


Herunterladen (19,5 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Template::OpenDocument;

use parent qw(SL::Template::Simple);

use Archive::Zip;
use Encode;
use HTML::Entities;
use POSIX 'setsid';

use SL::Iconv;
use SL::Template::OpenDocument::Styles;

use Cwd;
# use File::Copy;
# use File::Spec;
# use File::Temp qw(:mktemp);
use IO::File;

use strict;

my %text_markup_replace = (
b => "BOLD",
i => "ITALIC",
sup => "SUPER",
sub => "SUB",

sub _format_text {
my ($self, $content, %params) = @_;

$content = $::locale->quote_special_chars('Template/OpenDocument', $content);

# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
foreach my $key (keys(%text_markup_replace)) {
my $value = $text_markup_replace{$key};
$content =~ s|\&lt;${key}\&gt;|<text:span text:style-name=\"TKIVITENDO${value}\">|gi; #"
$content =~ s|\&lt;/${key}\&gt;|</text:span>|gi;

return $content;

my %html_replace = (
'</ul>' => '</text:list>',
'</ol>' => '</text:list>',
'</li>' => '</text:p></text:list-item>',
'<b>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOBOLD">',
'</b>' => '</text:span>',
'<strong>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOBOLD">',
'</strong>' => '</text:span>',
'<i>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOITALIC">',
'</i>' => '</text:span>',
'<em>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOITALIC">',
'</em>' => '</text:span>',
'<u>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOUNDERLINE">',
'</u>' => '</text:span>',
'<s>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOSTRIKETHROUGH">',
'</s>' => '</text:span>',
'<sub>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOSUB">',
'</sub>' => '</text:span>',
'<sup>' => '<text:span text:style-name="TKIVITENDOSUPER">',
'</sup>' => '</text:span>',
'<br/>' => '<text:line-break/>',
'<br>' => '<text:line-break/>',

sub _format_html {
my ($self, $content, %params) = @_;

$content =~ s{ ^<p> | </p>$ }{}gx;
$content =~ s{ \r+ }{}gx;
$content =~ s{ \n+ }{ }gx;
$content =~ s{ (?:\&nbsp;|\s)+ }{ }gx;

my $in_p = 1;
my $p_start_tag = qq|<text:p text:style-name="@{[ $self->{current_text_style} ]}">|;
my $ul_start_tag = qq|<text:list xml:id="list@{[ int rand(9999999999999999) ]}" text:style-name="LKIVITENDOitemize@{[ $self->{current_text_style} ]}">|;
my $ol_start_tag = qq|<text:list xml:id="list@{[ int rand(9999999999999999) ]}" text:style-name="LKIVITENDOenumerate@{[ $self->{current_text_style} ]}">|;
my $ul_li_start_tag = qq|<text:list-item><text:p text:style-name="PKIVITENDOitemize@{[ $self->{current_text_style} ]}">|;
my $ol_li_start_tag = qq|<text:list-item><text:p text:style-name="PKIVITENDOenumerate@{[ $self->{current_text_style} ]}">|;

my @parts = map {
if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq '<') {
s{ +}{}g;
if ($_ eq '</p>') {

} elsif ($_ eq '<p>') {
if (!$in_p) {
$in_p = 1;

} elsif ($_ eq '<ul>') {
$self->{used_list_styles}->{itemize}->{$self->{current_text_style}} = 1;
$html_replace{'<li>'} = $ul_li_start_tag;

} elsif ($_ eq '<ol>') {
$self->{used_list_styles}->{enumerate}->{$self->{current_text_style}} = 1;
$html_replace{'<li>'} = $ol_li_start_tag;

} else {
$html_replace{$_} || '';

} else {
$::locale->quote_special_chars('Template/OpenDocument', HTML::Entities::decode_entities($_));
} split(m{(<.*?>)}x, $content);

my $out = join('', @parts);
$out .= $p_start_tag if !$in_p;

# $::lxdebug->message(0, "out $out");

return $out;

my %formatters = (
html => \&_format_html,
text => \&_format_text,

sub new {
my $type = shift;

my $self = $type->SUPER::new(@_);

$self->set_tag_style('&lt;%', '%&gt;');
$self->{quot_re} = '&quot;';

return $self;

sub parse_foreach {
my ($self, $var, $text, $start_tag, $end_tag, @indices) = @_;

my ($form, $new_contents) = ($self->{"form"}, "");

my $ary = $self->_get_loop_variable($var, 1, @indices);

for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$ary || []}); $i++) {
$form->{"__first__"} = $i == 0;
$form->{"__last__"} = ($i + 1) == scalar(@{$ary});
$form->{"__odd__"} = (($i + 1) % 2) == 1;
$form->{"__counter__"} = $i + 1;
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($text, (@indices, $i));
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
$new_contents .= $start_tag . $new_text . $end_tag;
map({ delete($form->{"__${_}__"}); } qw(first last odd counter));

return $new_contents;

sub find_end {
my ($self, $text, $pos, $var, $not) = @_;

my $depth = 1;
$pos = 0 unless ($pos);

while ($pos < length($text)) {

next if (substr($text, $pos - 1, 5) ne '&lt;%');

if ((substr($text, $pos + 4, 2) eq 'if') || (substr($text, $pos + 4, 3) eq 'for')) {

} elsif ((substr($text, $pos + 4, 4) eq 'else') && (1 == $depth)) {
if (!$var) {
$self->{"error"} = '<%else%> outside of <%if%> / <%ifnot%>.';
return undef;

my $block = substr($text, 0, $pos - 1);
substr($text, 0, $pos - 1) = "";
$text =~ s!^\&lt;\%[^\%]+\%\&gt;!!;
$text = '&lt;%if' . ($not ? " " : "not ") . $var . '%&gt;' . $text;

return ($block, $text);

} elsif (substr($text, $pos + 4, 3) eq 'end') {
if ($depth == 0) {
my $block = substr($text, 0, $pos - 1);
substr($text, 0, $pos - 1) = "";
$text =~ s!^\&lt;\%[^\%]+\%\&gt;!!;

return ($block, $text);

return undef;

sub parse_block {

my ($self, $contents, @indices) = @_;

my $new_contents = "";

while ($contents ne "") {
if (substr($contents, 0, 1) eq "<") {
$contents =~ m|^(<[^>]+>)|;
my $tag = $1;
substr($contents, 0, length($1)) = "";

$self->{current_text_style} = $1 if $tag =~ m|text:style-name\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"|;

if ($tag =~ m|<table:table-row|) {
$contents =~ m|^(.*?)(</table:table-row[^>]*>)|;
my $table_row = $1;
my $end_tag = $2;

if ($table_row =~ m|\&lt;\%foreachrow\s+(.*?)\%\&gt;|) {
my $var = $1;

$contents =~ m|^(.*?)(\&lt;\%foreachrow\s+.*?\%\&gt;)|;
substr($contents, length($1), length($2)) = "";

($table_row, $contents) = $self->find_end($contents, length($1));
if (!$table_row) {
$self->{"error"} = "Unclosed <\%foreachrow\%>." unless ($self->{"error"});
return undef;

$contents =~ m|^(.*?)(</table:table-row[^>]*>)|;
$table_row .= $1;
$end_tag = $2;

substr $contents, 0, length($2), '';

my $new_text = $self->parse_foreach($var, $table_row, $tag, $end_tag, @indices);
if (!defined($new_text)) {
return undef;
$new_contents .= $new_text;

} else {
substr($contents, 0, length($table_row) + length($end_tag)) = "";
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($table_row, @indices);
if (!defined($new_text)) {
return undef;
$new_contents .= $tag . $new_text . $end_tag;

} else {
$new_contents .= $tag;

} else {
$contents =~ /^([^<]+)/;
my $text = $1;

my $pos_if = index($text, '&lt;%if');
my $pos_foreach = index($text, '&lt;%foreach');

if ((-1 == $pos_if) && (-1 == $pos_foreach)) {
substr($contents, 0, length($text)) = "";
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars($text, @indices);

if ((-1 == $pos_if) || ((-1 != $pos_foreach) && ($pos_if > $pos_foreach))) {
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars(substr($contents, 0, $pos_foreach), @indices);
substr($contents, 0, $pos_foreach) = "";

if ($contents !~ m|^(\&lt;\%foreach (.*?)\%\&gt;)|) {
$self->{"error"} = "Malformed <\%foreach\%>.";
return undef;

my $var = $2;

substr($contents, 0, length($1)) = "";

my $block;
($block, $contents) = $self->find_end($contents);
if (!$block) {
$self->{"error"} = "Unclosed <\%foreach\%>." unless ($self->{"error"});
return undef;

my $new_text = $self->parse_foreach($var, $block, "", "", @indices);
if (!defined($new_text)) {
return undef;
$new_contents .= $new_text;

} else {
if (!$self->_parse_block_if(\$contents, \$new_contents, $pos_if, @indices)) {
return undef;


return $new_contents;

sub parse {
my $self = $_[0];
local *OUT = $_[1];
my $form = $self->{"form"};


my $file_name;
if ($form->{"IN"} =~ m|^/|) {
$file_name = $form->{"IN"};
} else {
$file_name = $form->{"templates"} . "/" . $form->{"IN"};

my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
if (Archive::Zip->AZ_OK != $zip->read($file_name)) {
$self->{"error"} = "File not found/is not a OpenDocument file.";
return 0;

my $contents = Encode::decode('utf-8-strict', $zip->contents("content.xml"));
if (!$contents) {
$self->{"error"} = "File is not a OpenDocument file.";
return 0;

$self->{current_text_style} = '';
$self->{used_list_styles} = {
itemize => {},
enumerate => {},

my $new_contents;
if ($self->{use_template_toolkit}) {
my $additional_params = $::form;

$::form->init_template->process(\$contents, $additional_params, \$new_contents) || die $::form->template->error;
} else {
$new_contents = $self->parse_block($contents);
if (!defined($new_contents)) {
return 0;

my $new_styles = SL::Template::OpenDocument::Styles->get_style('text_basic');

foreach my $type (qw(itemize enumerate)) {
foreach my $parent (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{ $self->{used_list_styles}->{$type} }) {
$new_styles .= SL::Template::OpenDocument::Styles->get_style('text_list_item', TYPE => $type, PARENT => $parent)
. SL::Template::OpenDocument::Styles->get_style("list_${type}", TYPE => $type, PARENT => $parent);

# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "new_Styles", $new_styles);

$new_contents =~ s|</office:automatic-styles>|${new_styles}</office:automatic-styles>|;
$new_contents =~ s|[\n\r]||gm;

# $new_contents =~ s|>|>\n|g;

$zip->contents("content.xml", Encode::encode('utf-8-strict', $new_contents));

my $styles = Encode::decode('utf-8-strict', $zip->contents("styles.xml"));
if ($contents) {
my $new_styles = $self->parse_block($styles);
if (!defined($new_contents)) {
return 0;
$zip->contents("styles.xml", Encode::encode('utf-8-strict', $new_styles));

$zip->writeToFileNamed($form->{"tmpfile"}, 1);

my $res = 1;
if ($form->{"format"} =~ /pdf/) {
$res = $self->convert_to_pdf();

return $res;

sub is_xvfb_running {

my ($self) = @_;

local *IN;
my $dfname = $self->{"userspath"} . "/xvfb_display";
my $display;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " Looking for $dfname\n");
if ((-f $dfname) && open(IN, $dfname)) {
my $pid = <IN>;
$display = <IN>;
my $xauthority = <IN>;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " found with $pid and $display\n");

if ((! -d "/proc/$pid") || !open(IN, "/proc/$pid/cmdline")) {
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " no/wrong process #1\n");
unlink($dfname, $xauthority);
return undef;
my $line = <IN>;
if ($line !~ /xvfb/i) {
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " no/wrong process #2\n");
unlink($dfname, $xauthority);
return undef;

$ENV{"XAUTHORITY"} = $xauthority;
$ENV{"DISPLAY"} = $display;
} else {
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " not found\n");


return $display;

sub spawn_xvfb {

my ($self) = @_;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2, "spawn_xvfb()\n");

my $display = $self->is_xvfb_running();

if ($display) {
return $display;

$display = 99;
while ( -f "/tmp/.X${display}-lock") {
$display = ":${display}";
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " display $display\n");

my $mcookie = `mcookie`;
die("Installation error: mcookie not found.") if ($? != 0);

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " mcookie $mcookie\n");

my $xauthority = "/tmp/.Xauthority-" . $$ . "-" . time() . "-" . int(rand(9999999));
$ENV{"XAUTHORITY"} = $xauthority;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " xauthority $xauthority\n");

system("xauth add \"${display}\" . \"${mcookie}\"");
if ($? != 0) {
$self->{"error"} = "Conversion to PDF failed because OpenOffice could not be started (xauth: $!)";
return undef;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " about to fork()\n");

my $pid = fork();
if (0 == $pid) {
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " Child execing\n");
exec($::lx_office_conf{applications}->{xvfb}, $display, "-screen", "0", "640x480x8", "-nolisten", "tcp");
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " parent dont sleeping\n");

local *OUT;
my $dfname = $self->{"userspath"} . "/xvfb_display";
if (!open(OUT, ">", $dfname)) {
$self->{"error"} = "Conversion to PDF failed because OpenOffice could not be started ($dfname: $!)";
return undef;
print(OUT "$pid\n$display\n$xauthority\n");

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " parent re-testing\n");

if (!$self->is_xvfb_running()) {
$self->{"error"} = "Conversion to PDF failed because OpenOffice could not be started.";
unlink($xauthority, $dfname);
return undef;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " spawn OK\n");


return $display;

sub _run_python_uno {
my ($self, @args) = @_;

$ENV{PYTHONPATH} = $::lx_office_conf{environment}->{python_uno_path} . ':' . $ENV{PYTHONPATH} if $::lx_office_conf{environment}->{python_uno_path};
my $cmd = $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{python_uno} . ' ' . join(' ', @args);
return `$cmd`;

sub is_openoffice_running {
my ($self) = @_;


my $output = $self->_run_python_uno('./scripts/', $::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{openofficeorg_daemon_port}, ' 2> /dev/null');
chomp $output;

my $res = ($? == 0) || $output;
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " is_openoffice_running(): res $res\n");


return $res;

sub spawn_openoffice {

my ($self) = @_;

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "spawn_openoffice()\n");

my ($try, $spawned_oo, $res);

$res = 0;
for ($try = 0; $try < 15; $try++) {
if ($self->is_openoffice_running()) {
$res = 1;

if ($::dispatcher->interface_type eq 'FastCGI') {

if (!$spawned_oo) {
my $pid = fork();
if (0 == $pid) {
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " Child daemonizing\n");

if ($::dispatcher->interface_type eq 'FastCGI') {
open(STDIN, '/dev/null');
open(STDOUT, '>/dev/null');
my $new_pid = fork();
exit if ($new_pid);
my $ssres = setsid();
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " Child execing\n");
my @cmdline = ($::lx_office_conf{applications}->{openofficeorg_writer},
"-minimized", "-norestore", "-nologo", "-nolockcheck",
"-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=" .
$::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{openofficeorg_daemon_port} . ";urp;");
} else {
# parent
if ($::dispatcher->interface_type eq 'FastCGI') {

$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), " Parent after fork\n");
$spawned_oo = 1;

sleep($try >= 5 ? 2 : 1);

if (!$res) {
$self->{"error"} = "Conversion from OpenDocument to PDF failed because " .
"OpenOffice could not be started.";


return $res;

sub convert_to_pdf {

my ($self) = @_;

my $form = $self->{"form"};

my $filename = $form->{"tmpfile"};
$filename =~ s/.odt$//;
if (substr($filename, 0, 1) ne "/") {
$filename = getcwd() . "/${filename}";

if (substr($self->{"userspath"}, 0, 1) eq "/") {
$ENV{'HOME'} = $self->{"userspath"};
} else {
$ENV{'HOME'} = getcwd() . "/" . $self->{"userspath"};

if (!$self->spawn_xvfb()) {
return 0;

if (!$::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{openofficeorg_daemon}) {
"-minimized", "-norestore", "-nologo", "-nolockcheck", "-headless",
"macro://" . (split('/', $filename))[-1] . "/Standard.Conversion.ConvertSelfToPDF()");
} else {
if (!$self->spawn_openoffice()) {
return 0;

$self->_run_python_uno('./scripts/', $::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{openofficeorg_daemon_port}, "${filename}.odt");

my $res = $?;
if ((0 == $?) || (-f "${filename}.pdf" && -s "${filename}.pdf")) {
$form->{"tmpfile"} =~ s/odt$/pdf/;

unlink($filename . ".odt");

return 1;


unlink($filename . ".odt", $filename . ".pdf");
$self->{"error"} = "Conversion from OpenDocument to PDF failed. " .
"Exit code: $res";

return 0;

sub format_string {
my ($self, $content, $variable) = @_;

my $formatter =
$formatters{ $self->{variable_content_types}->{$variable} }
// $formatters{ $self->{default_content_type} }
// $formatters{ text };

return $formatter->($self, $content, variable => $variable);

sub get_mime_type() {
my ($self) = @_;

if ($self->{"form"}->{"format"} =~ /pdf/) {
return "application/pdf";
} else {
return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text";

sub uses_temp_file {
return 1;
