',
... | ... | |
'Last Vendor Number' => 'Letzte Lieferantennummer',
'Last command output' => 'Ausgabe des letzten Befehls',
'Last run at' => 'Letzte Ausführung um',
'Lastcost' => 'Einkaufspreis',
'Lastcost (with X being a number)' => 'Einkaufspreis (X ist eine fortlaufende Zahl)',
'Lead' => 'Kundenquelle',
'Leads' => 'Leads',
... | ... | |
'Master Data' => 'Stammdaten',
'Master Data Bin Text Deleted' => 'Gelöschte Stammdaten Freitext-Lagerplätze',
'Max. Dunning Level' => 'höchste Mahnstufe',
'Maximal amount difference' => 'maximale Betragsabweichung',
'Maximum future booking interval' => 'Maximale Anzahl von Tagen an denen Buchungen in der Zukunft erlaubt sind.',
'May' => 'Mai',
'May ' => 'Mai',
... | ... | |
'National Expenses' => 'Aufwand Inland',
'National Revenues' => 'Erlöse Inland',
'Net amount' => 'Nettobetrag',
'Net amount (for verification)' => 'Nettobetrag (zur Überprüfung)',
'Netto Terms' => 'Zahlungsziel netto',
'New Password' => 'Neues Passwort',
'New assembly' => 'Neues Erzeugnis',
... | ... | |
'Options' => 'Optionen',
'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (350kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language): ' => 'Oder laden Sie die komplette Installationsbeschreibung als PDF (350kB) herunter: ',
'Order' => 'Auftrag',
'OrderItem' => 'Position',
'Order Date' => 'Auftragsdatum',
'Order Date missing!' => 'Auftragsdatum fehlt!',
'Order Number' => 'Auftragsnummer',
'Order Number missing!' => 'Auftragsnummer fehlt!',
'Order deleted!' => 'Auftrag gelöscht!',
'Order/Item columns' => 'Auftrag-/Positions-Spalten',
'OrderItem' => 'Position',
'Ordered' => 'Von Kunden bestellt',
'Orders' => 'Aufträge',
'Orders / Delivery Orders deleteable' => 'Aufträge / Lieferscheine löschbar',
'Orientation' => 'Seitenformat',
'Orphaned' => 'Nie benutzt',
... | ... | |
'Page #1/#2' => 'Seite #1/#2',
'Paid' => 'bezahlt',
'Part' => 'Ware',
'Part (database ID)' => 'Artikel (Datenbank-ID)',
'Part Description' => 'Artikelbeschreibung',
'Part Description missing!' => 'Artikelbezeichnung fehlt!',
'Part Notes' => 'Bemerkungen',
... | ... | |
'Price factor (name)' => 'Preisfaktor (Name)',
'Price factor deleted!' => 'Preisfaktor gelöscht.',
'Price factor saved!' => 'Preisfaktor gespeichert.',
'Price group (database ID)' => 'Preisgruppe (Datenbank-ID)',
'Price group (name)' => 'Preisgruppe (Name) ',
'Price information' => 'Preisinformation',
'Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe',
'Pricegroup deleted!' => 'Preisgruppe gelöscht!',
... | ... | |
'Proforma Invoice' => 'Proformarechnung',
'Program' => 'Programm',
'Project' => 'Projekt',
'Project (database ID)' => 'Projekt (Datenbank-ID)',
'Project (description)' => 'Projekt (Beschreibung)',
'Project (number)' => 'Projektnummer',
'Project Description' => 'Projektbeschreibung',
'Project Number' => 'Projektnummer',
'Project Numbers' => 'Projektnummern',
... | ... | |
'Sales price total' => 'VK-Betrag',
'Sales quotation' => 'Angebot',
'Salesman' => 'Verkäufer/in',
'Salesman (database ID)' => 'Verkäufer (Datenbank-ID)',
'Salesperson' => 'Verkäufer',
'Same as the quote character' => 'Wie Anführungszeichen',
'Sat. Fax' => 'Sat. Fax',
... | ... | |
'Settings' => 'Einstellungen',
'Setup Menu' => 'Menü-Variante',
'Ship to' => 'Lieferadresse',
'Ship to (database ID)' => 'Lieferadresse (Datenbank-ID)',
'Ship via' => 'Transportmittel',
'Shipping Address' => 'Lieferadresse',
'Shipping Point' => 'Versandort',
... | ... | |
'Tax paid' => 'Vorsteuer',
'Tax rate' => 'Steuersatz',
'Tax saved!' => 'Steuer gespeichert!',
'Tax zone (database ID)' => 'Steuerzone ((Datenbank-ID)',
'Tax zone (description)' => 'Steuerzone (Beschreibung)',
'Tax-O-Matic' => 'Steuer',
'Tax-o-matic Account' => 'Automatikbuchung auf Konto',
'Taxaccount_coa' => 'Automatikkonto',
... | ... | |
'Variable Description' => 'Datenfeldbezeichnung',
'Variable Name' => 'Datenfeldname (intern)',
'Vendor' => 'Lieferant',
'Vendor (database ID)' => '(Datenbank-ID)',
'Vendor (name)' => 'Lieferant (Name)',
'Vendor Invoice' => 'Einkaufsrechnung',
'Vendor Invoices & AP Transactions' => 'Einkaufsrechnungen & Kreditorenbuchungen',
locale/en/all | ||
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# vim: fenc=UTF-8
# vim: fenc=utf-8
use utf8;
... | ... | |
' Part Number missing!' => '',
' missing!' => '',
'#1 (custom variable)' => '',
'#1 MD' => '',
'#1 h' => '',
'#1 of #2 importable objects were imported.' => '',
'#1 prices were updated.' => '',
'* there are restrictions for the perpetual method, look at chapter "Bemerkungen zu Bestandsmethode" in' => '',
'*) Since version 2.7 these parameters ares set in the client database and not in the lx-erp.conf / lx_office.conf file, details in chapter:' => '',
'(recommended) Insert the used currencies in the system. You can simply change the name of the currencies by editing the textfields above. Do not use a name of a currency that is already in use.' => '',
'*/' => '',
', if set' => '',
'---please select---' => '',
'. Automatically generated.' => '',
'...after loggin in' => '',
... | ... | |
'2. Quarter' => '',
'3. Quarter' => '',
'4. Quarter' => '',
'<b> I DO CARE!</b> Please check create warehouse and bins and define a name for the warehouse (Bins will be created automatically) and then continue' => '',
'<b> I DO CARE!</b> Please click back and cancel the update and come back after there has been at least one warehouse defined with bin(s).:' => '',
'<b> I DO NOT CARE</b> Please click continue and the following data (see list) will be deleted:' => '',
'<b>Automatically create new bins</b> in the following new warehouse ' => '',
'<b>Automatically create new bins</b> in the following warehouse if not selected in the list above' => '',
'<b>Default Bins Migration !READ CAREFULLY!</b>' => '',
'<b>What</b> do you want to look for?' => '',
'A Buchungsgruppe consists of a descriptive name and the account numbers for the income and expense accounts for those four tax zones as well as the inventory account number.' => '',
'A digit is required.' => '',
'A group named "Full Access" has been created.' => '',
'A group with that name does already exist.' => '',
'A directory with the name for the new print templates exists already.' => '',
'A lot of the usability of kivitendo has been enhanced with javascript. Although it is currently possible to use every aspect of kivitendo without javascript, we strongly recommend it. In a future version this may change and javascript may be necessary to access advanced features.' => '',
'A lower-case character is required.' => '',
'A special character is required (valid characters: #1).' => '',
'A temporary directory could not be created:' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created:' => '',
'A unit with this name does already exist.' => '',
'A valid taxkey is missing!' => '',
'A variable marked as \'editable\' can be changed in each quotation, order, invoice etc.' => '',
... | ... | |
'ASSETS' => '',
'ATTENTION! If you enabled this feature you can not simply turn it off again without taking care that best_before fields are emptied in the database.' => '',
'ATTENTION! You can not simply change it from periodic to perpetual once you started posting.' => '',
'Abort' => '',
'Abrechnungsnummer' => '',
'Abteilung' => '',
'Access rights' => '',
'Access to clients' => '',
'Account' => '',
'Account Category A' => '',
'Account Category C' => '',
... | ... | |
'Account Link IC_taxpart' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxservice' => '',
'Account Number' => '',
'Account Number already used!' => '',
'Account Number missing!' => '',
'Account Nummer' => '',
'Account Type' => '',
'Account Type missing!' => '',
'Account categories' => '',
'Account deleted!' => '',
'Account for fees' => '',
'Account for interest' => '',
'Account number' => '',
'Account number #1, bank code #2, #3' => '',
'Account number not unique!' => '',
'Account saved!' => '',
'Accounting Group deleted!' => '',
'Accounting Group saved!' => '',
'Accounting method' => '',
'Accrual' => '',
'Accrual accounting' => '',
'Active' => '',
'Active?' => '',
'Add' => '',
... | ... | |
'Add Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Add Sales Transaction',
'Add Assembly' => '',
'Add Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Add Business' => '',
'Add Client' => '',
'Add Credit Note' => '',
'Add Customer' => '',
'Add Delivery Note' => '',
'Add Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Department' => '',
'Add Dunning' => '',
'Add Exchangerate' => '',
'Add Follow-Up' => '',
... | ... | |
'Add Lead' => '',
'Add Machine' => '',
'Add Part' => '',
'Add Payment Terms' => '',
'Add Price Factor' => '',
'Add Pricegroup' => '',
'Add Printer' => '',
... | ... | |
'Add Storno Credit Note' => '',
'Add Transaction' => '',
'Add User' => '',
'Add User Group' => '',
'Add Vendor' => '',
'Add Vendor Invoice' => '',
'Add Warehouse' => '',
'Add a new group' => '',
'Add and edit units' => '',
'Add bank account' => '',
'Add custom variable' => '',
'Add link: select records to link with' => '',
'Add linked record' => '',
'Add links' => '',
'Add new currency' => '',
'Add new custom variable' => '',
'Add note' => '',
'Add unit' => '',
'Address' => '',
'Admin' => '',
'Administration' => '',
'Administration (Used to access instance administration from user logins)' => '',
'Administration area' => '',
'Advance turnover tax return' => '',
'Aktion' => '',
'All' => '',
'All Accounts' => '',
'All Datasets up to date!' => '',
'All changes in that file have been reverted.' => '',
'All database upgrades have been applied.' => '',
'All clients' => '',
'All general ledger entries' => '',
'All groups' => '',
'All of the exports you have selected were already closed.' => '',
'All reports' => '',
'All the other clients will start with an empty set of WebDAV folders.' => '',
'All the selected exports have already been closed, or all of their items have already been executed.' => '',
'All units have either no or exactly one base unit of which they are multiples.' => '',
'All users' => '',
'Allow access' => '',
'Allow the following users access to my follow-ups:' => '',
'Alternatively you can create a new part which will then be selected.' => '',
'Alternatively you can skip this step and create groups yourself.' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)' => '',
'Amount' => '',
'Amount (for verification)' => '',
'Amount Due' => '',
'Amount has to be greater then zero! Wrong row number: ' => '',
'Amount and net amount are calculated by kivitendo. verify_amount and verify_netamount can be used for sanity checks.' => '',
'Amount payable' => '',
'Amount payable less discount' => '',
'An exception occurred during execution.' => '',
'An invalid character was used (invalid characters: #1).' => '',
'An invalid character was used (valid characters: #1).' => '',
'An upper-case character is required.' => '',
'Annotations' => '',
'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => '',
'Any stock contents containing a best before date will be impossible to stock out otherwise.' => '',
'Ap aging on %s' => '',
'Application Error. No Format given' => '',
... | ... | |
'Apr' => '',
'April' => '',
'Ar aging on %s' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Delivery Order Number #1?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete this background job?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete this business?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete this department?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete this payment term?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to remove the marked entries from the queue?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to update the prices' => '',
'Are you sure?' => '',
'Article Code' => '',
'Article Code missing!' => '',
'Article type (see below)' => '',
... | ... | |
'Assembly Number missing!' => '',
'Asset' => '',
'Assets' => '',
'Assign new units' => '',
'Assign units' => '',
'Assistant for general ledger corrections' => '',
'Assume Tax Consultant Data in Tax Computation?' => '',
'At least' => '',
'At least one Perl module that Lx-Office ERP requires for running is not installed on your system.' => '',
'At least one Perl module that kivitendo ERP requires for running is not installed on your system.' => '',
'At least one of the columns #1, customer, customernumber, vendor, vendornumber (depending on the target table) is required for matching the entry to an existing customer or vendor.' => '',
'At most' => '',
'At the moment the transaction looks like this:' => '',
... | ... | |
'BWA' => '',
'Back' => '',
'Back to login' => '',
'Back to the login page' => '',
'Backup Dataset' => '',
'Backup file' => '',
'Backup of dataset' => '',
'Background job history' => '',
'Background jobs' => '',
'Background jobs and task server' => '',
'Balance' => '',
'Balance Sheet' => '',
'Balancing' => '',
'Bank' => '',
'Bank Code' => '',
'Bank Code (long)' => '',
... | ... | |
'Basic Data' => '',
'Batch Printing' => '',
'Bcc' => '',
'Bcc E-mail' => '',
'Because the useability gets worse if one partnumber is used for several parts (for example if you are searching a position for an invoice), partnumbers should be unique.' => '',
'Belegnummer' => '',
'Beratername' => '',
'Beraternummer' => '',
... | ... | |
'Bilanz' => '',
'Billing Address' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (city)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (country)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (street)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (zipcode)' => '',
'Bin' => '',
'Bin From' => '',
'Bin List' => '',
'Bin To' => '',
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/kivitendo.conf.' => '',
'Bins saved.' => '',
'Bins that have been used in the past cannot be deleted anymore. For these bins there\'s no checkbox in the "Delete" column.' => '',
'Birthday' => '',
'Birthday (after conversion)' => '',
'Birthday (before conversion)' => '',
'Bis' => '',
'Bis Konto: ' => '',
'Block' => '',
... | ... | |
'Both' => '',
'Bottom' => '',
'Bought' => '',
'Break up the update and contact a service provider.' => '',
'Buchungsdatum' => '',
'Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Buchungsgruppe (database ID)' => '',
... | ... | |
'CB Transaction' => '',
'CB Transactions' => '',
'CR' => '',
'CRM' => '',
'CRM admin' => '',
'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts' => '',
'CRM follow up' => '',
... | ... | |
'CRM status' => '',
'CRM termin' => '',
'CRM user' => '',
'CSS style for pictures' => '',
'CSV export -- options' => '',
'CSV import: contacts' => '',
'CSV import: customers and vendors' => '',
'CSV import: orders' => '',
'CSV import: parts and services' => '',
'CSV import: projects' => '',
'CSV import: shipping addresses' => '',
'Calculate' => '',
'Calendar' => '',
'Can not create that quantity with current stock' => '',
'Cancel' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Payables Transaction' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '',
'Cannot create Lock!' => '',
'Cannot check correct WebDAV folder' => '',
'Cannot delete account!' => '',
'Cannot delete customer!' => '',
'Cannot delete default account!' => '',
... | ... | |
'Cannot post invoice!' => '',
'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post payment!' => '',
'Cannot post storno for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction above the maximum future booking date!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction!' => '',
... | ... | |
'Cannot save preferences!' => '',
'Cannot save quotation!' => '',
'Cannot storno storno invoice!' => '',
'Cannot transfer. <br> Reason:<br>#1' => '',
'Carry over shipping address' => '',
'Cash' => '',
'Cash accounting' => '',
'Cash basis accounting' => '',
'Catalog' => '',
'Cc' => '',
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => '',
'Cc E-mail' => '',
'Change default bin for this parts' => '',
'Change kivitendo installation settings (most entries in the \'System\' menu)' => '',
'Change representative to' => '',
'Changes in this block are only sensible if the account is NOT a summary account AND there exists one valid taxkey. To select both Receivables and Payables only make sense for Payment / Receipt (i.e. account cash).' => '',
'Changes to Receivables and Payables are only possible if no transactions to this account are posted yet.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Chart Type' => '',
'Chart balance' => '',
'Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Chart of accounts' => '',
'Chartaccounts connected to this Tax:' => '',
'Check' => 'Cheque',
'Check Details' => '',
... | ... | |
'City' => '',
'Cleared Balance' => '',
'Clearing Tax Received (No 71)' => '',
'Click on login name to edit!' => '',
'Client' => '',
'Client #1' => '',
'Client Configuration' => '',
'Client Configuration saved!' => '',
'Client administration: configuration, editing templates, task server control, background jobs (remaining entries in the \'System\' menu)' => '',
'Client list' => '',
'Client name' => '',
'Client to assign the existing WebDAV folders to' => '',
'Client to configure the printers for' => '',
'Clients this Group is valid for' => '',
'Clients this user has access to' => '',
'Close' => '',
'Close Books up to' => '',
'Close Dialog' => '',
'Close Flash' => '',
'Close SEPA exports' => '',
'Close Window' => '',
'Close window' => '',
'Closed' => '',
'Collective Orders only work for orders from one customer!' => '',
'Column name' => '',
... | ... | |
'Comment' => '',
'Company' => '',
'Company Name' => '',
'Company name' => '',
'Company settings' => '',
'Compare to' => '',
'Configuration' => '',
'Configuration of individual TODO items' => '',
'Configure' => '',
'Confirm' => '',
'Confirm!' => '',
'Confirmation' => '',
'Contact' => '',
'Contact Person' => '',
'Contact Person (database ID)' => '',
'Contact Person (name)' => '',
'Contact deleted.' => '',
'Contact is in use and was flagged invalid.' => '',
'Contact person (surname)' => '',
... | ... | |
'Contacts' => '',
'Continue' => '',
'Contra' => '',
'Conversion of "birthday" contact person attribute' => '',
'Copies' => '',
'Copy file from #1 to #2 failed: #3' => '',
'Correct taxkey' => '',
'Corrections' => '',
'Costs' => '',
'Could not copy %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not load class #1 (#2): "#3"' => '',
'Could not load class #1, #2' => '',
'Could not load employee' => '',
'Could not open the file users/members.' => '',
'Could not open the old memberfile.' => '',
'Could not print dunning.' => '',
'Could not rename %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not spawn ghostscript.' => '',
'Could not spawn the printer command.' => '',
'Could not update prices!' => '',
'Country' => '',
'Create Assembly' => '',
'Create Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Create Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Create Dataset' => '',
'Create Date' => '',
'Create a new background job' => '',
'Create a new business' => '',
'Create a new client' => '',
'Create a new department' => '',
'Create a new group' => '',
'Create a new payment term' => '',
'Create a standard group' => '',
'Create a new printer' => '',
'Create a new project' => '',
'Create a new user' => '',
'Create a new user group' => '',
'Create and edit RFQs' => '',
'Create and edit dunnings' => '',
'Create and edit invoices and credit notes' => '',
... | ... | |
'Create customers and vendors. Edit all vendors. Edit only customers where salesman equals employee (login)' => '',
'Create invoice?' => '',
'Create new' => '',
'Create new background job' => '',
'Create new business' => '',
'Create new client #1' => '',
'Create new department' => '',
'Create new payment term' => '',
'Create new templates from master templates' => '',
'Create tables' => '',
'Created by' => '',
'Created for' => '',
... | ... | |
'Curr' => '',
'Currencies' => '',
'Currency' => '',
'Currency (database ID)' => '',
'Currency name' => '',
'Currency names must be unique.' => '',
'Currency names must not be empty.' => '',
'Current / Next Level' => '',
'Current Earnings' => '',
'Current assets account' => '',
'Current filter' => '',
'Current profile' => '',
'Current unit' => '',
'Current status' => '',
'Current value:' => '',
'Custom Variables' => '',
'Custom variables for module' => '',
'Customer' => '',
'Customer (database ID)' => '',
'Customer (name)' => '',
'Customer Master Data' => '',
'Customer Name' => '',
'Customer Number' => '',
'Customer Order Number' => '',
... | ... | |
'Customer missing!' => '',
'Customer not on file or locked!' => '',
'Customer not on file!' => '',
'Customer saved' => '',
'Customer saved!' => '',
'Customer type' => '',
'Customer variables' => '',
... | ... | |
'DATEX - Export Assistent' => '',
'DELETED' => '',
'DFV-Kennzeichen' => '',
'DHL' => '',
'DR' => '',
'DUNS number' => '',
'DUNS-Nr' => '',
'Database' => '',
'Data' => '',
'Database Administration' => '',
'Database Connection Test' => '',
'Database Host' => '',
'Database ID' => '',
'Database Management' => '',
'Database User' => '',
'Database User missing!' => '',
'Database backups and restorations are disabled in the configuration.' => '',
'Database host and port' => '',
'Database login (#1)' => '',
'Database name' => '',
'Database settings' => '',
'Database template' => '',
'Database update error:' => '',
'Dataset' => '',
'Database user and password' => '',
'Dataset missing!' => '',
'Dataset name' => '',
'Dataset upgrade' => '',
'Date' => '',
'Date Format' => '',
... | ... | |
'Decrease' => '',
'Default (no language selected)' => '',
'Default Accounts' => '',
'Default Bin' => '',
'Default Bin with ignoring onhand' => '',
'Default Client (unconfigured)' => '',
'Default Customer/Vendor Language' => '',
'Default Transfer' => '',
'Default Transfer Out always succeed. The current part onhand is ignored and the inventory can have negative stocks (not recommended).' => '',
'Default Transfer Out with negative inventory' => '',
'Default Transfer with Master Bin' => '',
'Default Warehouse' => '',
'Default Warehouse with ignoring on hand' => '',
'Default buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Default client' => '',
'Default currency' => '',
'Default currency missing!' => '',
'Default output medium' => '',
'Default printer' => '',
'Default template format' => '',
'Default unit' => '',
'Default value' => '',
'Defaults saved.' => '',
'Delete' => '',
'Delete Account' => '',
'Delete Contact' => '',
'Delete Dataset' => '',
'Delete Shipto' => '',
'Delete delivery order' => '',
'Delete drafts' => '',
'Delete group' => '',
'Delete links' => '',
'Delete profile' => '',
'Delete transaction' => '',
'Deleted' => '',
... | ... | |
'Delivery Plan' => '',
'Delivery Plan for currently outstanding sales orders' => '',
'Department' => '',
'Department (database ID)' => '',
'Department (description)' => '',
'Department 1' => '',
'Department 2' => '',
'Department Id' => '',
... | ... | |
'Destination warehouse and bin' => '',
'Details (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Difference' => '',
'Dimension unit' => '',
'Directory' => '',
'Discard duplicate entries in CSV file' => '',
'Discard entries with duplicates in database or CSV file' => '',
... | ... | |
'Display' => '',
'Display file' => '',
'Display options' => '',
'Do not change the tax rate of taxkey 0.' => '',
'Do not check for duplicates' => '',
'Do not set default buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank collections that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Do you really want to delete AP transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete AR transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete GL transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this group?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete the selected links?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this object?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this warehouse?' => '',
'Do you want kivitendo to create a group for access to all functions?' => '',
'Do you want to <b>limit</b> your search?' => '',
'Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?' => '',
'Do you want to set the account number "#1" to "#2" and the name "#3" to "#4"?' => '',
'Do you want to store the existing onhand values into a new warehouse?' => '',
'Document' => '',
'Document Project (database ID)' => '',
'Document Project (description)' => '',
'Document Project (number)' => '',
'Document Project Number' => '',
'Document Template' => '',
'Documentation' => '',
'Documentation (in German)' => '',
'Documents' => '',
'Document Project Number' => '',
'Documents in the WebDAV repository' => '',
'Done' => '',
'Double partnumbers' => '',
'Download SEPA XML export file' => '',
'Download sample file' => '',
'Download the backup' => '',
'Draft saved.' => '',
'Drawing' => '',
'Driver' => '',
'Dropdown Limit' => '',
'Due' => '',
'Due Date' => '',
... | ... | |
'Dunnings' => '',
'Duplicate in CSV file' => '',
'Duplicate in database' => '',
'During this user migration kivitendo can create such a group for you and grant all users access to all of kivitendo\'s functions.' => '',
'During the next update a taxkey 0 with tax rate of 0 will automatically created.' => '',
'E-mail' => '',
'E-mail Statement to' => '',
'E-mail address missing!' => '',
... | ... | |
'ELSTER Export nach Winston' => '',
'ELSTER Tax Number' => '',
'EQUITY' => '',
'EU with VAT ID' => '',
'EU without VAT ID' => '',
'EUER' => '',
'EUR' => '',
'Earlier versions of kivitendo contained bugs which might have led to wrong entries in the general ledger.' => '',
'Edit' => '',
'Edit Access Rights' => '',
... | ... | |
'Edit Assembly' => '',
'Edit Bins' => '',
'Edit Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Edit Client' => '',
'Edit Credit Note' => '',
'Edit Customer' => '',
'Edit Dunning' => '',
... | ... | |
'Edit Price Factor' => '',
'Edit Pricegroup' => '',
'Edit Printer' => '',
'Edit Project' => '',
'Edit Purchase Delivery Order' => '',
'Edit Purchase Order' => '',
'Edit Quotation' => '',
... | ... | |
'Edit Storno Credit Note' => '',
'Edit Storno Invoice' => '',
'Edit User' => '',
'Edit User Group' => '',
'Edit Vendor' => '',
'Edit Vendor Invoice' => '',
'Edit Warehouse' => '',
'Edit and delete a group' => '',
'Edit background job' => '',
'Edit bank account' => '',
'Edit business' => '',
'Edit custom variable' => '',
'Edit department' => '',
'Edit file' => '',
'Edit greetings' => '',
'Edit group ' => '',
'Edit group membership' => '',
'Edit groups' => '',
'Edit membership' => '',
'Edit note' => '',
'Edit payment term' => '',
'Edit prices and discount (if not used, textfield is ONLY set readonly)' => '',
'Edit rights' => '',
'Edit project' => '',
'Edit project #1' => '',
'Edit templates' => 'Templates, edit',
'Edit the Delivery Order' => '',
'Edit the configuration for periodic invoices' => '',
'Edit the membership of all users in all groups:' => '',
'Edit the currency names in order to rename them.' => '',
'Edit the purchase_order' => '',
'Edit the request_quotation' => '',
'Edit the sales_order' => '',
... | ... | |
'Element disabled' => '',
'Employee' => '',
'Employee #1 saved!' => '',
'Employee (database ID)' => '',
'Employees' => '',
'Empty selection for warehouse will not be added, even if the old bin is still visible (use back and forth to edit again).' => '',
'Empty transaction!' => '',
'End date' => '',
'Enter a description for this new draft.' => '',
'Enter longdescription' => '',
'Enter the requested execution date or leave empty for the quickest possible execution:' => '',
'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies' => '',
'Entries for which automatic conversion failed:' => '',
'Entries for which automatic conversion succeeded:' => '',
'Equity' => '',
'Error' => '',
'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s' => '',
... | ... | |
'Error in position #1: You must either assign no transfer at all or the full quantity of #2 #3.' => '',
'Error in row #1: The quantity you entered is bigger than the stocked quantity.' => '',
'Error message from the database driver:' => '',
'Error message from the database: #1' => '',
'Error when saving: #1' => '',
'Error!' => '',
'Error: Buchungsgruppe missing or invalid' => '',
'Error: Customer/vendor missing' => '',
'Error: Customer/vendor not found' => '',
'Error: Gender (cp_gender) missing or invalid' => '',
'Error: Invalid business' => '',
'Error: Invalid contact' => '',
'Error: Invalid currency' => '',
'Error: Invalid department' => '',
'Error: Invalid language' => '',
'Error: Invalid order for this order item' => '',
'Error: Invalid part' => '',
'Error: Invalid part type' => '',
'Error: Invalid parts group' => '',
'Error: Invalid payment terms' => '',
'Error: Invalid price factor' => '',
'Error: Invalid price group' => '',
'Error: Invalid project' => '',
'Error: Invalid shipto' => '',
'Error: Invalid tax zone' => '',
'Error: Invalid vendor in column make_#1' => '',
'Error: Name missing' => '',
'Error: Part not found' => '',
'Error: Unit missing or invalid' => '',
'Errors' => '',
'Ertrag' => '',
'Ertrag prozentual' => '',
'Escape character' => '',
'EuR' => '',
'Everyone can log in.' => '',
'Exact' => '',
'Example:' => '',
'Excel' => '',
... | ... | |
'Exchangerate Difference' => '',
'Exchangerate for payment missing!' => '',
'Exchangerate missing!' => '',
'Execute now' => '',
'Executed' => '',
'Execution date' => '',
'Execution date from' => '',
'Execution date to' => '',
'Existing Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Execution schedule' => '',
'Execution status' => '',
'Execution type' => '',
'Existing Datasets' => '',
'Existing contacts (with column \'cp_id\')' => '',
'Existing customers/vendors with same customer/vendor number' => '',
'Existing file on server' => '',
'Existing pending follow-ups for this item' => '',
'Existing profiles' => '',
'Expected Tax' => '',
'Expense' => '',
'Expense Account' => '',
'Expense accno' => '',
'Expense/Asset' => '',
'Expenses EU with UStId' => '',
'Expenses EU without UStId' => '',
'Export Buchungsdaten' => '',
'Export Number' => '',
'Export Stammdaten' => '',
'Export as CSV' => '',
'Export as PDF' => '',
... | ... | |
'Factor missing!' => '',
'Falsches Datumsformat!' => '',
'Fax' => '',
'Features' => '',
'Feb' => '',
'February' => '',
'Fee' => '',
'Field' => '',
'File' => '',
'File name' => '',
'Files created by kivitendo\'s "Backup Dataset" function are such files.' => '',
'Filter' => '',
'Filter date by' => '',
'Filter for customer variables' => '',
'Filter for item variables' => '',
'Filter parts' => '',
'Finish' => '',
'First 20 Lines' => '',
'Fix transaction' => '',
... | ... | |
'Font size' => '',
'For AP transactions it will replace the sales taxkeys with input taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
'For AR transactions it will replace the input taxkeys with sales taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
'For each unit there\'s either no or exactly one base unit. If you chose a base unit then you also have to chose a factor. That way the new unit will be defined as a multiple of the base unit. The base unit must be the "smaller" one. A factor may not be less than 1. Therefore you may define "kg" with the base unit "g" and a factor of "1", but not the other way round.' => '',
'For further information read this: ' => '',
'For type "customer" the perl module JSON is required. Please check this on system level: $ ./scripts/' => '',
'Foreign Exchange Gain' => '',
... | ... | |
'Fristsetzung' => '',
'From' => '',
'From Date' => '',
'From this version on the taxkey 0 is reserved for tax rate 0.' => '',
'From this version on a new feature is available.' => '',
'From this version on it is necessary to name a default value.' => '',
'From this version on the partnumber of services, articles and assemblies have to be unique.' => '',
'From this version on the taxkey 0 must have a tax rate of 0 (for DATEV compatibility).' => '',
'Full Access' => '',
'Full Preview' => '',
'Full access to all functions' => '',
'Furthermore you should define a taxkey for all accounts, because this update cannot be executed.' => '',
'Function/position' => '',
'Fwd' => 'Forward',
'GL Transaction' => '',
'GL transactions changeable' => '',
... | ... | |
'General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'General ledger and cash' => '',
'General ledger corrections' => '',
'General settings' => '',
'Generic Tax Report' => '',
'Git revision: #1, #2 #3' => '',
'Given Name' => '',
'Go one step back' => '',
'Go one step forward' => '',
... | ... | |
'Group' => '',
'Group Invoices' => '',
'Group Items' => '',
'Group assignment' => '',
'Group deleted!' => '',
'Group list' => '',
'Group membership' => '',
'Group missing!' => '',
'Group saved!' => '',
'Groups' => '',
'Groups that are valid for this client for access rights' => '',
'Groups this user is a member in' => '',
'Groups valid for this client' => '',
'HTML' => '',
'HTML Templates' => '',
'Handling of WebDAV' => '',
'Hardcopy' => '',
'Has serial number' => '',
'Heading' => '',
'Help' => '',
'Help Template Variables' => '',
'Help on column names' => '',
'Here' => '',
'Here you only provide the credentials for logging into the database.' => '',
'Here\'s an example command line:' => '',
'Hide Filter' => '',
'Hide by default' => '',
'Hide help text' => '',
'Hide settings' => '',
'Hints' => '',
'History' => '',
'History Search' => '',
'History Search Engine' => '',
... | ... | |
'ID-Nummer' => '',
'II' => '',
'III' => '',
'IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot safely change currencies, IF you have already booking entries!' => '',
'IV' => '',
'If checked the taxkey will not be exported in the DATEV Export, but only IF chart taxkeys differ from general ledger taxkeys' => '',
'If configured this bin will be preselected for all new parts. Also this bin will be used as the master default bin, if default transfer out with master bin is activated.' => '',
'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'type\' must be present.' => '',
'If the automatic creation of invoices for fees and interest is switched on for a dunning level then the following accounts will be used for the invoice.' => '',
'If the database user listed above does not have the right to create a database then enter the name and password of the superuser below:' => '',
'If you chose to let Lx-Office do the migration then Lx-Office will also remove the old member file after creating a backup copy of it in the directory "#1".' => '',
'If the default transfer out always succeed use this bin for negative stock quantity.' => '',
'If you enter values for the part number and / or part description then only those bins containing parts whose part number or part description match your input will be shown.' => '',
'If you have not chosen for example the category revenue for a tax and you choose an revenue account to create a transfer in the general ledger, this tax will not be displayed in the tax dropdown.' => '',
'If you lock the system normal users won\'t be able to log in.' => '',
'If you see this message, you most likely just setup your LX-Office and haven\'t added any entry types. If this is the case, the option is accessible for administrators in the System menu.' => '',
'If you select a base unit then you also have to enter a factor.' => '',
'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the "Back" button, edit the file "config/lx_office.conf" and login into the admin module again.' => '',
'If you want to delete such a dataset you have to edit the user(s) that are using the dataset in question and have them use another dataset.' => '',
'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the "Back" button, edit the file "config/kivitendo.conf" and login into the admin module again.' => '',
'If you want to delete such a dataset you have to edit the client(s) that are using the dataset in question and have them use another dataset.' => '',
'If you want to set up the authentication database yourself then log in to the administration panel. kivitendo will then create the database and tables for you.' => '',
'If you yourself want to upgrade the installation then please read the file "doc/UPGRADE" and follow the steps outlined in this file.' => '',
'If your old bins match exactly Bins in the Warehouse CLICK on <b>AUTOMATICALLY MATCH BINS</b>.' => '',
'Illegal characters have been removed from the following fields: #1' => '',
'Image' => '',
'Import' => '',
'Import CSV' => '',
'Import Status' => '',
'Import file' => '',
'Import not started yet, please wait...' => '',
'Import preview' => '',
'Import profiles' => '',
'Import result' => '',
'Import summary' => '',
'In order to do that hit the button "Delete transaction".' => '',
'In the latter case the tables needed by Lx-Office will be created in that database.' => '',
'In version 2.4.0 the administrator has to enter a list of units in the administrative section.' => '',
'In order to migrate the old folder structure into the new structure you have to chose which client the old structure will be assigned to.' => '',
'In order to use kivitendo you have to create at least a client, a user and a group.' => '',
'In the latter case the tables needed by kivitendo will be created in that database.' => '',
'In-line' => '',
'Inactive' => '',
'Include Exchangerate Difference' => '',
... | ... | |
'Include in drop-down menus' => '',
'Include invalid warehouses ' => '',
'Includeable in reports' => '',
'Included in reports by default' => '',
'Including' => '',
'Income Statement' => '',
'Income accno' => '',
'Incoming Payments' => '',
'Incoming invoice number' => '',
'Incorrect Password!' => '',
'Incorrect password!.' => '',
'Incorrect username or password!' => '',
'Inconsistency in database' => '',
'Incorrect password!' => '',
'Incorrect username or password or no access to selected client!' => '',
'Increase' => '',
'Individual Items' => '',
'Information' => '',
'Insert with new customer/vendor number' => '',
'Insert with new database ID' => '',
'Insert with new part number' => '',
'Interest' => '',
'Interest Rate' => '',
'Internal Notes' => '',
'International' => '',
'Internet' => '',
'Introduction of Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Introduction of units' => '',
'Introduction of clients' => '',
'Inv. Duedate' => '',
'Invalid' => '',
'Invalid follow-up ID.' => '',
'Invalid quantity.' => '',
'Invalid request type \'#1\'' => '',
'Invalid transactions' => '',
'Invdate' => '',
'Invdate from' => '',
'Inventory' => '',
... | ... | |
'Invoice total less discount' => '',
'Invoice with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
'Invoices' => '',
'Invoices, Credit Notes & AR Transactions' => '',
'Is Searchable' => '',
'Is this a summary account to record' => '',
'It can be changed later but must be unique within the installation.' => '',
'It is not allowed that a summary account occurs in a drop-down menu!' => '',
'It is possible that even after such a correction there is something wrong with this transaction (e.g. taxes that don\'t match the selected taxkey). Therefore you should re-run the general ledger analysis.' => '',
'It is possible to do this automatically for some Buchungsgruppen, but not for all.' => '',
'It is possible to do this automatically for some units, but for others the user has to chose the new unit.' => '',
'It is possible to make a quick DATEV export everytime you post a record to ensure things work nicely with their data requirements. This will result in a slight overhead though you can enable this for each type of record independantly.' => '',
'It may optionally be compressed with "gzip".' => '',
'It will simply set the taxkey to 0 (meaning "no taxes") which is the correct value for such inventory transactions.' => '',
'Item deleted!' => '',
'Item mode' => '',
... | ... | |
'Jan' => '',
'January' => '',
'Journal' => '',
'Journal of Last 10 Transfers' => '',
'Jul' => '',
'July' => '',
'Jump to' => '',
... | ... | |
'KNE-Export erfolgreich!' => '',
'KNr. beim Kunden' => '',
'Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden!' => '',
'kivitendo needs to update the authentication database before you can proceed.' => '',
'kivitendo will then update the database automatically.' => '',
'Knowledge' => '',
'Konten' => '',
'L' => '',
'LP' => '',
'Label' => '',
'LaTeX Templates' => '',
'Label' => '',
'Landscape' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Language (database ID)' => '',
... | ... | |
'Language deleted!' => '',
'Language missing!' => '',
'Language saved!' => '',
'Language settings' => '',
'Languages' => '',
'Last Action' => '',
'Languages and translations' => '',
'Last Article Number' => '',
'Last Assembly Number' => '',
'Last Cost' => '',
'Last Credit Note Number' => '',
'Last Customer Number' => '',
... | ... | |
'Last Service Number' => '',
'Last Transaction' => '',
'Last Vendor Number' => '',
'Last command output' => '',
'Last run at' => '',
'Lastcost' => '',
'Lastcost (with X being a number)' => '',
'Lead' => '',
'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.' => '',
'Leads' => '',
'Left' => '',
'Liability' => '',
'Limit part selection' => '',
'Line Total' => '',
'Line and column' => '',
'Line endings' => '',
'List' => '',
'List Accounting Groups' => '',
'Link direction' => '',
'Link to' => '',
'Linked Records' => '',
'List Accounts' => '',
'List Businesses' => '',
'List Departments' => '',
'List Groups' => '',
'List Languages' => '',
'List Lead' => '',
'List Payment Terms' => '',
'List Price' => '',
'List Price Factors' => '',
'List Pricegroups' => '',
'List Printers' => '',
'List Transactions' => '',
'List Warehouses' => '',
'List bank accounts' => '',
'List Users, Clients and User Groups' => '',
'List current background jobs' => '',
'List export' => '',
'List of bank accounts' => '',
'List of bank collections' => '',
... | ... | |
'List open SEPA exports' => '',
'Load draft' => '',
'Load profile' => '',
'Loading...' => '',
'Local Tax Office Preferences' => '',
'Lock System' => '',
'Lock and unlock installation' => '',
'Lock file handling failed. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
'Lockfile created!' => '',
'Lockfile removed!' => '',
'Login' => '',
'Login Name' => '',
'Login name missing!' => '',
'Login of User' => '',
'Logout' => '',
'Logout now' => '',
'Long Dates' => '',
'Long Description' => '',
'MAILED' => '',
'MD' => '',
'Machine' => '',
'Main Preferences' => '',
'Main sorting' => '',
'Make' => '',
'Make (with X being a number)' => '',
'Make (vendor\'s database ID, number or name; with X being a number)' => '',
'Make compatible for import' => '',
'Make default profile' => '',
'Manage Custom Variables' => '',
'Mandantennummer' => '',
'Mandatory Departments' => '',
'Map' => '',
'Mar' => '',
'March' => '',
'Margepercent' => '',
... | ... | |
'Marked as paid' => '',
'Marked entries printed!' => '',
'Master Data' => '',
'Master Data Bin Text Deleted' => '',
'Max. Dunning Level' => '',
'Maximal amount difference' => '',
'Maximum future booking interval' => '',
'May' => '',
'May ' => '',
'May set the BCC field when sending emails' => '',
... | ... | |
'Missing amount' => '',
'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.' => '',
'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.' => '',
'Missing qty' => '',
'Missing parameter for WebDAV file copy' => '',
'Missing taxkeys in invoices with taxes.' => '',
'Missing user id!' => '',
'Mitarbeiter' => '',
'Mixed (requires column "type")' => '',
'Mobile' => '',
... | ... | |
'More than one #1 found matching, please be more specific.' => '',
'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.' => '',
'Multi mode not supported.' => '',
'Multibyte Encoding' => '',
'MwSt. inkl.' => '',
'Name' => '',
'Name and Street' => '',
'Name missing!' => '',
'National' => '',
'National Expenses' => '',
'National Revenues' => '',
'Net amount' => '',
'Net amount (for verification)' => '',
'Netto Terms' => '',
'New Buchungsgruppe #1' => '',
'New Templates' => '',
'New Win/Tab' => '',
'New Password' => '',
'New assembly' => '',
'New bank account' => '',
'New client #1: The database configuration fields "host", "port", "name" and "user" must not be empty.' => '',
'New client #1: The name must be unique and not empty.' => '',
'New contact' => '',
'New customer' => '',
'New filter for tax accounts' => '',
'New invoice' => '',
'New name' => '',
'New part' => '',
'New sales order' => '',
'New service' => '',
'New shipto' => '',
'New unit' => '',
'New vendor' => '',
'New window/tab' => '',
'Next Dunning Level' => '',
'Next run at' => '',
'No' => '',
'No %s was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No Company Address given' => '',
'No Company Name given' => '',
'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No Database Drivers available!' => '',
'No Dataset selected!' => '',
'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No action defined.' => '',
'No backup file has been uploaded.' => '',
'No background job has been created yet.' => '',
'No bank information has been entered in this customer\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank collections unless you enter bank information.' => '',
'No bank information has been entered in this vendor\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank transfers unless you enter bank information.' => '',
'No bins have been added to this warehouse yet.' => '',
'No business has been created yet.' => '',
'No clients have been created yet.' => '',
'No contact selected to delete' => '',
'No customer has been selected yet.' => '',
'No data was found.' => '',
'No databases have been found on this server.' => '',
'No datasets have been selected.' => '',
'No default currency' => '',
'No department has been created yet.' => '',
'No dunnings have been selected for printing.' => '',
'No entries were found which had no unit assigned to them.' => '',
'No file has been uploaded yet.' => '',
'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.' => '',
'No groups have been added yet.' => '',
'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/lx_office.conf".' => '',
'No groups have been created yet.' => '',
'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/kivitendo.conf".' => '',
'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No payment term has been created yet.' => '',
'No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.' => '',
'No print templates have been created for this client yet. Please do so in the client configuration.' => '',
'No printers have been created yet.' => '',
'No problems were recognized.' => '',
'No report with id #1' => '',
'No shipto selected to delete' => '',
'No summary account' => '',
'No transaction selected!' => '',
'No transactions yet.' => '',
'No transfers were executed in this export.' => '',
'No unknown units where found.' => '',
'No users have been created yet.' => '',
'No valid number entered for pricegroup "#1".' => '',
'No vendor has been selected yet.' => '',
'No warehouse has been created yet or the quantity of the bins is not configured yet.' => '',
'No.' => '',
'Non-taxable Purchases' => '',
'Non-taxable Sales' => '',
'None' => '',
'Normal users cannot log in.' => '',
'Not Discountable' => '',
'Not delivered' => '',
'Not done yet' => '',
... | ... | |
'Notes' => '',
'Notes (translation for #1)' => '',
'Notes (will appear on hard copy)' => '',
'Notes for customer' => '',
'Notes for vendor' => '',
'Nothing has been selected for removal.' => '',
'Nothing has been selected for transfer.' => '',
'Nothing selected!' => '',
'Nothing to delete!' => '',
'Nothing stocked yet.' => '',
'Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => '',
'Nov' => '',
'November' => '',
'Now the user must select a single Buchungsgruppe for each part instead of three distinct accounts.' => '',
'Number' => '',
'Number Format' => '',
'Number missing in Row' => '',
... | ... | |
'One or more Perl modules missing' => '',
'Only Warnings and Errors' => '',
'Only due follow-ups' => '',
'Only groups that have been configured for the client the user logs in to will be considered.' => '',
'Only shown in item mode' => '',
'Oops. No valid action found to dispatch. Please report this case to the Lx-Office team.' => '',
'Oops. No valid action found to dispatch. Please report this case to the kivitendo team.' => '',
'Open' => '',
'Open Amount' => '',
'Open a further kivitendo Window or Tab' => '',
'Open a further kivitendo window or tab' => '',
'Open amount' => '',
'Open in new window' => '',
'Open this Website' => '',
'OpenDocument/OASIS' => '',
'Openings' => '',
'Optional comment' => '',
'Opportunity' => '',
'Optional comment' => '',
'Options' => '',
'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (350kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language): ' => '',
'Order' => '',
'OrderItem' => '',
'Order Date' => '',
'Order Date missing!' => '',
'Order Number' => '',
'Order Number missing!' => '',
'Order deleted!' => '',
'Order/Item columns' => '',
'OrderItem' => '',
'Ordered' => '',
'Orders' => '',
'Orders / Delivery Orders deleteable' => '',
'Orientation' => '',
'Orphaned' => '',
'Orphaned currencies' => '',
'Other' => '',
'Other users\' follow-ups' => '',
'Other values are ignored.' => '',
'Others' => '',
'Otherwise all users will only have access to their own settings.' => '',
'Otherwise the variable is only available for printing.' => '',
'Otherwise you can simply check create warehouse and bins and define a name for the warehouse (Bins will be created automatically) and then continue' => '',
'Out of balance transaction!' => '',
'Out of balance!' => '',
'Output Number Format' => '',
... | ... | |
'POSTED' => '',
'POSTED AS NEW' => '',
'PRINTED' => '',
'Package name' => '',
'Packing Lists' => '',
'Page' => '',
'Page #1/#2' => '',
'Paid' => '',
'Part' => '',
'Part (database ID)' => '',
'Part Description' => '',
'Part Description missing!' => '',
'Part Notes' => '',
'Part Number' => '',
'Part Number missing!' => '',
'Part picker' => '',
'Partnumber' => '',
'Partnumber must not be set to empty!' => '',
'Partnumber not unique!' => '',
'Parts' => '',
'Parts Inventory' => '',
'Parts Master Data' => '',
'Parts must have an entry type.' => '',
'Parts with existing part numbers' => '',
'Parts, services and assemblies' => '',
... | ... | |
'Password' => '',
'Payables' => '',
'Payment' => '',
'Payment Options' => '',
'Payment Reminder' => '',
'Payment Terms' => '',
'Payment Terms missing in row ' => '',
... | ... | |
'Period' => '',
'Period:' => '',
'Periodic Invoices' => '',
'Periodic inventory' => '',
'Periodic invoices active' => '',
'Periodic invoices inactive' => '',
'Periodicity' => '',
'Perpetual inventory' => '',
'Person' => '',
'Personal settings' => '',
'Pg Database Administration' => '',
'Phone' => '',
'Phone1' => '',
'Phone2' => '',
'Pick List' => '',
'Pictures for parts' => '',
'Pictures for search parts' => '',
'Please Check the bank information for each customer:' => '',
'Please Check the bank information for each vendor:' => '',
'Please ask your administrator to create warehouses and bins.' => '',
'Please change the partnumber of the following parts and run the update again:' => '',
'Please choose for which categories the taxes should be displayed (otherwise remove the ticks):' => '',
'Please contact your administrator or a service provider.' => '',
'Please contact your administrator.' => '',
'Please correct the settings and try again or deactivate that client.' => '',
'Please define a taxkey for the following taxes and run the update again:' => '',
'Please do so in the administration area.' => '',
'Please enter a profile name.' => '',
'Please enter the login for the new user.' => '',
'Please enter the currency you are working with.' => '',
'Please enter the name for the new client.' => '',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Übersetzungen für Autragsimport