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Telephone & <%tel%>\\
Facsimile & <%fax%>


\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%ordnumber%>}{\usebox{\hdr}}

%\thispagestyle{empty} use this with letterhead paper

<%pagebreak 90 27 48%>

\textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%sumcarriedforward%>} \\


\markright{<%company%>\hfill <%ordnumber%>}


\textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
\textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc} & \textbf{Amount} \\
& carried forward from <%lastpage%> & & & & & <%sumcarriedforward%> \\
<%end pagebreak%>









\textbf{S A L E S} \parbox{0.3cm}{\hfill} \textbf{O R D E R}
\textbf{Order Date} & <%orddate%> \\
<%if reqdate%>
\textbf{Required by} & <%reqdate%> \\
<%end reqdate%>
\textbf{Number} & <%ordnumber%>


\textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
\textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc} & \textbf{Amount} \\
<%foreach number%>
<%number%> & <%description%> & <%qty%> &
<%unit%> & <%sellprice%> & <%discount%> & <%linetotal%> \\
<%end number%>



\textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%subtotal%>} \\
<%foreach tax%>
<%taxdescription%> on <%taxbase%> & <%tax%>\\
<%end tax%>
\textbf{Total} & \textbf{<%ordtotal%>}\\


All prices in \textbf{<%currency%>} funds.


<%if notes%>
<%end if%>



A 10\% order cancellation fee will be applied for any special order products or
products that have been customized, enhanced or upgraded at customers request.
Items which are non-returnable are indicated above.

