package SL::DB::Order;
use utf8;
use strict;
use Carp;
use DateTime;
use List::Util qw(max);
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Order;
use SL::DB::Manager::Order;
use SL::DB::Invoice;
use SL::DB::Helper::LinkedRecords;
use SL::DB::Helper::PriceTaxCalculator;
use SL::DB::Helper::TransNumberGenerator;
use SL::RecordLinks;
orderitems => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
column_map => { id => 'trans_id' },
manager_args => {
with_objects => [ 'part' ]
periodic_invoices_config => {
type => 'one to one',
class => 'SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig',
column_map => { id => 'oe_id' },
periodic_invoices => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::PeriodicInvoice',
column_map => { id => 'oe_id' },
payment_term => {
type => 'one to one',
class => 'SL::DB::PaymentTerm',
column_map => { payment_id => 'id' },
# methods
sub items { goto &orderitems; }
sub type {
my $self = shift;
return 'sales_order' if $self->customer_id && ! $self->quotation;
return 'purchase_order' if $self->vendor_id && ! $self->quotation;
return 'sales_quotation' if $self->customer_id && $self->quotation;
return 'request_quotation' if $self->vendor_id && $self->quotation;
sub is_type {
return shift->type eq shift;
sub invoices {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
if ($self->quotation) {
return [];
} else {
return SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all(
query => [
ordnumber => $self->ordnumber,
@{ $params{query} || [] },
sub abschlag_invoices {
return shift()->invoices(query => [ abschlag => 1 ]);
sub end_invoice {
return shift()->invoices(query => [ abschlag => 0 ]);
sub convert_to_invoice {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
croak("Conversion to invoices is only supported for sales records") unless $self->customer_id;
if (!$params{ar_id}) {
my $chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_all(query => [ SL::DB::Manager::Chart->link_filter('AR') ],
sort_by => 'id ASC',
limit => 1)->[0];
croak("No AR chart found and no parameter `ar_id' given") unless $chart;
$params{ar_id} = $chart->id;
my $invoice;
if (!$self->db->do_transaction(sub {
$invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new_from($self)->post(%params) || die;
$self->update_attributes(closed => 1);
# die;
})) {
return undef;
return $invoice;
=head1 NAME
SL::DB::Order - Order Datenbank Objekt.
=head2 type
Returns one of the following string types:
=over 4
=item saes_order
=item purchase_order
=item sales_quotation
=item request_quotation
=head2 is_type TYPE
Rreturns true if the order is of the given type.
=item C<convert_to_invoice %params>
Creates a new invoice with C<$self> as the basis by calling
L<SL::DB::Invoice::new_from>. That invoice is posted, and C<$self> is
linked to the new invoice via L<SL::DB::RecordLink>. C<$self>'s
C<closed> attribute is set to C<true>, and C<$self> is saved.
The arguments in C<%params> are passed to
L<SL::DB::Invoice::post>. One parameter of note is
C<$paras{ar_id}>. If set it must be the ID of the accounts receivables
chart to post to. If it is not set then the first chart configured for
accounts receivables is used.
Returns the new invoice instance on success and C<undef> on
failure. The whole process is run inside a transaction. On failure
nothing is created or changed in the database.
At the moment only sales quotations and sales orders can be converted.
=item C<create_sales_process>
Creates and saves a new sales process. Can only be called for sales
The newly created process will be linked bidirectionally to both
C<$self> and to all sales quotations that are linked to C<$self>.
Returns the newly created process instance.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schöling <s.schoeling@linet-services.de>