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# @tag: umstellung_eur
# @description: Variable eur umstellen: bitte in doc/dokumentation.pdf das entsprechende Kapitel zur Konfiguration von EUR lesen
# @depends: release_2_6_3
package SL::DBUpgrade2::umstellung_eur;

use strict;
use utf8;

use parent qw(SL::DBUpgrade2::Base);

# this script relies on $eur still being set in kivitendo.conf, and the
# variable available in $::lx_office_conf{system}->{eur}

sub run {
my ($self) = @_;

# check if accounting_method has already been set (new database), if so return
# only set variables according to eur for update of existing database

foreach my $column (qw(accounting_method inventory_system profit_determination)) {
# this query will fail if columns already exist (new database)
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN ${column} TEXT|, may_fail => 1);

my $accounting_method;
my $inventory_system;
my $profit_determination;

# check current configuration and set default variables accordingly, so that
# kivitendo behaviour isn't changed by this update

if ($::lx_office_conf{system}->{eur} == 0 ) {
$accounting_method = 'accrual';
$inventory_system = 'perpetual';
$profit_determination = 'balance';
} elsif ( $::lx_office_conf{system}->{eur} == 1 ) {
$accounting_method = 'cash';
$inventory_system = 'periodic';
$profit_determination = 'income';
} else {
die "illegal configuration of eur, must be 0 or 1, not " . $::lx_office_conf{system}->{eur} . "\n";
# or maybe just return 1, dont do anything, because we assume everything is
# already set, or has maybe already been deleted

# only set parameters if they haven't already been set (this in only the case
# when upgrading)

my $update_eur = "UPDATE defaults set accounting_method = '$accounting_method' where accounting_method is null;" .
"UPDATE defaults set inventory_system = '$inventory_system' where inventory_system is null; " .
"UPDATE defaults set profit_determination = '$profit_determination' where profit_determination is null;";

return 1;
