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Revision e07cdaa2

Von Tamino Steinert vor 12 Monaten hinzugefügt

  • ID e07cdaa253fefc3bde4e7ed15c3ff9ff5350a297
  • Vorgänger a97fc370
  • Nachfolger 4fe4306f

kuw: Script Varianten anlegen

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use FindBin;
unshift(@INC, $FindBin::Bin . '/../modules/override'); # Use our own versions of various modules (e.g. YAML).
push (@INC, $FindBin::Bin . '/..'); # '.' will be removed from @INC soon.
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(first);
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::LXDebug;
use SL::LxOfficeConf;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
our $lxdebug = LXDebug->new();
use SL::Auth;
use SL::Form;
use SL::Locale;
use SL::Helper::Csv;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::PartsGroup;
use SL::DB::VariantProperty;
use SL::DB::Warehouse;
use SL::DB::Inventory;
use feature "say";
chdir($FindBin::Bin . '/..');
my ($opt_user, $opt_client, $opt_part_csv_file);
our (%myconfig, $form, $user, $employee, $auth, $locale);
$opt_client = "variant";
$opt_user = "test_user";
# $opt_part_csv_file = "Artikel_Auswahl.csv";
$opt_part_csv_file = "Artikel_small.csv";
# $opt_part_csv_file = "Artikel_komplett.csv";
$locale = Locale->new;
$form = Form->new;
sub connect_auth {
return $auth if $auth;
$auth = SL::Auth->new;
if (!$auth->session_tables_present) {
$form->error("The session and user management tables are not present in the authentication database. Please use the administration web interface to create them.");
return $auth;
if ($opt_client && !connect_auth()->set_client($opt_client)) {
$form->error($form->format_string("The client '#1' does not exist.", $opt_client));
if ($opt_user) {
$form->error("Need a client, too.") if !$auth || !$auth->client;
%myconfig = connect_auth()->read_user(login => $opt_user);
if (!$myconfig{login}) {
$form->error($form->format_string("The user '#1' does not exist.", $opt_user));
$locale = Locale->new($myconfig{countrycode}, "all");
$user = User->new(login => $opt_user);
$employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->find_by(login => $opt_user);
# Mappings
my %parts_mapping = (
VK => 'sellprice',
EANNR => 'ean',
WAR_KURZBEZEICHNUNG => 'description',
GROESSE => 'varianten_groesse',
LAENGE => 'varianten_laenge',
FARBNR => 'varianten_farbnummer',
INFO1 => 'varianten_farbname',
ARTIKELNR => 'makemodel_model',
LIEFERANT => 'vendor_name',
FIL_KURZBEZEICHNUNG => 'warehouse_description',
STUECK => 'part_qty',
# STA_ID => ?
# STD_ID => ?
# ARTIKELNR + LIEFERANT => Stammartikel mit Lieferantenartikelnummer ARTIKELNR
# FARBNR => Varianten Eigenschaft 'farbnr'
# LAENGE => Varianten Eigenschaft 'laenge'; hat 32,34,U
# LST_ID => Lager?
# GROESSE => Varianten Eigenschaft 'groesse'
# FIL_ID => Filialen ID 2,3,4,9
# FILIALE => Filiale 1,2,3,4
# FIL_KURZBEZEICHNUNG => Name der Filiale
# SAI_ID => Saison ID
# SAISON => Saison Nummer
# WAR_ID => Warehouse ID?
# STUECK => Anzahl im Lager
# VK => Verkaufspreis
# LIEFERANT => Lieferantenname
# SAISONBEZEICHNUNG => Saisonbezeichnung
# WARENGRUPPE => Warengruppennummer
# WARENGRUPPENBEZEICHNUNG => Warengruppenbezeichnung
# LIEFARTIKELBEZEICHNUNG => Lieferanten Artikelbezeichung
# EIGENEARTIKELNR => Eigene Artikelnummer; ist eher Bezeichnung
# KOLLEKTION => Kollektion (hat auch -)
# INFO1 => Farbenname
# INFO2 => ?
# INFO3 => ?
# INFO4 => ?
# INFO5 => ?
# BILD1 => ?
# BILD2 => ?
# BILD3 => ?
# BILD4 => ?
# BILD5 => ?
# EANNR => ean
# VKWEB => Verkaufspreis online Shop?
# WAR_KURZBEZEICHNUNG => Warenbezeichnung
# LETZTERWE => Letzter Wareneingang?
my $part_csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => $opt_part_csv_file,
encoding => 'utf-8', # undef means utf8
sep_char => ';', # default ';'
quote_char => '"', # default '"'
escape_char => '"', # default '"'
$part_csv->parse or die "Could not parse csv";
my $hrefs = $part_csv->get_data;
my %parent_variants_to_variants;
foreach my $part_row (@$hrefs) {
my %part =
map {$parts_mapping{$_} => $part_row->{$_}}
grep {$part_row->{$_}}
keys %parts_mapping;
if ($part{varianten_farbnummer} || $part{varianten_farbname}) {
$part{varianten_farbe} = (delete $part{varianten_farbnummer}) . '-' . (delete $part{varianten_farbname});
push @{$parent_variants_to_variants{$part_row->{LIEFERANT}}->{$part_row->{ARTIKELNR}}}, \%part;
my %variant_property_groups;
my @parent_variants;
my @variants;
my %partsgroup_name_to_partsgroup = map {$_->partsgroup => $_} @{SL::DB::Manager::PartsGroup->get_all()};
my %vendor_name_to_vendor = map {$_->name => $_} @{SL::DB::Manager::Vendor->get_all()};
my %warehouse_description_to_warehouse = map {$_->description => $_} @{SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->get_all()};
my @all_variant_properties = @{SL::DB::Manager::VariantProperty->get_all()};
my $transfer_type = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(
direction => 'in',
description => 'stock',
) or die "Could no find transfer_type";
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
foreach my $vendor (keys %parent_variants_to_variants) {
foreach my $partnumber (keys %{$parent_variants_to_variants{$vendor}}) {
my $grouped_variant_values = $parent_variants_to_variants{$vendor}->{$partnumber};
#get data for parent_variant
my $first_part = $grouped_variant_values->[0];
my $description = $first_part->{description};
my $partsgroup_name = $first_part->{warengruppe};
my $warehouse_description = $first_part->{warehouse_description};
my $vendor_name = $first_part->{vendor_name};
my $makemodel_model = $first_part->{makemodel_model};
my $best_sellprice = first {$_} sort map {$_->{sellprice}} @$grouped_variant_values;
my $partsgroup = $partsgroup_name_to_partsgroup{$partsgroup_name} or die
die "Could not find partsgroup '$partsgroup_name' for part '$makemodel_model $description'";
my $vendor = $vendor_name_to_vendor{$vendor_name} or
die "Could not find vendor: '$vendor_name' for part '$makemodel_model $description'";
my $warehouse = $warehouse_description_to_warehouse{$warehouse_description} or
die "Could not find warehouse '$warehouse_description' for part '$makemodel_model $description'";
my $parent_variant = SL::DB::Part->new_parent_variant(
description => $description,
sellprice => $best_sellprice,
partsgroup => $partsgroup,
warehouse => $warehouse,
bin => $warehouse->bins->[0],
part_type => 'part',
unit => 'Stck',
# add makemodel
my $makemodel = SL::DB::MakeModel->new(
make => $vendor->id,
model => $makemodel_model,
part_description => $description,
# get active variant_properties
my %group_variant_property_vales;
foreach my $variant_values (@$grouped_variant_values) {
$group_variant_property_vales{$_}->{$variant_values->{$_}} = 1 for
grep { $_ =~ m/^variant/ }
keys %$variant_values;
foreach my $variant_property (keys %group_variant_property_vales) {
$group_variant_property_vales{$variant_property} = [sort keys %{$group_variant_property_vales{$variant_property}}];
# find variant_properties
my %property_name_to_variant_property;
foreach my $property_name (keys %group_variant_property_vales) {
# TODO find valid properties for partsgroup
my $needed_property_values = $group_variant_property_vales{$property_name};
my ($best_match) =
sort {scalar @{$a->{missing}} <=> scalar @{$b->{missing}}}
map {
my @property_values = map {$_->value} @{$_->property_values};
my @missing;
foreach my $needed_property_value (@$needed_property_values) {
push @missing, $needed_property_value unless scalar grep {$needed_property_value eq $_} @property_values;
{property => $_, missing => \@missing};
if (scalar @{$best_match->{missing}}) {
die "Could not find variant property with values '@{$needed_property_values}'.\n" .
"Best match is ${\$best_match->{property}->name} with missing values '@{$best_match->{missing}}'";
$property_name_to_variant_property{$property_name} = $best_match->{property};
my @variant_properties = values %property_name_to_variant_property;
foreach my $variant_values (@$grouped_variant_values) {
my @property_values =
map {
my $value = $variant_values->{$_};
first {$_->value eq $value} @{$property_name_to_variant_property{$_}->property_values}}
grep { $_ =~ m/^variant/ }
keys %$variant_values;
my $variant = $parent_variant->create_new_variant(\@property_values);
ean => $variant_values->{ean},
description => $variant_values->{description},
sellprice => $variant_values->{sellprice},
# set stock
my ($trans_id) = selectrow_query($::form, $::form->get_standard_dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('id')|);
part => $variant,
trans_id => $trans_id,
trans_type => $transfer_type,
shippingdate => 'now()',
comment => 'initialer Bestand',
warehouse => $variant->warehouse,
bin => $variant->bin,
qty => $variant_values->{part_qty},
employee => $employee,
}) or do {
die t8('Error while creating variants: '), SL::DB->client->error;

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