


Herunterladen (6,24 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
ea01c174 Johannes Grassler
package SL::XMLInvoice::CrossIndustryDocument;

use strict;
use warnings;

11624cb8 Sven Schöling
use parent qw(SL::XMLInvoice::Base);
ea01c174 Johannes Grassler
use constant ITEMS_XPATH => '//ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem';

=head1 NAME

SL::XMLInvoice::CrossIndustryDocument - XML parser for UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Document


C<SL::XMLInvoice::CrossIndustryInvoice> parses XML invoices in UN/CEFACT Cross
Industry Document format (also known as ZUgFeRD 1p0 or ZUgFeRD 1.0) and makes
their data available through the interface defined by C<SL::XMLInvoice>. Refer
to L<SL::XMLInvoice> for a detailed description of that interface.

See L<> for that format's


This module is fairly simple. It keeps two hashes of XPath statements exposed
by methods:

=over 4

=item scalar_xpaths()

This hash is keyed by the keywords C<data_keys> mandates. Values are XPath
statements specifying the location of this field in the invoice XML document.

=item item_xpaths()

This hash is keyed by the keywords C<item_keys> mandates. Values are XPath
statements specifying the location of this field inside a line item.


When invoked by the C<SL::XMLInvoice> constructor, C<parse_xml()> will first
use the XPath statements from the C<scalar_xpaths()> hash to populate the hash
returned by the C<metadata()> method.

After that, it will use the XPath statements from the C<scalar_xpaths()> hash
to iterate over the invoice's line items and populate the array of hashes
returned by the C<items()> method.

=head1 AUTHOR

Johannes Grassler <>


sub supported {
my @supported = ( "UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Document/ZUGFeRD 1.0 (urn:ferd:CrossIndustryDocument:invoice:1p0)" );
return @supported;

sub check_signature {
my ($self, $dom) = @_;

my $rootnode = $dom->documentElement;

foreach my $attr ( $rootnode->attributes ) {
if ( $attr->getData =~ m/urn:ferd:CrossIndustryDocument:invoice:1p0/ ) {
return 1;

return 0;

# XML XPath expressions for global metadata
sub scalar_xpaths {
return {
currency => ['//ram:InvoiceCurrencyCode'],
direct_debit => ['//ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementPaymentMeans/ram:TypeCode'],
duedate => ['//ram:DueDateDateTime/udt:DateTimeString', '//ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod/ram:CompleteDateTime/udt:DateTimeString'],
gross_total => ['//ram:DuePayableAmount'],
iban => ['//ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementPaymentMeans/ram:PayeePartyCreditorFinancialAccount/ram:IBANID'],
invnumber => ['//rsm:HeaderExchangedDocument/ram:ID'],
net_total => ['//ram:TaxBasisTotalAmount'],
transdate => ['//ram:IssueDateTime/udt:DateTimeString'],
taxnumber => ['//ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedTaxRegistration/ram:ID[@schemeID="FC"]'],
type => ['//rsm:HeaderExchangedDocument/ram:TypeCode'],
ustid => ['//ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedTaxRegistration/ram:ID[@schemeID="VA"]'],
vendor_name => ['//ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:Name'],

sub item_xpaths {
return {
'currency' => ['./ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeAgreement/ram:GrossPriceProductTradePrice/ram:ChargeAmount[attribute::currencyID]',
'price' => ['./ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeAgreement/ram:GrossPriceProductTradePrice/ram:ChargeAmount',
'description' => ['./ram:SpecifiedTradeProduct/ram:Name'],
'quantity' => ['./ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeDelivery/ram:BilledQuantity',],
'subtotal' => ['./ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeSettlement/ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementMonetarySummation/ram:LineTotalAmount'],
'tax_rate' => ['./ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeSettlement/ram:ApplicableTradeTax/ram:ApplicablePercent'],
'tax_scheme' => ['./ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeSettlement/ram:ApplicableTradeTax/ram:TypeCode'],
'vendor_partno' => ['./ram:SpecifiedTradeProduct/ram:SellerAssignedID'],

# Metadata accessor method
sub metadata {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_metadata};

# Item list accessor method
sub items {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_items};

# Data keys we return
sub _data_keys {
my $self = shift;
my %keys;

map { $keys{$_} = 1; } keys %{$self->scalar_xpaths};

return \%keys;

# Item keys we return
sub _item_keys {
my $self = shift;
my %keys;

map { $keys{$_} = 1; } keys %{$self->item_xpaths};

return \%keys;

# Main parser subroutine for retrieving XML data
sub parse_xml {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_metadata} = {};
$self->{_items} = ();

# Retrieve scalar metadata from DOM
foreach my $key ( keys %{$self->scalar_xpaths} ) {
foreach my $xpath ( @{${$self->scalar_xpaths}{$key}} ) {
unless ( $xpath ) {
# Skip keys without xpath list
${$self->{_metadata}}{$key} = undef;
my $value = $self->{dom}->findnodes($xpath);
if ( $value ) {
# Get rid of extraneous white space
$value = $value->string_value;
$value =~ s/\n|\r//g;
$value =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
${$self->{_metadata}}{$key} = $value;
last; # first matching xpath wins
} else {
${$self->{_metadata}}{$key} = undef;

# Convert payment code metadata field to Boolean
# See for other valid codes.
${$self->{_metadata}}{'direct_debit'} = ${$self->{_metadata}}{'direct_debit'} == 59 ? 1 : 0;

my @items;
$self->{_items} = \@items;

foreach my $item ( $self->{dom}->findnodes(ITEMS_XPATH)) {
my %line_item;
foreach my $key ( keys %{$self->item_xpaths} ) {
foreach my $xpath ( @{${$self->item_xpaths}{$key}} ) {
unless ( $xpath ) {
# Skip keys without xpath list
$line_item{$key} = undef;
my $value = $item->findnodes($xpath);
if ( $value ) {
# Get rid of extraneous white space
$value = $value->string_value;
$value =~ s/\n|\r//g;
$value =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
$line_item{$key} = $value;
last; # first matching xpath wins
} else {
$line_item{$key} = undef;
push @items, \%line_item;

