Revision d78cfbde
Von Hans P. Schlaepfer vor etwa 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
templates/webpages/order/tabs/basic_data.html | ||
[% USE L %]
[% USE P %]
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/set_longdescription.html' %]
[% INCLUDE 'generic/set_longdescription.html' %]
<div id="ui-tabs-basic-data">
<table width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<table width="100%">
<th align="right">[%- == "customer" ? LxERP.t8('Customer') : LxERP.t8('Vendor') -%]</th>
[% SET cv_id = _ '_id' %]
[% P.customer_vendor.picker("order.${}" _ '_id', SELF.order.$cv_id,, style='width: 300px') %]
[% P.button_tag("kivi.Order.show_vc_details_dialog()", LxERP.t8("Details (one letter abbreviation)")) %]
<tr id='cp_row' [%- IF !SELF.order.${}.contacts.size %]style='display:none'[%- END %]>
<th align="right">[% 'Contact Person' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.cp_id',
style='width: 300px') %]</td>
<th align="right">[% 'Shipping Address' | $T8 %]</th>
<span id='shipto_selection' [%- IF !SELF.order.${}.shipto.size %]style='display:none'[%- END %]>
[% shiptos = [ { shipto_id => "", displayable_id => LxERP.t8("No/individual shipping address") } ] ;
FOREACH s = SELF.order.${}.shipto ;
shiptos.push(s) ;
style='width: 300px') %]
[% L.button_tag("kivi.Order.edit_custom_shipto()", LxERP.t8("Custom shipto")) %]
[%- PROCESS order/tabs/_business_info_row.html SELF=SELF %]
<th align="right">[% 'Steuersatz' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.taxzone_id', SELF.all_taxzones, default=SELF.order.taxzone_id, title_key='description', style='width: 300px', class='recalc') %]</td>
[% SET currency_id = SELF.order.currency_id || INSTANCE_CONF.get_currency_id # use default currency for new order %]
<tr id="currency_settings">
<th align="right">[% 'Currency' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.currency_id', SELF.all_currencies, default=currency_id, value_key='id', title_key='name') %]</td>
<tr id="exchangerate_settings" [%- IF SELF.order.currency_id==INSTANCE_CONF.get_currency_id %]style='display:none'[%- END %]>
<th align="right">[% 'Exchangerate' | $T8 %]</th>
<td> 1 <span id="currency_name">[% %]</span> =
[% L.input_tag('order.exchangerate_as_null_number', SELF.order.exchangerate_as_null_number, size="15", class="reformat_number_as_null_number numeric") %]
[% INSTANCE_CONF.default_currency %]
[% L.hidden_tag('old_currency_id', currency_id) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('old_exchangerate', SELF.order.exchangerate_as_null_number) %]
[%- IF SELF.all_languages.size %]
<th align="right">[% 'Language' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.select_tag('order.language_id', SELF.all_languages, default=SELF.order.language_id, title_key='description', with_empty=1, style='width:300px') %]
[%- END %]
[%- IF SELF.all_departments.size %]
<th align="right">[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.select_tag('order.department_id', SELF.all_departments, default=SELF.order.department_id, title_key='description', with_empty=1, style='width:300px') %]
[%- END %]
<th align="right">[% 'Shipping Point' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.shippingpoint', SELF.order.shippingpoint, style='width: 300px') %]</td>
<th align="right">[% 'Ship via' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.shipvia', SELF.order.shipvia, style='width: 300px') %]</td>
<th align="right">[% 'Transaction description' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.transaction_description', SELF.order.transaction_description, 'data-validate'=INSTANCE_CONF.get_require_transaction_description_ps ? 'required' : '', style='width: 300px') %]</td>
<th align="right">[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% P.project.picker('order.globalproject_id', SELF.order.globalproject_id, style='width: 300px') %]</td>
<td align="right">
<td colspan="2" align="center">
[%- IF %]
<label for="order.delivered">[% 'Delivery Order(s) for full qty created' | $T8 %]</label>
[% L.yes_no_tag('order.delivered', SELF.order.delivered) %]
<label for="order.closed">[% 'Closed' | $T8 %]</label>
[% L.yes_no_tag('order.closed', SELF.order.closed) %]
[%- END %]
<th align="right">[% 'Employee' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.employee_id',
default=(SELF.order.employee_id ? SELF.order.employee_id : SELF.current_employee_id),
title_key='safe_name') %]</td>
[% IF == 'customer' %]
<th align="right">[% 'Salesman' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.salesman_id',
default=(SELF.order.salesman_id ? SELF.order.salesman_id : SELF.current_employee_id),
title_key='safe_name') %]</td>
[% END %]
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% 'Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.ordnumber', SELF.order.ordnumber, size = 11, onchange='kivi.Order.set_number_in_title(this)') %]</td>
[%- END -%]
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "sales_quotation") -%]
[%- SET quo_nr_txt = 'Quotation Number' -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[%- SET quo_nr_txt = 'RFQ Number' -%]
[%- END -%]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% quo_nr_txt | $T8 %]</th>
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.quonumber', SELF.order.quonumber, size = 11) %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.quonumber', SELF.order.quonumber, size = 11, onchange='kivi.Order.set_number_in_title(this)') %]</td>
[%- END -%]
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% 'Customer Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.cusordnumber', SELF.order.cusordnumber, size = 11) %]</td>
[%- END -%]
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
[%- SET transdate_txt = 'Order Date' -%]
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == "sales_quotation" -%]
[%- SET transdate_txt = 'Quotation Date' -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[%- SET transdate_txt = 'RFQ Date' -%]
[%- END -%]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% transdate_txt | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.transdate_as_date', SELF.order.transdate_as_date) %]</td>
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% 'Tax point' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.tax_point_as_date', SELF.order.tax_point_as_date, class="recalc") %]</td>
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
[%- SET reqdate_txt = 'Reqdate'; SET reqdate_class = 'recalc' -%]
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == "sales_quotation" -%]
[%- SET reqdate_txt = 'Valid until'; SET reqdate_class = '' -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[%- SET reqdate_txt = 'Required by'; SET reqdate_class = 'recalc' -%]
[%- END -%]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% reqdate_txt | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.reqdate_as_date', SELF.order.reqdate_as_date, class=reqdate_class) %]</td>
[%- IF SELF.type == "sales_quotation" -%]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% 'Order probability' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[%- L.select_tag('order.order_probability', SELF.order_probabilities, title='title', default=SELF.order.order_probability) %]%</td>
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% 'Expected billing date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[%- L.date_tag('order.expected_billing_date_as_date', SELF.order.expected_billing_date_as_date) %]</td>
[%- END %]
<th width="70%" align="right" nowrap>[% 'Insert Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% SELF.order.itime_as_date %]</td>
<div class="wrapper" id="wrapper-1">
[% INCLUDE 'generic/toggle_wrapper.html' %]
<div class="col">
<table class="tbl-horizontal col">
<caption>[% 'Customer & Order info' | $T8 %]</caption>
<colgroup><col class="wi-mediumsmall"><col class="wi-lightwide"></colgroup>
<th>[%- == "customer" ? LxERP.t8('Customer') : LxERP.t8('Vendor') -%]</th>
[% SET cv_id = _ '_id' %]
<td class="wi-lightwide">
[% P.customer_vendor.picker("order.${}" _ '_id', SELF.order.$cv_id,, class='wi-lightwide') %]
[% #P.button_tag("kivi.Order.show_vc_details_dialog()", LxERP.t8("Details (one letter abbreviation)"), class='wi-tiny neutral') %]
<a href="javascript:kivi.Order.show_vc_details_dialog();" title="[% 'Show detail informationen' | $T8 %]" class="button-image info"><img src="image/detail.png"></a>
<tr id='cp_row' [% IF !SELF.order.${}.contacts.size %]style='display:none'[% END %]>
<th>[% 'Contact Person' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.cp_id',
class='wi-lightwide') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Shipping Address' | $T8 %]</th>
<span id='shipto_selection' [% IF !SELF.order.${}.shipto.size %]style='display:none'[% END %]>
[% shiptos = [ { shipto_id => "", displayable_id => LxERP.t8("No/individual shipping address") } ] ;
FOREACH s = SELF.order.${}.shipto ;
shiptos.push(s) ;
style='width: 300px') %]
[% L.button_tag("kivi.Order.edit_custom_shipto()", LxERP.t8("Custom shipto")) %]
[% PROCESS order/tabs/_business_info_row.html SELF=SELF %]
<th>[% 'Steuersatz' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.taxzone_id', SELF.all_taxzones, default=SELF.order.taxzone_id, title_key='description', class='recalc wi-lightwide') %]</td>
[% SET currency_id = SELF.order.currency_id || INSTANCE_CONF.get_currency_id # use default currency for new order %]
<tr id="currency_settings">
<th>[% 'Currency' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.currency_id', SELF.all_currencies, default=currency_id, value_key='id', title_key='name') %]</td>
<tr id="exchangerate_settings" [%- IF SELF.order.currency_id==INSTANCE_CONF.get_currency_id %]style='display:none'[%- END %]>
<th>[% 'Exchangerate' | $T8 %]</th>
<td> 1 <span id="currency_name">[% %]</span> =
[% L.input_tag('order.exchangerate_as_null_number', SELF.order.exchangerate_as_null_number, size="15", class="reformat_number_as_null_number numeric") %]
[% INSTANCE_CONF.default_currency %]
[% L.hidden_tag('old_currency_id', currency_id) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('old_exchangerate', SELF.order.exchangerate_as_null_number) %]
[% IF SELF.all_languages.size %]
<th>[% 'Language' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.select_tag('order.language_id', SELF.all_languages, default=SELF.order.language_id, title_key='description', with_empty=1, style='width:300px') %]
[% END %]
[% IF SELF.all_departments.size %]
<th>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.select_tag('order.department_id', SELF.all_departments, default=SELF.order.department_id, title_key='description', with_empty=1, class='wi-lightwide') %]
[% END %]
<th>[% 'Shipping Point' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.shippingpoint', SELF.order.shippingpoint, class='wi-lightwide') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Ship via' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.shipvia', SELF.order.shipvia, class='wi-lightwide') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Transaction description' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.transaction_description', SELF.order.transaction_description, 'data-validate'=INSTANCE_CONF.get_require_transaction_description_ps ? 'required' : '', class='wi-lightwide') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% P.project.picker('order.globalproject_id', SELF.order.globalproject_id, class='wi-lightwide') %]</td>
[%- PROCESS order/tabs/_item_input.html SELF=SELF %]
<table class="tbl-horizontal col">
<caption>[% 'Terms' | $T8 %]</caption>
<colgroup><col class="wi-mediumsmall"><col class="wi-lightwide"></colgroup>
<td colspan="2">
<span class="label above">[% 'Payment Terms' | $T8 %]</span>
[% L.select_tag('order.payment_id',
default = SELF.order.payment_id,
with_empty = 1,
title_key = 'description',
class = 'wi-mediumsmall-lightwide') %]
<td colspan="2">
<span class="label above">[% 'Delivery Terms' | $T8 %]</span>
[% L.select_tag('order.delivery_term_id',
default = SELF.order.delivery_term_id,
with_empty = 1,
title_key = 'description',
class = 'wi-mediumsmall-lightwide') %]
<tr id="taxincluded_row_id">
<th>[% IF !SELF.taxes.size %]<label for="order.taxincluded">[% 'Tax Included' | $T8 %]</label> [% END %]</th>
<td>[% IF !SELF.taxes.size %][% L.yes_no_tag('order.taxincluded', SELF.order.taxincluded, class='recalc') %][% END %]</td>
[% IF SELF.type == "sales_order" %]
<th>[% 'Periodic Invoices' | $T8 %]</th>
<span id='periodic_invoices_status' class="data wi-normal wi-lightwide">[% SELF.periodic_invoices_status %]</span>
<span class="button-inline">
[% L.button_tag('kivi.Order.show_periodic_invoices_config_dialog()', LxERP.t8('Configure'), class='neutral inline below') %]
<a href="doc/html/ch03.html#features.periodic-invoices.variables" target="_blank" class="button wi-tiny neutral" title="[% 'Documentation about periodic invoices in a new window' | $T8 %]">?</a>
[% END %]
[% L.button_tag('kivi.Order.show_multi_items_dialog()', LxERP.t8('Add multiple items')) %]
</div><!-- /.col -->
<table width="100%">
<table class="tbl-horizontal col">
<caption>[% 'Notes' | $T8 %]</caption>
<colgroup><col class="wi-wide"></colgroup>
[%- IF SELF.positions_scrollbar_height -%]
[%- SET scroll_style = 'style="overflow-y: auto; height:' _ SELF.positions_scrollbar_height _ 'vh;"' -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[%- SET scroll_style = '' -%]
[%- END -%]
<div id="row_table_scroll_id" [%- scroll_style -%]>
<table id="row_table_id" width="100%">
<tr class="listheading">
<th class="listheading" style='text-align:center' nowrap width="1">
[%- IF MYCONFIG.show_form_details %]
[%- L.img_tag(src="image/collapse.svg", alt=LxERP.t8('Hide all details'), title=LxERP.t8('Hide all details'), id='expand_all', "data-expanded"="1") %]
[%- ELSE %]
[%- L.img_tag(src="image/expand.svg", alt=LxERP.t8('Show all details'), title=LxERP.t8('Show all details'), id='expand_all') %]
[%- END %]
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="3" >[%- 'position' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" style='text-align:center' nowrap width="1"><img src="image/updown.png" alt="[%- LxERP.t8('reorder item') %]"></th>
<th class="listheading" style='text-align:center' nowrap width="1"><img src="image/close.png" alt="[%- LxERP.t8('delete item') %]"></th>
[%- IF SELF.show_update_button -%]
<th class="listheading" style='text-align:center' nowrap width="1">
[%- L.img_tag(src="image/rotate_cw.svg",
alt=LxERP.t8('Update from master data'),
title= LxERP.t8('Update from master data'),
onclick="if (!confirm('" _ LxERP.t8("Are you sure to update all positions from master data?") _ "')) return false; kivi.Order.update_all_rows_from_master_data();",
id='update_from_master') %]
[%- END %]
<th id="partnumber_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="15"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("partnumber")'> [%- 'Partnumber' | $T8 %]</a></th>
[%- IF SELF.search_cvpartnumber -%]
<th id="cvpartnumber_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="15"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("cvpartnumber")' > [%- == "customer" ? LxERP.t8('Customer Part Number') : LxERP.t8('Model') %]</a></th>
[%- END -%]
<th id="partclass_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="2">[%- 'Type' | $T8 %]</th>
<th id="description_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap ><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("description")'>[%- 'Description' | $T8 %]</a></th>
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
<th id="shipped_qty_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="5" ><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("shipped_qty")'>[%- 'Delivered' | $T8 %]</a></th>
[%- END -%]
<th id="qty_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="5" ><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("qty")'> [%- 'Qty' | $T8 %]</a></th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Price Factor' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Unit' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Price Source' | $T8 %] </th>
<th id="sellprice_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="15" ><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("sellprice")'> [%- 'Price' | $T8 %]</a></th>
<th id="discount_header_id" class="listheading" nowrap width="15" ><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("discount")'> [%- 'Discount' | $T8 %]</a></th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="10">[%- 'Extended' | $T8 %] </th>
[%- FOREACH item = SELF.order.items_sorted %]
[%- PROCESS order/tabs/_row.html ITEM=item ID=(||item.new_fake_id) -%]
[%- END %]
<td class="wi-wide">[% L.textarea_tag('order.notes', SELF.order.notes, wrap="soft",rows=7, class="texteditor wi-wide") %]</td>
<td><span class="label above">[% 'Internal Notes' | $T8 %]</span>[% L.textarea_tag('order.intnotes', SELF.order.intnotes, wrap="soft", style="height: 150px", class="wi-wide") %]</td>
<table class="tbl-horizontal col">
<caption>[% 'Handling, Dates & Numbers' | $T8 %]</caption>
<colgroup> <col class="wi-mediumsmall"><col class="wi-lightwide"> </colgroup>
[% IF %]
<td colspan="100%" width="100%">
<table width="100%">
<th align="left">[% 'Notes' | $T8 %]</th>
<th align="left">[% 'Internal Notes' | $T8 %]</th>
<tr valign="top">
[% L.textarea_tag('order.notes', SELF.order.notes, wrap="soft", style="width: 350px; height: 150px", class="texteditor") %]
[% L.textarea_tag('order.intnotes', SELF.order.intnotes, wrap="soft", style="width: 350px; height: 150px") %]
<th align="right">[% 'Payment Terms' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.payment_id',
default = SELF.order.payment_id,
with_empty = 1,
title_key = 'description',
style = 'width: 250px') %]</td>
<th align="right">[% 'Delivery Terms' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.delivery_term_id',
default = SELF.order.delivery_term_id,
with_empty = 1,
title_key = 'description',
style = 'width: 250px') %]</td>
[%- IF SELF.type == "sales_order" %]
<th align="right">[%- 'Periodic Invoices' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.button_tag('kivi.Order.show_periodic_invoices_config_dialog()', LxERP.t8('Configure')) %]
(<span id='periodic_invoices_status'>[%- SELF.periodic_invoices_status -%]</span>)
<a href="doc/html/ch03.html#features.periodic-invoices.variables" target="_blank">?</a>
[%- END %]
<th><label for="order.delivered">[% 'Delivery Order(s) for full qty created' | $T8 %]</label></th>
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag('order.delivered', SELF.order.delivered, class='wi-small') %]</td>
<th><label for="order.closed">[% 'Closed' | $T8 %]</label></th>
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag('order.closed', SELF.order.closed, class='wi-small') %]</td>
[% END %]
<th>[% 'Employee' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.employee_id',
default=(SELF.order.employee_id ? SELF.order.employee_id : SELF.current_employee_id),
title_key='safe_name') %]</td>
[% IF == 'customer' %]
<th>[% 'Salesman' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.salesman_id',
default=(SELF.order.salesman_id ? SELF.order.salesman_id : SELF.current_employee_id),
title_key='safe_name') %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") %]
<th>[% 'Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.ordnumber', SELF.order.ordnumber, size = 11, onchange='kivi.Order.set_number_in_title(this)', class='wi-small numeric') %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "sales_quotation") %]
[% SET quo_nr_txt = 'Quotation Number' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% SET quo_nr_txt = 'RFQ Number' %]
[% END %]
<th>[% quo_nr_txt | $T8 %]</th>
[% IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") %]
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.quonumber', SELF.order.quonumber, size=5, class='wi-small') %]</td>
[% ELSE %]
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.quonumber', SELF.order.quonumber, class='wi-small numeric', size=5, class='wi-small', onchange='kivi.Order.set_number_in_title(this)') %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") %]
<th>[% 'Customer Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.input_tag('order.cusordnumber', SELF.order.cusordnumber, size=5, class='wi-small numeric') %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") %]
[% SET transdate_txt = 'Order Date' %]
[% ELSIF SELF.type == "sales_quotation" %]
[% SET transdate_txt = 'Quotation Date' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% SET transdate_txt = 'RFQ Date' %]
[% END %]
<th>[% transdate_txt | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.transdate_as_date', SELF.order.transdate_as_date, class='wi-date') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Tax point' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.tax_point_as_date', SELF.order.tax_point_as_date, class='wi-date recalc') %]</td>
[% IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") %]
[% SET reqdate_txt = 'Reqdate'; SET reqdate_class = 'recalc' %]
[% ELSIF SELF.type == "sales_quotation" %]
[% SET reqdate_txt = 'Valid until'; SET reqdate_class = '' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% SET reqdate_txt = 'Required by'; SET reqdate_class = 'recalc' %]
[% END %]
<th>[% reqdate_txt | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.reqdate_as_date', SELF.order.reqdate_as_date, class='wi-date ' _ reqdate_class) %]</td>
[% IF SELF.type == "sales_quotation" %]
<th>[% 'Order probability' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('order.order_probability', SELF.order_probabilities, title='title', default=SELF.order.order_probability) %]%</td>
<th>[% 'Expected billing date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('order.expected_billing_date_as_date', SELF.order.expected_billing_date_as_date) %]</td>
[% END %]
<th>[% 'Insert Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><span class="data wi-small">[% SELF.order.itime_as_date %]</span></td>
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "sales_quotation") -%]
[%- SET marge_class = (SELF.order.marge_total < 0) ? 'plus0' : '' -%]
<th align="left">[% 'Ertrag' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">
[%- L.div_tag(SELF.order.marge_total_as_number, id='marge_total_id', class=marge_class) %]
<th align="left">[% 'Ertrag prozentual' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">
[%- L.div_tag(LxERP.format_amount(SELF.order.marge_percent, 2), id='marge_percent_id', class=marge_class) %]
<td>[%- L.div_tag('%', id='marge_percent_sign_id', class=marge_class) %]</td>
[%- END %]
</div><!-- /.wrapper -->
<td align="right">
<tr id="taxincluded_row_id" [%- IF !SELF.taxes.size %]style="display:none"[%- END %]>
<td align=right colspan="2">
<label for="order.taxincluded"><b>[% 'Tax Included' | $T8 %]</b></label>
[% L.yes_no_tag('order.taxincluded', SELF.order.taxincluded, class='recalc') %]
[% PROCESS order/tabs/_item_input.html SELF=SELF %]
<tr id="subtotal_row_id" [%- IF SELF.order.taxincluded %]style="display:none"[%- END %]>
<th align="right">[%- 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">
[%- L.div_tag(SELF.order.netamount_as_number, id='netamount_id') %]
[%- FOREACH tax = SELF.taxes %]
[%- PROCESS order/tabs/_tax_row.html TAX=tax TAXINCLUDED=SELF.order.taxincluded %]
[%- END %]
<tr id="amount_row_id">
<th align="right">[%- 'Total' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">
[%- L.div_tag(SELF.order.amount_as_number, id='amount_id') %]
[%- IF SELF.positions_scrollbar_height -%]
[%- SET scroll_style = 'style="overflow-y: auto; height:' _ SELF.positions_scrollbar_height _ 'vh;"' -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[%- SET scroll_style = '' -%]
[%- END -%]
<div id="row_table_scroll_id" class="wrapper" [%- scroll_style -%]>
<table id="row_table_id" class="tbl-list">
<caption>[% 'Articles' | $T8 %]</caption>
<th class="center">
[% IF MYCONFIG.show_form_details %]
[% L.img_tag(src="image/collapse.svg", alt=LxERP.t8('Hide all details'), title=LxERP.t8('Hide all details'), id='expand_all', "data-expanded"="1") %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.img_tag(src="image/expand.svg", alt=LxERP.t8('Show all details'), title=LxERP.t8('Show all details'), id='expand_all') %]
[% END %]
<th>[% 'position' | $T8 %] </th>
<th style='text-align:center'><img src="image/updown.png" alt="[% LxERP.t8('reorder item') %]"></th>
<th style='text-align:center'><img src="image/close.png" alt="[% LxERP.t8('delete item') %]"></th>
[%- IF SELF.show_update_button -%]
<th class="listheading" style='text-align:center' nowrap width="1">
[%- L.img_tag(src="image/rotate_cw.svg",
alt=LxERP.t8('Update from master data'),
title= LxERP.t8('Update from master data'),
onclick="if (!confirm('" _ LxERP.t8("Are you sure to update all positions from master data?") _ "')) return false; kivi.Order.update_all_rows_from_master_data();",
id='update_from_master') %]
[%- END %]
<th id="partnumber_header_id"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("partnumber")'> [% 'Partnumber' | $T8 %]</a></th>
[%- IF SELF.search_cvpartnumber -%]
<th id="cvpartnumber_header_id"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("cvpartnumber")'>[%- == "customer" ? LxERP.t8('Customer Part Number') : LxERP.t8('Model') %]</a></th>
[%- END -%]
<th id="partclass_header_id">[% 'Type' | $T8 %]</th>
<th id="description_header_id"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("description")'>[% 'Description' | $T8 %]</a></th>
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "purchase_order") -%]
<th id="shipped_qty_header_id"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("shipped_qty")'>[% 'Delivered' | $T8 %]</a></th>
[%- END -%]
<th id="qty_header_id"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("qty")'> [% 'Qty' | $T8 %]</a></th>
<th >[% 'Price Factor' | $T8 %]</th>
<th >[% 'Unit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th >[% 'Price Source' | $T8 %]</th>
<th id="sellprice_header_id"><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("sellprice")'> [% 'Price' | $T8 %]</a></th>
<th id="discount_header_id" ><a href='#' onClick='javascript:kivi.Order.reorder_items("discount")'> [% 'Discount' | $T8 %]</a></th>
<th>[% 'Extended' | $T8 %]</th>
[% FOREACH item = SELF.order.items_sorted %]
[% PROCESS order/tabs/_row.html ITEM=item ID=(||item.new_fake_id) TYPE=SELF.type ALL_PRICE_FACTORS=SELF.all_price_factors SEARCH_CVPARTNUMBER=SELF.search_cvpartnumber %]
[% END %]
<tr id="subtotal_row_id">
<td colspan="11"></td>
<th colspan="3">[% IF SELF.order.taxincluded %][% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %][% END %]</th>
<td>[% IF SELF.order.taxincluded %][% L.div_tag(SELF.order.netamount_as_number, id='netamount_id') %][% END %]</td>
[% FOREACH tax = SELF.taxes %]
[% PROCESS order/tabs/_tax_row.html TAX=tax TAXINCLUDED=SELF.order.taxincluded %]
[% END %]
<tr id="amount_row_id">
[%- IF (SELF.type == "sales_order" || SELF.type == "sales_quotation") -%]
[%- SET marge_class = (SELF.order.marge_total < 0) ? 'plus0' : '' -%]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Ertrag' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2" class="numeric">[%- L.div_tag(SELF.order.marge_total_as_number, id='marge_total_id', class=marge_class) %]</td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Ertrag prozentual' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">[%- LxERP.format_amount(SELF.order.marge_percent, 2) %] %</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td colspan="7">
[%- END -%]
<td colspan="4">
<th colspan="3">[% 'Total' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">[% L.div_tag(SELF.order.amount_as_number, id='amount_id') %]</td>
</div><!-- /#row_table_scroll_id /.wrapper -->
</div><!-- /#ui-tabs-basic-data -->
[% L.sortable_element('#row_table_id') %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Neues Design 2019 Standard-Code templates/webpages/order/tabs/basic_data.html