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Revision d8133a85

Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID d8133a85574ba233d37685ebfb3f9f3c51e6edaa
  • Vorgänger 6b8306ba
  • Nachfolger c0d4be69

Autocomplete ergänzt um Support für weitere Parameter.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

action : action in the ajax script, defaults to 'ajax_autocomplete'
selector : a jquery selector, specifying the input fields
column : specifies the column that is represented by the bound field. typically description or name.
params : additional params that should be included in the request, like customer/vendor information. expects a hash.
- addition fields like type, vc etc.
- additional dependencies, see jquery.autocomplete documentation
- hook function on select, again see jquery documentation
- limit: maximum number of results shown.
a simple SPEC would look like this:
[%- DEFAULT token.script = script %]
[%- DEFAULT token.action = 'ajax_autocomplete' %]
[%- DEFAULT token.INPUT_ENCODING = 'utf8' %]
[%- FOREACH key = token.params.keys %]
[%- token.additional_url = token.additional_url _ '&' _ key _ '=' _ token.params.$key %]
[%- END %]
[%- token.url = token.script
_ '?action=' _ token.action
[%- SET token.url = token.url _ '&column=' _ token.column IF token.column %]
[%- SET token.url = token.url _ token.additional_url IF token.additional_url %]
$(document).ready( $('[% token.selector %]').autocomplete('[% token.url %]'));
[%- END %]

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff