Revision dfdaa70d
Von Tamino Steinert vor 12 Monaten hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
foreach my $variant (@{$self->part->variants}) {
description => $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id}->{description},
listprice_as_number => $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id}->{listprice_as_number},
sellprice_as_number => $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id}->{sellprice_as_number},
lastcost_as_number => $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id}->{lastcost_as_number},
rop_as_number => $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id}->{rop_as_number},
my $new_variant_property;
if ($variant_property_id) {
$new_variant_property = SL::DB::VariantPropertyPart->new(
part_id => $self->part->id,
variant_property_id => $variant_property_id,
foreach my $variant (@{$self->part->variants}) {
foreach my $variant (@{$self->part->variants}) {
my $variant_attributes = $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id};
my $variant_property_value_id = delete $variant_attributes->{add_variant_property_value};
delete $variant_attributes->{$_} for qw(id position);
if ($new_variant_property) {
part_id => $variant->id,
variant_property_value_id => $variant_id_to_values{$variant->id}->{"add_variant_property_value"},
variant_property_value_id => $variant_property_value_id,
}) or do {
return $self->js->error(t8('Error while adding variant property: ' . @_))->render();
return $self->js->error(t8('Error while adding variant property: #1', SL::DB->client->error))->render();
... | ... | |
my %sort_keys = (
partnumber => sub { $_[0]->partnumber },
description => sub { $_[0]->description },
ean => sub { $_[0]->ean },
listprice => sub { $_[0]->listprice },
sellprice => sub { $_[0]->sellprice },
lastcost => sub { $_[0]->lastcost },
onhand => sub { $_[0]->onhand },
rop => sub { $_[0]->rop },
variant_values => sub { $_[0]->variant_values },
foreach my $variant_property (@{$part->variant_properties}) {
... | ... | |
my @to_sort = map { { old_pos => $variant_id_to_position{$_->id}, order_by => $method->($_) } } @items;
if ($::form->{order_by} =~ /^(sellprice|lastcost)$/ ||
if ($::form->{order_by} =~ /^(listpirce|sellprice|lastcost|onhand|rop)$/ ||
$::form->{order_by} =~ /^variant_property_/) {
if ($::form->{sort_dir}) {
@to_sort = sort { $a->{order_by} <=> $b->{order_by} } @to_sort;
SL/DB/ | ||
use Carp;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any uniq pairwise);
use List::Util qw(sum max);
use List::Util qw(sum max first);
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
... | ... | |
map_from => 'part',
map_to => 'variant_property',
type => 'many to many',
manager_args => { sort_by => 'sortkey ASC' }
variant_property_values => {
map_class => 'SL::DB::VariantPropertyValuePart',
... | ... | |
map_to => 'variant_property_value',
type => 'many to many',
parent_variant => {
parent_variants => { # access through parent_variant
map_class => 'SL::DB::PartParentVariantPartVariant',
map_from => 'variant',
map_to => 'parent_variant',
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->is_variant) {
my @property_value_ids = sort map {$_->id} $self->variant_property_values;
my ($parent_variant) = $self->parent_variant;
my $parent_variant = $self->parent_variant;
my $other_variants = $parent_variant->variants;
foreach my $variant (@$other_variants) {
next if $variant->id == $self->id;
... | ... | |
sub parent_variant {
my ($parent_variant) = shift->parent_variants(@_);
return $parent_variant;
sub get_variant_property_value_by_unique_name {
my ($self, $variant_property_unique_name) = @_;
... | ... | |
return unless $self->is_variant;
return "[" .join("|",
map {$_->variant_property->abbreviation . ":" . $_->abbreviation}
$self->variant_property_values) . "]";
sort {$a->variant_property->sortkey <=> $b->variant_property->sortkey}
) . "]";
sub variant_value {
... | ... | |
die "only callable on parts of type parent_variant" unless $self->is_variant;
die "only callable with SL::DB::VariantProperty object" unless ref $variant_property eq 'SL::DB::VariantProperty';
my %property_id_to_values =
map {$_->variant_property_id => $_}
my $property_value =
first {$variant_property->id == $_->variant_property_id}
my $property_value = $property_id_to_values{$variant_property->id};
return $property_value && $property_value->displayable_name();
return $property_value;
sub init_onhandqty {
templates/design40_webpages/part/_parent_variant.html | ||
[% 'Partnumber' | $T8 %]
<th id="variant_ean_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("ean")'>
[% "EAN" | $T8 %]
<th id="variant_description_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("description")'>
[% "Description" | $T8 %]
... | ... | |
[% END %]
<th>[% 'List Price' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Sell Price' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Last Cost' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'ROP' | $T8 %]</th>
<th id="variant_listprice_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("listprice")'>
[% "List Price" | $T8 %]
<th id="variant_sellprice_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("sellprice")'>
[% "Sell Price" | $T8 %]
<th id="variant_lastcost_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("lastcost")'>
[% "Last Cost" | $T8 %]
<th id="variant_onhand_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("onhand")'>
[% "On Hand" | $T8 %]
<th id="variant_rop_header_id">
<a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Part.reorder_variants("rop")'>
[% "ROP" | $T8 %]
[% L.select_tag("add_variant_property", AVAILABLE_VARIANT_PROPERIES
title_key='displayable_name', value_key='id',
... | ... | |
<th class="center">
[%- L.button_tag('kivi.Part.variant_rows_toggle_selected();', "🔄",
title=LxERP.t8("Toggle selection"),
alt=LxERP.t8("Toggle selection"),
) %]
<th><!-- partnumber --></th>
<th><!-- ean --></th>
[% L.input_tag("description_for_selected_variants", SELF.part.description,
... | ... | |
title=LxERP.t8('Apply to selected rows'),
) %]
<th colspan="[% SELF.part.variant_properties.size + 1 %]"></th>
<th><!-- variant_values --></th>
[% FOREACH property = SELF.part.variant_properties %]
[% END %]
[% L.input_tag(
... | ... | |
title=LxERP.t8('Apply to selected rows'),
) %]
<th><!-- onhand --></th>
[% L.input_tag(
... | ... | |
[% L.checkbox_tag('variant_multi_id_' _ loop.count,, checked=0) %]
<td>[% variant.presenter.part %]</td>
[% L.input_tag("variants[].ean", variant.ean, class="wi-medium") %]
[% L.input_tag("variants[].description", variant.description, class="wi-medium") %]
<td>[% variant.variant_values | html %]</td>
[% FOREACH variant_property = SELF.part.variant_properties %]
<td> [% variant.variant_value(variant_property) %] </td>
<td> [% variant.variant_value(variant_property).displayable_name %] </td>
[% END %]
[% L.input_tag(
... | ... | |
class='reformat_number numeric wi-small',
) %]
<span class="data wi-small numeric">
[% LxERP.format_amount(variant.onhand) %] [% variant.unit | html %]
[% L.input_tag(
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Varianten: Schnellbearbeitung von Varianten (EAN, Auf Lager)