Revision dff00e73
Von Werner Hahn vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt
SL/Model/ | ||
my $spool = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{spool};
unlink map { "$spool/$_" } @spoolfiles if $spool;
_save_history($record,'DELETED', %{$params{history}});
}) || push(@{$errors}, $db->error);
... | ... | |
# fehler: exception
sub _get_history_snumbers {
my ($record) = @_;
my $number_type = $record->type_data->properties( 'nr_key');
my $snumbers = $number_type . '_' . $record->$number_type;
return $snumbers;
sub _save_history {
my ($record, $addition, %history) = @_;
my ($record, $addition) = @_;
trans_id => $record->id,
employee_id => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id,
what_done => $record->type,
snumbers => $history{snumbers},
snumbers => _get_history_snumbers($record),
addition => $addition,
... | ... | |
_save_history($record, 'SAVED', %{$params{history}});
_save_history($record, 'SAVED');
$validity_token->delete if $validity_token;
... | ... | |
=item C<delete>
Deletes the whole record and puts an entry in the history.
Expects a record with %params for history params{history} = \%history
=item C<_save_history>
Expects a record for id, addition for text (SAVED,...) and %history{snumber}
Expects a record for id, addition for text (SAVED,...)
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Model:Record snumber als private _get_snumber sub