Revision e73f7350
Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
my $factor = ($_->ar_id == $open_invoice->id ? 1 : -1);
#$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(),"sepa_exitem=".$_->id." for invoice ".$open_invoice->id." factor=".$factor);
$open_invoice->{realamount} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,$open_invoice->amount*$factor,2);
push @{$open_invoice->{sepa_export_item}}, $_;
$open_invoice->{skonto_type} = $_->payment_type;
$sepa_exports{$_->sepa_export_id} ||= { count => 0, is_ar => 0, amount => 0, proposed => 0, invoices => [], item => $_ };
SL/DB/ | ||
# test for amount and id matching only, sepa transfer date and bank
# transaction date needn't match
my $arap = $invoice->is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap';
if (abs($self->amount) == ($sei->amount) && $invoice->id == $sei->arap_id) {
$agreement += $points{sepa_export_item};
$rule_matches .= 'sepa_export_item(' . $points{'sepa_export_item'} . ') ';
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Für #277 toten Code entfernen