kivitendo/SL/ @ d2fdb900
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | package SL::IMAPClient;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | use Email::MIME;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | use File::MimeInfo::Magic;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Encode::IMAPUTF7;
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::Locale;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
use SL::SessionFile;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::DB::EmailImport;
use SL::DB::EmailJournal;
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | use SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | use SL::DB::Order;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
my $config = $::lx_office_conf{imap_client} || {};
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | my $server_locale = Locale->new($::lx_office_conf{server}->{language});
my %record_type_to_folder = (
sales_quotation => $server_locale->text('Sales Quotations'),
sales_order => $server_locale->text('Sales Orders'),
my %record_folder_to_type = reverse %record_type_to_folder;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | my $self = bless {
enabled => $config->{enabled},
hostname => $config->{hostname},
port => $config->{port},
ssl => $config->{ssl},
username => $config->{username},
password => $config->{password},
base_folder => $config->{base_folder} || 'INBOX',
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | record_type_to_folder => \%record_type_to_folder,
record_folder_to_type => \%record_folder_to_type,
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | %params,
}, $class;
return unless $self->{enabled};
return $self;
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{imap_client}) {
0572a0b8 | Tamino Steinert | sub store_email_in_email_folder {
my ($self, $email_string, $folder_path) = @_;
$folder_path ||= $self->{base_folder};
my $folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($folder_path);
$self->{imap_client}->append_string($folder_string, $email_string)
or die "Could not store email in folder '$folder_string': "
. $self->{imap_client}->LastError() . "\n";
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | sub update_emails_from_folder {
my ($self, $folder_path) = @_;
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | $folder_path ||= $self->{base_folder};
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
my $folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($folder_path);
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my $email_import =
_update_emails_from_folder_strings($self, $folder_path, [$folder_string]);
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | return $email_import;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | sub update_emails_from_subfolders {
my ($self, $base_folder_path) = @_;
$base_folder_path ||= $self->{base_folder};
my $base_folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($base_folder_path);
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my @subfolder_strings = $self->{imap_client}->folders($base_folder_string)
or die "Could not get subfolders via IMAP: $@\n";
@subfolder_strings = grep { $_ ne $base_folder_string } @subfolder_strings;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my $email_import =
_update_emails_from_folder_strings($self, $base_folder_path, \@subfolder_strings);
return $email_import;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | sub _update_emails_from_folder_strings {
my ($self, $base_folder_path, $folder_strings) = @_;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $email_import;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | foreach my $folder_string (@$folder_strings) {
or die "Could not select IMAP folder '$folder_string': $@\n";
5d8e7dc9 | Tamino Steinert | my $folder_uidvalidity = $self->{imap_client}->uidvalidity($folder_string)
or die "Could not get UIDVALIDITY for folder '$folder_string': $@\n";
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my $msg_uids = $self->{imap_client}->messages
or die "Could not get messages via IMAP: $@\n";
my $query = <<SQL;
FROM email_imports ei
LEFT JOIN email_journal ej
ON ej.email_import_id =
WHERE ei.host_name = ?
AND ei.user_name = ?
AND ej.folder = ?
5d8e7dc9 | Tamino Steinert | AND ej.folder_uidvalidity = ?
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | SQL
my $existing_uids = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query, 'uid', undef,
5d8e7dc9 | Tamino Steinert | $self->{hostname}, $self->{username}, $folder_string, $folder_uidvalidity);
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
my @new_msg_uids = grep { !$existing_uids->{$_} } @$msg_uids;
next unless @new_msg_uids;
$email_import ||= $self->_create_email_import($base_folder_path)->save();
foreach my $new_uid (@new_msg_uids) {
my $new_email_string = $self->{imap_client}->message_string($new_uid);
my $email = Email::MIME->new($new_email_string);
my $email_journal = $self->_create_email_journal(
5d8e7dc9 | Tamino Steinert | $email, $email_import, $new_uid, $folder_string, $folder_uidvalidity
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | );
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | }
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | return $email_import;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | }
sub _create_email_import {
my ($self, $folder_path) = @_;
my $email_import = SL::DB::EmailImport->new(
host_name => $self->{hostname},
user_name => $self->{username},
folder => $folder_path,
return $email_import;
sub _create_email_journal {
5d8e7dc9 | Tamino Steinert | my ($self, $email, $email_import, $uid, $folder_string, $folder_uidvalidity) = @_;
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | |||
my @email_parts = $email->parts; # get parts or self
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my $text_part = $email_parts[0];
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | my $body = $text_part->body;
my $header_string = join "\r\n",
(map { $_ . ': ' . $email->header($_) } $email->header_names);
my $date = $self->_parse_date($email->header('Date'));
my $recipients = $email->header('To');
$recipients .= ', ' . $email->header('Cc') if ($email->header('Cc'));
$recipients .= ', ' . $email->header('Bcc') if ($email->header('Bcc'));
my @attachments = ();
$email->walk_parts(sub {
my ($part) = @_;
my $filename = $part->filename;
if ($filename) {
my $content_type = $part->content_type;
my $content = $part->body;
my $attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(
name => $filename,
content => $content,
mime_type => $content_type,
push @attachments, $attachment;
my $email_journal = SL::DB::EmailJournal->new(
5d8e7dc9 | Tamino Steinert | email_import_id => $email_import->id,
folder => $folder_string,
folder_uidvalidity => $folder_uidvalidity,
uid => $uid,
status => 'imported',
extended_status => '',
from => $email->header('From') || '',
recipients => $recipients,
sent_on => $date,
subject => $email->header('Subject') || '',
body => $body,
headers => $header_string,
attachments => \@attachments,
794df533 | Tamino Steinert | );
return $email_journal;
sub _parse_date {
my ($self, $date) = @_;
return '' unless $date;
my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z',
time_zone => 'UTC',
my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime($date);
return $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | sub update_email_files_for_record {
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $folder_string = $self->_get_folder_string_for_record($record);
return unless $self->{imap_client}->exists($folder_string);
or die "Could not select IMAP folder '$folder_string': $@\n";
my $msg_uids = $self->{imap_client}->messages
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | or die "Could not get messages via IMAP: $@\n";
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
my $dbh = $record->dbh;
my $query = <<SQL;
FROM files
WHERE object_id = ?
AND object_type = ?
AND source = 'uploaded'
AND file_type = 'attachment'
my $existing_uids = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query, 'uid', undef,
$record->id, $record->type);
my @new_msg_uids = grep { !$existing_uids->{$_} } @$msg_uids;
foreach my $msg_uid (@new_msg_uids) {
my $sess_fname = "mail_download_" . $record->type . "_" . $record->id . "_" . $msg_uid;
my $file_name =
decode('MIME-Header', $self->{imap_client}->subject($msg_uid)) . '.eml';
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile->new($sess_fname, mode => 'w');
$self->{imap_client}->message_to_file($sfile->fh, $msg_uid)
or die "Could not fetch message $msg_uid from IMAP: $@\n";
my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($sfile->file_name);
my $fileobj = SL::File->save(
object_id => $record->id,
object_type => $record->type,
mime_type => $mime_type,
source => 'uploaded',
uid => "$msg_uid",
file_type => 'attachment',
file_name => $file_name,
file_path => $sfile->file_name
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | }
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | sub update_email_subfolders_and_files_for_records {
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my ($self) = @_;
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | my $base_folder_path = $self->{base_folder};
my $base_folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($base_folder_path);
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | my $folder_strings = $self->{imap_client}->folders($base_folder_string)
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | or die "Could not get folders via IMAP: $@\n";
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | my @subfolder_strings = grep { $_ ne $base_folder_string } @$folder_strings;
# Store the emails to the records
foreach my $subfolder_string (@subfolder_strings) {
my $ilike_folder_path = $self->get_ilike_folder_path_from_string($subfolder_string);
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my (
$ilike_record_folder_path, # is greedily matched
$ilike_customer_number, # no spaces allowed
) = $ilike_folder_path =~ m|^(.+)/([^\s]+) (.+)/(.+)/(.+)|;
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | my $record_type = $self->{record_folder_to_type}->{$record_folder};
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | next unless $record_type;
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | # TODO make it generic for all records
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my $is_quotation = $record_type eq 'sales_quotation' ? 1 : 0;
my $number_field = $is_quotation ? 'quonumber' : 'ordnumber';
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | my $record = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_first(
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | query => [
and => [
vendor_id => undef,
quotation => $is_quotation,
$number_field => { ilike => $ilike_record_number },
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | next unless $record;
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | }
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | |||
399b215e | Tamino Steinert | return \@subfolder_strings;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | }
sub create_folder {
my ($self, $folder_name) = @_;
return if $self->{imap_client}->exists($folder_name);
or die "Could not create IMAP folder '$folder_name': $@\n";
6a4a4d6a | Tamino Steinert | $self->{imap_client}->subscribe($folder_name)
or die "Could not subscribe to IMAP folder '$folder_name': $@\n";
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | return;
sub get_folder_string_from_path {
my ($self, $folder_path) = @_;
my $separator = $self->{imap_client}->separator();
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | if ($separator ne '/') {
my $replace_sep = $separator ne '_' ? '_' : '-';
$folder_path =~ s|\Q${separator}|$replace_sep|g; # \Q -> escape special chars
$folder_path =~ s|/|${separator}|g; # replace / with separator
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | my $folder_string = encode('IMAP-UTF-7', $folder_path);
return $folder_string;
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | sub get_ilike_folder_path_from_string {
my ($self, $folder_string) = @_;
my $separator = $self->{imap_client}->separator();
my $folder_path = decode('IMAP-UTF-7', $folder_string);
$folder_path =~ s|\Q${separator}|/|g; # \Q -> escape special chars
$folder_path =~ s|-|_|g; # for ilike matching
return $folder_path;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | sub create_folder_for_record {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $folder_string = $self->_get_folder_string_for_record($record);
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | sub clean_up_subfolders {
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | my ($self, $active_records) = @_;
399b215e | Tamino Steinert | my $subfolder_strings =
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | $self->update_email_subfolders_and_files_for_records();
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
399b215e | Tamino Steinert | my @active_folder_strings = map { $self->_get_folder_string_for_record($_) }
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | @$active_records;
399b215e | Tamino Steinert | my %keep_folder = map { $_ => 1 } @active_folder_strings;
my @folders_to_delete = grep { !$keep_folder{$_} } @$subfolder_strings;
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
foreach my $folder (@folders_to_delete) {
or die "Could not delete IMAP folder '$folder': $@\n";
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | sub _get_folder_string_for_record {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $customer_vendor = $record->customervendor;
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
#repalce / with _
my %string_parts = ();
$string_parts{cv_number} = $customer_vendor->number;
$string_parts{cv_name} = $customer_vendor->name;
$string_parts{record_number} = $record->number;
foreach my $key (keys %string_parts) {
$string_parts{$key} =~ s|/|_|g;
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | my $record_folder_path =
$self->{base_folder} . '/' .
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | $string_parts{cv_number} . ' ' . $string_parts{cv_name} . '/' .
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | $self->{record_type_to_folder}->{$record->type} . '/' .
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | $string_parts{record_number};
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | my $folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($record_folder_path);
return $folder_string;
sub _create_imap_client {
my ($self) = @_;
my $socket;
if ($self->{ssl}) {
$socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $self->{hostname},
PeerPort => $self->{port} || 993,
} else {
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $self->{hostname},
PeerPort => $self->{port} || 143,
if (!$socket) {
die "Failed to create socket for IMAP client: $@\n";
my $imap_client = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
Socket => $socket,
User => $self->{username},
Password => $self->{password},
Uid => 1,
peek => 1, # Don't change the \Seen flag
) or do {
die "Failed to create IMAP Client: $@\n"
$imap_client->IsAuthenticated() or do {
die "IMAP Client login failed: " . $imap_client->LastError() . "\n";
$self->{imap_client} = $imap_client;
return $imap_client;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::IMAPClient - Base class for interacting with email server from kivitendo
use SL::IMAPClient;
# uses the config in config/kivitendo.conf
my $imap_client = SL::IMAPClient->new();
# can also be used with a custom config, overriding the global config
my %config = (
enabled => 1,
hostname => '',
username => 'test_user',
password => 'test_password',
ssl => 1,
base_folder => 'INBOX',
my $imap_client = SL::IMAPClient->new(%config);
# create email folder for record
# folder structure: base_folder/customer_vendor_number customer_vendor_name/type/record_number
# e.g. INBOX/1234 Testkunde/Angebot/123
# if the folder already exists, nothing happens
# update emails for record
# fetches all emails from the IMAP server and saves them as attachments
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | $imap_client->update_email_files_for_record($record);
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
Mail can be sent from kivitendo via the sendmail command or the smtp protocol.
=over 2
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | =item C<%$self->{record_type_to_folder}>
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
Due to the lack of a single global mapping for $record->type,
type is mapped to the corresponding translation. All types which
use this module are currently mapped and should be mapped.
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | =item C<%$self->record_folder_to_type>
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
67e51032 | Tamino Steinert | The reverse mapping of C<%$self->{record_type_to_folder}>.
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | =back
=over 4
=item C<new>
Creates a new SL::IMAPClient object. If no config is passed, the config
from config/kivitendo.conf is used. If a config is passed, the global
config is overridden.
=item C<DESTROY>
Destructor. Disconnects from the IMAP server.
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | =item C<update_emails_from_folder>
Updates the emails for a folder. Checks which emails are missing and
fetches these from the IMAP server. Returns the created email import object.
=item C<update_emails_from_subfolders>
Updates the emails for all subfolders of a folder. Checks which emails are
missing and fetches these from the IMAP server. Returns the created email
import object.
=item C<_update_emails_from_folder_strings>
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | Updates the emails for a list of folder strings. Checks which emails are
missing and fetches these from the IMAP server. Returns the created
email import object.
=item C<update_email_files_for_record>
Updates the email files for a record. Checks which emails are missing and
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | fetches these from the IMAP server.
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | =item C<update_email_subfolders_and_files_for_records>
Updates all subfolders and the email files for all records.
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | =item C<create_folder>
Creates a folder on the IMAP server. If the folder already exists, nothing
=item C<get_folder_string_from_path>
Converts a folder path to a folder string. The folder path is like path
on unix filesystem. The folder string is the path on the IMAP server.
The folder string is encoded in IMAP-UTF-7.
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | =item C<get_ilike_folder_path_from_string>
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | |||
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | Converts a folder string to a folder path. The folder path is like path
on unix filesystem. The folder string is the path on the IMAP server.
The folder string is encoded in IMAP-UTF-7. It can happend that
C<get_folder_string_from_path> and C<get_ilike_folder_path_from_string>
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | don't cancel each other out. This is because the IMAP server can has a
different Ieparator than the unix filesystem. The changes are made so that a
ILIKE query on the database works.
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | =item C<create_folder_for_record>
Creates a folder for a record on the IMAP server. The folder structure
is like this: base_folder/customer_vendor_number customer_vendor_name/type/record_number
e.g. INBOX/1234 Testkunde/Angebot/123
If the folder already exists, nothing happens.
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | =item C<clean_up_subfolders>
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | Gets a list of acitve records. Syncs all subfolders and add email files to
the records. Then deletes all subfolders which are not corresponding to an
active record.
ab7a995e | Tamino Steinert | |||
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | =item C<_get_folder_string_for_record>
Returns the folder string for a record. The folder structure is like this:
base_folder/customer_vendor_number customer_vendor_name/type/record_number
e.g. INBOX/1234 Testkunde/Angebot/123. This is passed through
=item C<_create_imap_client>
Creates a new IMAP client and logs in. The IMAP client is stored in
=head1 BUGS
0eebc84f | Tamino Steinert | The mapping from record to email folder is not bijective. If the record or
customer number has special characters, the mapping can fail. Read
C<get_ilike_folder_path_from_string> for more information.
a992797b | Tamino Steinert | |||
=head1 AUTHOR
Tamino Steinert E<lt>tamino.steinert@tamino.stE<gt>