Revision dff0fb12
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 9 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my @columns = (
"transdate", "reqdate",
"id", $ordnumber,
"id", $ordnumber, "edit_exp",
"cusordnumber", "customernumber",
"name", "netamount",
"tax", "amount",
... | ... | |
$form->{l_open} = $form->{l_closed} = "Y" if ($form->{open} && $form->{closed});
$form->{l_delivered} = "Y" if ($form->{delivered} && $form->{notdelivered});
$form->{l_periodic_invoices} = "Y" if ($form->{periodic_invoices_active} && $form->{periodic_invoices_inactive});
$form->{l_edit_exp} = "Y" if (any { $form->{type} eq $_ } qw(sales_order purchase_order));
map { $form->{"l_${_}"} = 'Y' } qw(order_probability expected_billing_date expected_netamount) if $form->{l_order_probability_expected_billing_date};
my $attachment_basename;
... | ... | |
'expected_billing_date' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Exp. bill. date'), },
'expected_netamount' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Exp. netamount'), },
'payment_terms' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Payment Terms'), },
'edit_exp' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Edit (experimental)'), },
... | ... | |
foreach my $column (@columns) {
next if ($column eq 'ids');
next if ($column eq 'edit_exp');
$row->{$column} = {
'data' => $oe->{$column},
'align' => $column_alignment{$column},
... | ... | |
$row->{$ordnumber}->{link} = $edit_url . "&id=" . E($oe->{id}) . "&callback=${callback}";
$row->{edit_exp}->{data} = $oe->{ordnumber};
$row->{edit_exp}->{link} = build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', "type=$form->{type}", 'id=' . E($oe->{id}));
my $row_set = [ $row ];
if (($form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y')
locale/de/all | ||
'EUER' => 'Einnahmen-/Überschussrechnung',
'Earlier versions of kivitendo contained bugs which might have led to wrong entries in the general ledger.' => 'Frühere Versionen von kivitendo enthielten Bugs, die zu falschen Einträgen im Hauptbuch geführt haben können.',
'Edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Edit (experimental)' => 'Bearbeiten (experimentell)',
'Edit Access Rights' => 'Zugriffsrechte bearbeiten',
'Edit Access Rights for Follow-Ups' => 'Zugriff auf meine Wiedervorlagen regeln',
'Edit Account' => 'Kontodaten bearbeiten',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Auftrags-Controller: Link zum neuen Controller aus Auftragsliste (zum Testen).