


Herunterladen (5,75 KB) Statistiken
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247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
package ARAP;

use SL::AM;
use SL::Common;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::MoreCommon;
5ad7e1ed Sven Schöling
use SL::DB;
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
use Data::Dumper;

76c486e3 Sven Schöling
use strict;

247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
sub close_orders_if_billed {

my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;

Common::check_params(\%params, qw(arap_id table));

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

5ad7e1ed Sven Schöling
my $dbh = $params{dbh} || SL::DB->client->dbh;
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
# First, find all order IDs from which this invoice has been
# created. Either directly by a conversion from an order to this invoice
# or indirectly from an order to one or more delivery orders and
# from those to this invoice.

# Direct conversion "order -> invoice":
my @links = RecordLinks->get_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'from_table' => 'oe',
'to_table' => $params{table},
'to_id' => $params{arap_id});

my %oe_id_map = map { $_->{from_id} => 1 } @links;

# Indirect conversion "order -> delivery orders -> invoice":
my @do_links = RecordLinks->get_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'from_table' => 'delivery_orders',
'to_table' => $params{table},
'to_id' => $params{arap_id});

foreach my $do_link (@do_links) {
@links = RecordLinks->get_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'from_table' => 'oe',
'to_table' => 'delivery_orders',
'to_id' => $do_link->{from_id});

map { $oe_id_map{$_->{from_id}} = 1 } @links;

my @oe_ids = keys %oe_id_map;

# No orders found? Nothing to do then, so let's return.
5e213cbd Sven Schöling
return $main::lxdebug->leave_sub unless @oe_ids;
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
5e213cbd Sven Schöling
my $all_units = AM->retrieve_all_units;
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
my $qtyfactor = $params{table} eq 'ap' ? '* -1' : '';
my $q_billed = qq|SELECT i.parts_id, i.qty ${qtyfactor} AS qty, i.unit, p.unit AS partunit
FROM invoice i
LEFT JOIN parts p ON (i.parts_id =
05a0faf9 Waldemar Toews
WHERE i.trans_id = ? AND i.assemblyitem is false|;
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
my $h_billed = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $q_billed);

my $q_ordered = qq|SELECT oi.parts_id, oi.qty, oi.unit, p.unit AS partunit
FROM orderitems oi
LEFT JOIN parts p ON (oi.parts_id =
WHERE oi.trans_id = ?|;
my $h_ordered = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $q_ordered);

my @close_oe_ids;

# Interate over each order and look up all invoices created for
# said order. Again consider both direct conversions and indirect
# conversions via delivery orders.
foreach my $oe_id (@oe_ids) {
# Direct conversions "order -> invoice":
@links = RecordLinks->get_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'from_table' => 'oe',
'from_id' => $oe_id,
'to_table' => $params{table},);

my %arap_id_map = map { $_->{to_id} => 1 } @links;

# Indirect conversions "order -> delivery orders -> invoice":
@do_links = RecordLinks->get_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'from_table' => 'oe',
'from_id' => $oe_id,
'to_table' => 'delivery_orders',);
foreach my $do_link (@do_links) {
@links = RecordLinks->get_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'from_table' => 'delivery_orders',
'from_id' => $do_link->{to_id},
'to_table' => $params{table},);

map { $arap_id_map{$_->{to_id}} = 1 } @links;

my @arap_ids = keys %arap_id_map;

next if (!scalar @arap_ids);

# Retrieve all positions for this order. Calculate the ordered quantity for each position.
my %ordered = ();

do_statement($form, $h_ordered, $q_ordered, $oe_id);

while (my $ref = $h_ordered->fetchrow_hashref()) {
5e213cbd Sven Schöling
$ref->{baseqty} = $ref->{qty} * AM->convert_unit($ref->{unit}, $ref->{partunit}, $all_units);
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
if ($ordered{$ref->{parts_id}}) {
$ordered{$ref->{parts_id}}->{baseqty} += $ref->{baseqty};
} else {
$ordered{$ref->{parts_id}} = $ref;

# Retrieve all positions for all invoices that have been created from this order.
my %billed = ();

foreach my $arap_id (@arap_ids) {
do_statement($form, $h_billed, $q_billed, $arap_id);

while (my $ref = $h_billed->fetchrow_hashref()) {
5e213cbd Sven Schöling
$ref->{baseqty} = $ref->{qty} * AM->convert_unit($ref->{unit}, $ref->{partunit}, $all_units);
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
if ($billed{$ref->{parts_id}}) {
$billed{$ref->{parts_id}}->{baseqty} += $ref->{baseqty};
} else {
$billed{$ref->{parts_id}} = $ref;

# Check all ordered positions. If all positions have been billed completely then this order can be closed.
my $all_billed = 1;
foreach my $part (values %ordered) {
if (!$billed{$part->{parts_id}} || ($billed{$part->{parts_id}}->{baseqty} < $part->{baseqty})) {
$all_billed = 0;

push @close_oe_ids, $oe_id if ($all_billed);

5e213cbd Sven Schöling
247a26dc Moritz Bunkus
# Close orders that have been billed fully.
if (scalar @close_oe_ids) {
5ad7e1ed Sven Schöling
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $query = qq|UPDATE oe SET closed = TRUE WHERE id IN (| . join(', ', ('?') x scalar @close_oe_ids) . qq|)|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @close_oe_ids);
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