kivitendo/SL/DB/ @ ed458620
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | package SL::DB::Shipto;
use strict;
3f0ed511 | Moritz Bunkus | use Carp;
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Shipto;
5b8e9fcb | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::Manager::Shipto;
6ef4190e | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::Helper::CustomVariables (
module => 'ShipTo',
cvars_alias => 1,
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | |||
71ada638 | Bernd Bleßmann | our @SHIPTO_VARIABLES = qw(shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptogln shiptocontact
dc04e2cb | Moritz Bunkus | shiptophone shiptofax shiptoemail shiptodepartment_1 shiptodepartment_2);
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | |||
2d7e4203 | Sven Schöling | __PACKAGE__->meta->initialize;
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | sub displayable_id {
my $self = shift;
my $text = join('; ', grep { $_ } (map({ $self->$_ } qw(shiptoname shiptostreet)),
join(' ', grep { $_ }
map { $self->$_ }
qw(shiptozipcode shiptocity))));
return $text;
d6dbee34 | Sven Schöling | sub used {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->shipto_id;
require SL::DB::Order;
require SL::DB::Invoice;
require SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
return SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_all_count(query => [ shipto_id => $self->shipto_id ])
|| SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all_count(query => [ shipto_id => $self->shipto_id ])
|| SL::DB::Manager::DeliveryOrder->get_all_count(query => [ shipto_id => $self->shipto_id ]);
sub detach {
3f0ed511 | Moritz Bunkus | sub clone {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
my $type = ref($target) || $target;
my $module = $type =~ m{::Order$} ? 'OE'
: $type =~ m{::DeliveryOrder$} ? 'DO'
: $type =~ m{::Invoice$} ? 'AR'
: $type =~ m{::(?:Customer|Vendor)$} ? 'CT'
: croak "Unsupported target class '$type'";
my $new_shipto = SL::DB::Shipto->new(
(map { +($_ => $self->$_) }
grep { !m{^ (?: itime | mtime | shipto_id | trans_id ) $}x }
map { $_->name }
@{ $self->meta->columns }),
86bc3cfa | Moritz Bunkus | module => $module,
custom_variables => [ map { $_->clone_and_reset } @{ $self->custom_variables } ],
3f0ed511 | Moritz Bunkus | );
return $new_shipto;
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | 1;
3f0ed511 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::DB::Shipto - Database model for shipping addresses
my $order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => …)->load;
if ($order->custom_shipto) {
my $cloned_shipto = $order->custom_shipto->clone('SL::DB::Invoice');
=over 4
=item C<clone $target>
Creates and returns a clone of the current object. The mandatory
parameter C<$target> must be either an instance of a Rose DB class or
the name of one. It's used for setting the new instance's C<module>
attribute to the correct value.
Currently the following classes are supported:
=over 2
=item C<SL::DB::Order>
=item C<SL::DB::DeliveryOrder>
=item C<SL::DB::Invoice>
=item C<SL::DB::Customer>
=item C<SL::DB::Vendor>
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>