kivitendo/SL/ @ ecb5cd9f
4fd8bdbf | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::DBUpgrade2;
faef45c2 | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::Common;
4fd8bdbf | Moritz Bunkus | require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(parse_dbupdate_controls sort_dbupdate_controls);
sub parse_dbupdate_controls {
my ($form, $dbdriver) = @_;
my $locale = $main::locale;
local *IN;
my %all_controls;
my $path = "sql/${dbdriver}-upgrade2";
foreach my $file_name (<$path/*.sql>, <$path/*.pl>) {
next unless (open(IN, $file_name));
my $file = $file_name;
$file =~ s|.*/||;
my $control = {
"priority" => 1000,
"depends" => [],
while (<IN>) {
next unless (/^(--|\#)\s*\@/);
next if ($_ eq "");
my @fields = split(/\s*:\s*/, $_, 2);
next unless (scalar(@fields) == 2);
if ($fields[0] eq "depends") {
push(@{$control->{"depends"}}, split(/\s+/, $fields[1]));
} else {
$control->{$fields[0]} = $fields[1];
faef45c2 | Moritz Bunkus | $control->{charset} ||= Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
4fd8bdbf | Moritz Bunkus | _control_error($form, $file_name,
$locale->text("Missing 'tag' field."))
unless ($control->{"tag"});
_control_error($form, $file_name,
$locale->text("The 'tag' field must only consist of " .
"alphanumeric characters or the carachters " .
"- _ ( )"))
if ($control->{"tag"} =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_\(\)\-]/);
_control_error($form, $file_name,
sprintf($locale->text("More than one control file " .
"with the tag '%s' exist."),
if (defined($all_controls{$control->{"tag"}}));
_control_error($form, $file_name,
sprintf($locale->text("Missing 'description' field.")))
unless ($control->{"description"});
$control->{"priority"} *= 1;
$control->{"priority"} = 1000 unless ($control->{"priority"});
$control->{"file"} = $file;
map({ delete($control->{$_}); } qw(depth applied));
$all_controls{$control->{"tag"}} = $control;
foreach my $control (values(%all_controls)) {
foreach my $dependency (@{$control->{"depends"}}) {
_control_error($form, $control->{"file"},
sprintf($locale->text("Unknown dependency '%s'."),
if (!defined($all_controls{$dependency}));
map({ $_->{"loop"} = 0; } values(%all_controls));
_check_for_loops($form, $control->{"file"}, \%all_controls,
map({ _dbupdate2_calculate_depth(\%all_controls, $_->{"tag"}) }
return \%all_controls;
sub _check_for_loops {
my ($form, $file_name, $controls, $tag, @path) = @_;
push(@path, $tag);
ad876674 | Moritz Bunkus | my $ctrl = $controls->{$tag};
if ($ctrl->{"loop"} == 1) {
# Not done yet.
_control_error($form, $file_name,
$main::locale->text("Dependency loop detected:") .
" " . join(" -> ", @path))
} elsif ($ctrl->{"loop"} == 0) {
# Not checked yet.
$ctrl->{"loop"} = 1;
map({ _check_for_loops($form, $file_name, $controls, $_, @path); }
@{ $ctrl->{"depends"} });
$ctrl->{"loop"} = 2;
4fd8bdbf | Moritz Bunkus | }
sub _control_error {
my ($form, $file_name, $message) = @_;
0cfb13d0 | Udo Spallek | $form = $main::form;
4fd8bdbf | Moritz Bunkus | my $locale = $main::locale;
$form->error(sprintf($locale->text("Error in database control file '%s': %s"),
$file_name, $message));
sub _dbupdate2_calculate_depth {
my ($tree, $tag) = @_;
my $node = $tree->{$tag};
return $main::lxdebug->leave_sub() if (defined($node->{"depth"}));
my $max_depth = 0;
foreach $tag (@{$node->{"depends"}}) {
_dbupdate2_calculate_depth($tree, $tag);
my $value = $tree->{$tag}->{"depth"};
$max_depth = $value if ($value > $max_depth);
$node->{"depth"} = $max_depth + 1;
sub sort_dbupdate_controls {
sort({ $a->{"depth"} != $b->{"depth"} ? $a->{"depth"} <=> $b->{"depth"} :
$a->{"priority"} != $b->{"priority"} ?
$a->{"priority"} <=> $b->{"priority"} :
$a->{"tag"} cmp $b->{"tag"} } values(%{$_[0]}));