Revision dc3cd296
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 17 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
sub quote_html {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
my %replace =
('order' => ['&', '"', '<', '>'],
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
'"' => '"',
'&' => '&',
map({ $str =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });
return $str;
sub unquote_html {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
my %replace =
('ä' => '?',
'ö' => '?',
'ü' => '?',
'Ä' => '?',
'Ö' => '?',
'Ü' => '?',
'ß' => '?',
'>' => '>',
'<' => '<',
'"' => '"',
map { $str =~ s/\Q$_\E/$replace{$_}/g; } keys %replace;
$str =~ s/\&/\&/g;
return $str;
sub hide_form {
my $self = shift;
... | ... | |
sub generate_attachment_filename {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attachment_filename = $self->unquote_html($self->get_formname_translation());
my $attachment_filename = $main::locale->unquote_special_chars('HTML', $self->get_formname_translation());
my $prefix =
(first { $self->{type} eq $_ } qw(invoice credit_note)) ? 'inv'
: ($self->{type} =~ /_quotation$/) ? 'quo'
... | ... | |
: $self->{format} =~ /opendocument/i ? ".odt"
: $self->{format} =~ /html/i ? ".html"
: "");
$attachment_filename = lc $main::locale->quote_special_chars('filenames', $attachment_filename);
$attachment_filename =~ s/ /_/g;
my %umlaute = ( "?" => "ae", "?" => "oe", "?" => "ue",
"?" => "Ae", "?" => "Oe", "?" => "Ue", "?" => "ss");
map { $attachment_filename =~ s/$_/$umlaute{$_}/g } keys %umlaute;
} else {
$attachment_filename = "";
SL/ | ||
sub new {
my ($type, $file) = @_;
my ($type, $file, %options) = @_;
my $id = "";
my $skip;
... | ... | |
while (<FH>) {
# strip comments
if (!$options{verbatim}) {
# strip comments
# remove any trailing whitespace
# remove any trailing whitespace
} else {
next if (m/^\s*\#/);
next unless $_;
SL/ | ||
use SL::LXDebug;
use SL::Common;
use SL::Inifile;
sub new {
my ($type, $country, $NLS_file) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $type;
$country =~ s|.*/||;
$country =~ s|\.||g;
$NLS_file =~ s|.*/||;
$self->_init($country, $NLS_file);
return $self;
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
my $country = shift;
my $NLS_file = shift;
if ($country && -d "locale/$country") {
local *IN;
$self->{countrycode} = $country;
... | ... | |
$self->{charset} = Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
my $db_charset = $main::dbcharset || Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
$self->{iconv} = Text::Iconv->new($self->{charset}, $db_charset);
... | ... | |
"September", "October", "November", "December");
push @{ $self->{SHORT_MONTH} },
(qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec));
sub _handle_markup {
my $self = shift;
my $str = shift;
bless $self, $type;
if ($str eq "\\n") {
return "\n";
} elsif ($str eq "\\r") {
return "\r";
$str =~ s/\\x(..)/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$str =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
return $str;
sub _read_special_chars_file {
my $self = shift;
my $country = shift;
if (! -f "locale/$country/special_chars") {
$self->{special_chars_map} = {};
$self->{special_chars_map} = Inifile->new("locale/$country/special_chars", 'verbatim' => 1);
foreach my $format (keys %{ $self->{special_chars_map} }) {
next if (($format eq 'FILE') || ($format eq 'ORDER') || (ref $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format} ne 'HASH'));
if ($format ne lc $format) {
$self->{special_chars_map}->{lc $format} = $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format};
delete $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format};
$format = lc $format;
my $scmap = $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format};
my $order = $scmap->{order};
delete $scmap->{order};
foreach my $key (keys %{ $scmap }) {
$scmap->{$key} = $self->_handle_markup($scmap->{$key});
my $new_key = $self->_handle_markup($key);
if ($key ne $new_key) {
$scmap->{$new_key} = $scmap->{$key};
delete $scmap->{$key};
$self->{special_chars_map}->{"${format}-reverse"} = { reverse %{ $scmap } };
$scmap->{order} = [ map { $self->_handle_markup($_) } split m/\s+/, $order ];
$self->{special_chars_map}->{"${format}-reverse"}->{order} = [ grep { $_ } map { $scmap->{$_} } reverse @{ $scmap->{order} } ];
sub text {
... | ... | |
return $output_format;
sub quote_special_chars {
my $self = shift;
my $format = lc shift;
my $string = shift;
if ($self->{special_chars_map} && $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format} && $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format}->{order}) {
my $scmap = $self->{special_chars_map}->{$format};
map { $string =~ s/\Q${_}\E/$scmap->{$_}/g } @{ $scmap->{order} };
return $string;
sub unquote_special_chars {
my $self = shift;
my $format = shift;
return $self->quote_special_chars("${format}-reverse", shift);
sub remap_special_chars {
my $self = shift;
my $src_format = shift;
my $dst_format = shift;
return $self->quote_special_chars($dst_format, $self->quote_special_chars("${src_format}-reverse", shift));
SL/ | ||
$self->set_options(@_) if (@_);
return $self;
sub _init_escaped_strings_map {
my $self = shift;
$self->{escaped_strings_map} = {
'ä' => '?',
'ö' => '?',
'ü' => '?',
'Ä' => '?',
'Ö' => '?',
'Ü' => '?',
'ß' => '?',
'>' => '>',
'<' => '<',
'"' => '"',
my $iconv = $main::locale->{iconv_iso8859};
if ($iconv) {
map { $self->{escaped_strings_map}->{$_} = $iconv->convert($self->{escaped_strings_map}->{$_}) } keys %{ $self->{escaped_strings_map} };
sub set_columns {
my $self = shift;
my %columns = @_;
... | ... | |
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
$value = $self->{form}->quote_html($value);
$value = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('HTML', $value);
$value =~ s/\r//g;
$value =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
... | ... | |
sub unescape_string {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
foreach my $key (keys %{ $self->{escaped_strings_map} }) {
$text =~ s/\Q$key\E/$self->{escaped_strings_map}->{$key}/g;
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $iconv = $main::locale->{iconv};
$text =~ s/\Q&\E/&/g;
$text = $main::locale->unquote_special_chars('HTML', $text);
$text = $main::locale->{iconv}->convert($text) if ($main::locale->{iconv});
return $text;
SL/ | ||
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};
my %replace =
('order' => [quotemeta("\\"),
'&', quotemeta("\n"),
'"', '\$', '%', '_', '#', quotemeta('^'),
'{', '}', '<', '>', '?', "\r", '?', '\xe1',
'?', '?',
quotemeta("\\") => '\\textbackslash ',
'<pagebreak>' => '',
'"' => "''",
'&' => '\&',
'\$' => '\$',
'%' => '\%',
'_' => '\_',
'#' => '\#',
'{' => '\{',
'}' => '\}',
'<' => '$<$',
'>' => '$>$',
'?' => '\pounds ',
"\r" => "",
'?' => '$\pm$',
'\xe1' => '$\bullet$',
quotemeta('^') => '\^\\',
quotemeta("\n") => '\newline ',
'?' => '$^2$',
'?' => '$^3$',
map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });
$variable = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('Template/LaTeX', $variable);
# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
... | ... | |
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};
my %replace =
('order' => ['<', '>', quotemeta("\n")],
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
quotemeta("\n") => '<br>',
map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });
$variable = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('Template/HTML', $variable);
# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
... | ... | |
my $form = $self->{"form"};
my $iconv = $self->{"iconv"};
my %replace =
('order' => ['&', '<', '>', '"', "'",
'\x80', # Euro
quotemeta("\n"), quotemeta("\r")],
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
'"' => '"',
"'" => ''',
'&' => '&',
'\x80' => chr(0xa4), # Euro
quotemeta("\n") => '<text:line-break/>',
quotemeta("\r") => '',
map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });
$variable = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('Template/OpenDocument', $variable);
# Allow some HTML markup to be converted into the output format's
# corresponding markup code, e.g. bold or italic.
... | ... | |
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};
my %replace =
('order' => ['<', '>', quotemeta("\n")],
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
quotemeta("\n") => '<br>',
map({ $variable =~ s/$_/$replace{$_}/g; } @{ $replace{"order"} });
$variable = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('Template/XML', $variable);
# Allow no markup to be converted into the output format
my @markup_replace = ('b', 'i', 's', 'u', 'sub', 'sup');
bin/mozilla/ | ||
print qq|<select name="printer">|;
print map(qq|<option value="$_->{id}">| . $form->quote_html($_->{printer_description}) . qq|</option>|, @{ $form->{ALL_PRINTERS} });
print map(qq|<option value="$_->{id}">| . H($_->{printer_description}) . qq|</option>|, @{ $form->{ALL_PRINTERS} });
print qq|</select>|;
# }
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub H {
return $form->quote_html($_[0]);
return $locale->quote_special_chars('HTML', $_[0]);
sub Q {
return $form->quote($_[0]);
return $locale->quote_special_chars('URL@HTML', $_[0]);
sub E {
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my %replacements =
"?" => "ae", "?" => "oe", "?" => "ue",
"?" => "Ae", "?" => "Oe", "?" => "Ue",
"?" => "ss",
" " => "_"
foreach my $key (keys %replacements) {
my $new_key = SL::Iconv::convert("ISO-8859-15", $dbcharset, $key);
$replacements{$new_key} = $replacements{$key} if $new_key ne $key;
$form->{statementdate} = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1);
$form->{templates} = "$myconfig{templates}";
... | ... | |
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}total"}, 2)
} (c0, c30, c60, c90, "");
$form->{attachment_filename} = $locale->text("Statement") . "_$form->{todate}.$attachment_suffix";
map({ $form->{attachment_filename} =~ s/$_/$replacements{$_}/g; } keys(%replacements));
$form->{attachment_filename} = $locale->quote_special_chars('filenames', $locale->text("Statement") . "_$form->{todate}.$attachment_suffix");
$form->{attachment_filename} =~ s/\s+/_/g;
$form->parse_template(\%myconfig, $userspath);
locale/de/special_chars | ||
order=& ? ? ? ? ? ? ? " < >
order=< > \n
order=< > \n
order=\\ <pagebreak> & \n \r " $ % _ # ^ { } < > ? ? \xe1 ? ?
order=& < > " ' \x80 \n \r
# Euro sign:
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Das Quoten/Unquoten von speziellen Zeichen in zentrale Hilfsfunktionen in Locale verlagert.