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Revision d43904e8

Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 16 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID d43904e8740303c640001b7362eac01d7df019c6
  • Vorgänger 06af498f
  • Nachfolger 5bb3340b

Das Perl-Modul PDF::API2 ist nun feste Voraussetzung.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

{ "name" => "List::Util", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "Template", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "Digest::MD5", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "PDF::API2", "url" => "" },
@optional_modules = (
{ "name" => "PDF::API2", "url" => "" },
sub module_available {
use List::Util qw(max);
use Text::CSV_XS;
use Text::Iconv;
use PDF::API2;
use PDF::Table;
use SL::Form;
my $allow_pdf_export = $opts->{allow_pdf_export};
eval { require PDF::API2; require PDF::Table; };
$allow_pdf_export |= 1 if (! $@);
my $variables = {
'TITLE' => $opts->{title},
'TOP_INFO_TEXT' => $self->html_format($opts->{top_info_text}),
=item allow_pdf_export
Used to determine if a button for PDF export should be displayed. Default is yes. The PDF button is hidden if neither the Perl module PDF::API2 nor the external applications html2ps and Ghostscript are available regardless of this parameter's value.
Used to determine if a button for PDF export should be displayed. Default is yes.
=item allow_csv_export

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff