kivitendo/SL/DB/ @ da1f7513
4fd22b56 | Sven Schöling | package SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
use strict;
5bc87ade | Moritz Bunkus | use List::Util qw(max);
4fd22b56 | Sven Schöling | use SL::DB::MetaSetup::PaymentTerm;
dbbf8923 | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::Manager::PaymentTerm;
use SL::DB::Helper::ActsAsList;
use SL::DB::Helper::TranslatedAttributes;
2d7e4203 | Sven Schöling | __PACKAGE__->meta->initialize;
dbbf8923 | Moritz Bunkus | sub validate {
my ($self) = @_;
my @errors;
push @errors, $::locale->text('The description is missing.') if !$self->description;
push @errors, $::locale->text('The long description is missing.') if !$self->description_long;
4fd22b56 | Sven Schöling | |||
dbbf8923 | Moritz Bunkus | return @errors;
4fd22b56 | Sven Schöling | |||
b8e8bc08 | Moritz Bunkus | sub calc_date {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $reference_date = $params{reference_date} || DateTime->today_local;
$reference_date = DateTime->from_kivitendo($reference_date) unless ref($reference_date) eq 'DateTime';
5bc87ade | Moritz Bunkus | if (!$self->auto_calculation) {
my $due_date = $params{due_date} || $reference_date;
$due_date = DateTime->from_kivitendo($due_date) unless ref($due_date) eq 'DateTime';
return max $due_date, $reference_date;
b8e8bc08 | Moritz Bunkus | my $terms = ($params{terms} // 'net') eq 'discount' ? 'terms_skonto' : 'terms_netto';
my $date = $reference_date->add(days => $self->$terms);
my $dow = $date->day_of_week;
$date = $date->add(days => 8 - $dow) if $dow > 5;
return $date;
4fd22b56 | Sven Schöling | 1;
b8e8bc08 | Moritz Bunkus | __END__
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::DB::PaymentTerm - Rose model for the payment_terms table
my $terms = SL::DB::PaymentTerm->new(id => $::form->{payment_id})->load;
f53a118d | Moritz Bunkus | my $due_date_net = $terms->calc_date(terms => 'net'); # uses terms_netto
my $due_date_discount = $terms->calc_date(terms => 'discount'); # uses terms_skonto
# Calculate due date taking the existing invoice date and the due
# date entered by the user into account:
my $due_date = $terms->calc_date(
reference_date => $::form->{invdate},
due_date => $::form->{duedate},
b8e8bc08 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
=over 4
=item C<calc_date [%params]>
Calculates and returns a due date as an instance of L<DateTime> by
5bc87ade | Moritz Bunkus | adding one of C<$self>'s terms fields if automatic calculation is on;
otherwise returns the currently-set due date (which must be provided)
or the reference date, whichever is later.
cbb59a58 | Geoffrey Richardson | Note that for automatic calculation the resulting date will be the
5bc87ade | Moritz Bunkus | following Monday if the result falls on a weekend.
b8e8bc08 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
C<%params> can contain the following parameters:
=over 4
=item C<reference_date>
The reference date from which the due date will be calculated. Can be
either an instance of L<DateTime> or a scalar in which case the scalar
is parsed via L<DateTime/from_kivitendo>.
Defaults to the current date if unset.
5bc87ade | Moritz Bunkus | =item C<due_date>
A currently set due date. If automatic calculation is off then this
date will be returned if it is provided and greater than or equal to
the C<reference_date>. Otherwise the reference date will be returned.
b8e8bc08 | Moritz Bunkus | =item C<terms>
Can be either C<net> or C<discount>. For C<net> the number of days to
add to the reference date are C<$self-E<gt>terms_netto>. For
C<discount> C<$self-E<gt>terms_skonto> is used.
Defaults to C<net> if unset.
=item C<validate>
Validates before saving and returns an array of human-readable error
messages in case of an error.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>