Revision e0f5e577
Von Jan Büren vor fast 5 Jahren hinzugefügt
- ID e0f5e57709ed22bdc85f9189a470e80ca346c625
- Vorgänger 857b8879
SL/Controller/ | ||
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use List::Util qw(first max);
use utf8;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
use Archive::Zip;
use IO::Compress::Zip qw(zip $ZipError);
use SL::File;
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
... | ... | |
#$Archive::Zip::UNICODE = 1;
my $object_id = $::form->{object_id};
my $object_type = $::form->{object_type};
my $element_type = $::form->{element_type};
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile::Random->new(mode => "w");
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
#TODO Check client encoding !!
#my $name_encoding = 'cp850';
my $name_encoding = 'UTF-8';
if ( $object_id
&& ($object_type =~ m{^(?:sales_order|purchase_order|sales_quotation|request_quotation)$})
&& ($element_type eq 'part')) {
my $orderitems = SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem->get_all(query => ['' => $object_id ],
with_objects => [ 'order', 'part' ],
sort_by => 'part.partnumber ASC');
foreach my $item ( @{$orderitems} ) {
my @files = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $item->parts_id,
object_type => $element_type,
next unless @files;
$zip->addFile($_->get_file, Encode::encode($name_encoding, $item->part->partnumber . '/' . $_->db_file->file_name)) for @files;
my (@files, %name_subs);
die "Need a saved object!" unless $object_id;
die "Works only for Quotations or Orders"
unless $::form->{object_type} =~ m{^(?:sales_order|purchase_order|sales_quotation|request_quotation)$};
my $orderitems = SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem->get_all(query => ['' => $object_id ],
with_objects => [ 'order', 'part' ],
sort_by => 'part.partnumber ASC');
foreach my $item ( @{$orderitems} ) {
my @files_cur = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $item->parts_id,
object_type => 'part' # this is a mandatory param! get_all can only fetch one type
next unless @files_cur;
foreach (@files_cur) {
push @files, $_->get_file;
$name_subs{$_->get_file} = $item->part->partnumber . '/' . $_->db_file->file_name;
unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed($sfile->file_name) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK ) {
die 'zipfile write error';
zip \@files => $sfile->file_name, FilterName => sub { s/.*/$name_subs{$_}/; }
or die "zip failed: $ZipError\n";
return $self->send_file(
... | ... | |
Some customer want all attached files for the parts of an sales order or sales delivery order in one zip to download.
This is a special method for one customer, so it is moved into an extra controller.
The $Archive::Zip::UNICODE = 1; doesnt work ok
So today the filenames in cp850/DOS format for legacy windows.
To ues it for Linux Clients an additinal effort must be done,
for ex. a link to the same file with an utf-8 name.
There is also a special javascript method necessary which calles this controller method.
THis method must be inserted into the customer branch:
... | ... | |
Is this method needed in the master branch ?
No. But now we've got it.
The pod is not quite accurate, sales delivery order is not a valid record_type
for this Controller.
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
bugfix-422: auf IO::Compress Zip umgestellt
Zusatz: Etwas (m.M.n.) lesbarer gemacht