kivitendo/t/part/stock.t @ d9a85058
6ad5169e | Geoffrey Richardson | use strict;
use Test::More;
use lib 't';
use Support::TestSetup;
use Carp;
use Test::Exception;
use SL::DB::Part;
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | use SL::Dev::Part qw(new_part);
use SL::Dev::Inventory qw(create_warehouse_and_bins set_stock transfer_stock);
6ad5169e | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my ($wh1, $bin1_1) = create_warehouse_and_bins(
6ad5169e | Geoffrey Richardson | warehouse_description => 'Testlager',
bin_description => 'Testlagerplatz',
number_of_bins => 2,
my $bin1_2 = $wh1->bins->[1];
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my ($wh2, $bin2_1) = create_warehouse_and_bins(
6ad5169e | Geoffrey Richardson | warehouse_description => 'Testlager 2',
bin_description => 'Testlagerplatz 2',
number_of_bins => 2,
my $today = DateTime->today;
my $yesterday = $today->clone->add(days => -1);
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my $part = new_part()->save;
set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => $bin1_1->id, qty => 7, shippingdate => $yesterday);
set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => $bin1_1->id, qty => 5);
set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => $bin1_1->id, abs_qty => 8); # apply -4 to get qty 8 in bin1_1
set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => $bin1_2->id, qty => 9);
set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => $bin2_1->id, abs_qty => 10);
transfer_stock(part => $part,
from_bin => $wh2->bins->[0],
to_bin => $wh2->bins->[1],
qty => 2,
6ad5169e | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
is( SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all_count(), 1, "total number of parts created is 1");
is( $part->get_stock == 27 , 1 , "total stock of part is 27");
is( $part->get_stock(shippingdate => $yesterday) == 7 , 1 , "total stock of part was 7 yesterday");
is( $part->get_stock(shippingdate => $today) == 27 , 1 , "total stock of part is 27");
is( $part->get_stock(bin_id => $bin1_1->id) == 8 , 1 , "total stock of part in bin1_1 is 8");
is( $part->get_stock(warehouse_id => $wh1->id) == 17 , 1 , "total stock of part in wh1 is 17");
is( $part->get_stock(warehouse_id => $wh2->id) == 10 , 1 , "total stock of part in wh2 is 10");
is( $part->get_stock(bin_id => $wh2->bins->[0]->id) == 8 , 1 , "total stock of part in wh2 2nd bin is 8 after transfer");
is( $part->get_stock(bin_id => $wh2->bins->[1]->id) == 2 , 1 , "total stock of part in wh2 2nd bin is 2 after transfer");
sub clear_up {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1) for qw(Inventory Part Bin Warehouse);