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# This module consists of helper methods for generating Swiss
# billing QR-Code.
package SL::Helper::QrBill;

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec ();
use Imager ();
use Imager::QRCode ();

our $VERSION = '0.01';

my %Config = (
img_dir => 'image',
cross_file => 'CH-Kreuz_7mm.png',
out_file => 'out.png',

# Validate data, populate structures and return a
# SL::Helper::QrBill object.
sub new {
my $class = shift;

my $self = bless {}, $class;


return $self;

# Populate the data structures with data received by the
# constructor.
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
my ($biller_information, $biller_data, $payment_information, $invoice_recipient_data, $ref_nr_data, $additional_information) = @_;

my $address = sub {
my ($href) = @_;
my $address_type = $href->{address_type};
return ((map $href->{$_}, qw(address_row1 address_row2)), '', '')
if $address_type eq 'K';
return (map $href->{$_}, qw(street street_no postalcode city))
if $address_type eq 'S';

$self->{data}{header} = [
'SPC', # QRType
'0200', # Version
1, # Coding Type
$self->{data}{biller_information} = [
$self->{data}{biller_data} = [
$self->{data}{payment_information} = [
$self->{data}{invoice_recipient_data} = [
$self->{data}{ref_nr_data} = [
$self->{data}{additional_information} = [
'EPD', # End Payment Data

# Validate the data with regular expressions and exit ungracefully
# if conditions are not matched.
sub _init_check {
my $self = shift;
my ($biller_information, $biller_data, $payment_information, $invoice_recipient_data, $ref_nr_data, $additional_information) = @_;

my $check_re = sub {
my ($group, $href, $elem, $regex) = @_;
my $error = undef;
if (!exists $href->{$elem}) {
$error = 'does not exist';
} elsif (!defined $href->{$elem}) {
$error = 'is not defined';
} elsif ($href->{$elem} !~ $regex) {
$error = 'is not valid';
die "field '$elem' in group '$group' $error", "\n" if defined $error;

my %regexes = (
'biller information' => [
[ 'iban', qr{^(?:CH|LI)[0-9a-zA-Z]{19}$} ],
'biller data' => [
[ 'address_type', qr{^[KS]$} ],
[ 'company', qr{^.{1,70}$} ],
[ 'address_row1', qr{^.{0,70}$} ], # combined (K)
[ 'address_row2', qr{^.{0,70}$} ], # "
[ 'street', qr{^.{0,70}$} ], # structured (S)
[ 'street_no', qr{^.{0,16}$} ], # "
[ 'postalcode', qr{^.{0,16}$} ], # "
[ 'city', qr{^.{0,35}$} ], # "
[ 'countrycode', qr{^[A-Z]{2}$} ],
'payment information' => [
[ 'amount', qr{^(?:(?:0|[1-9][0-9]{0,8})\.[0-9]{2})?$} ],
[ 'currency', qr{^(?:CHF|EUR)$} ],
'invoice recipient data' => [
[ 'address_type', qr{^[KS]$} ],
[ 'name', qr{^.{1,70}$} ],
[ 'address_row1', qr{^.{0,70}$} ], # combined (K)
[ 'address_row2', qr{^.{0,70}$} ], # "
[ 'street', qr{^.{0,70}$} ], # structured (S)
[ 'street_no', qr{^.{0,16}$} ], # "
[ 'postalcode', qr{^.{0,16}$} ], # "
[ 'city', qr{^.{0,35}$} ], # "
[ 'countrycode', qr{^[A-Z]{2}$} ],
'reference number data' => [
[ 'type', qr{^(?:QRR|NON)$} ],
'additional information' => [
[ 'unstructured_message', qr{^.{0,140}$} ],
additional => {
'ref_nr' => {
QRR => qr{^\d{27}$},
NON => qr{^$},
'qr_iban' => qr{^.{4}3[01][0-9]{3}.{12}$},

my $group = 'biller information';
foreach my $re (@{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $biller_information, @$re);

$group = 'biller data';
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^(?:address_type|company)$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $biller_data, @$re);
if ($biller_data->{address_type} eq 'K') {
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^address_row[12]$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $biller_data, @$re);
} elsif ($biller_data->{address_type} eq 'S') {
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^(?:street(?:_no)?|postalcode|city)$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $biller_data, @$re);
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^countrycode$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $biller_data, @$re);

$group = 'payment information';
foreach my $re (@{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $payment_information, @$re);

$group = 'invoice recipient data';
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^(?:address_type|name)$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $invoice_recipient_data, @$re);
if ($invoice_recipient_data->{address_type} eq 'K') {
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^address_row[12]$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $invoice_recipient_data, @$re);
} elsif ($invoice_recipient_data->{address_type} eq 'S') {
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^(?:street(?:_no)?|postalcode|city)$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $invoice_recipient_data, @$re);
foreach my $re (grep $_->[0] =~ /^countrycode$/, @{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $invoice_recipient_data, @$re);

$group = 'reference number data';
foreach my $re (@{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $ref_nr_data, @$re);
$check_re->($group, $ref_nr_data, 'ref_number', $regexes{additional}->{ref_nr}{$ref_nr_data->{type}});

$group = 'biller information';
if ($ref_nr_data->{type} eq 'QRR') {
$check_re->($group, $biller_information, 'iban', $regexes{additional}->{qr_iban});

$group = 'additional information';
foreach my $re (@{$regexes{$group}}) {
$check_re->($group, $additional_information, @$re);

# Generate the QR-Code image by calling internal methods.
sub generate {
my $self = shift;
my $out_file = $_[0] // $Config{out_file};

$self->{qrcode} = $self->_qrcode();
$self->{cross} = $self->_cross();
$self->{img} = $self->_plot();


# Return a new Imager::QRCode object.
sub _qrcode {
my $self = shift;

return Imager::QRCode->new(
size => 4,
margin => 0,
level => 'M',

# Read the cross file and scale the resulting image.
sub _cross {
my $self = shift;

my $cross = Imager->new();
$cross->read(file => File::Spec->catfile(@Config{qw(img_dir cross_file)})) or die $cross->errstr, "\n";

return $cross->scale(xpixels => 35, ypixels => 35, qtype => 'mixing');

# Order and modify the structured data, form the text and plot it.
sub _plot {
my $self = shift;

my @data = (
('') x 7, # for future use

foreach (@data) {
s/[\r\n]/ /g;
s/ {2,}/ /g;
# CR + LF
my $text = join "\015\012", @data;

return $self->{qrcode}->plot($text);

# Paste cross image onto the middle of the QR-Code image.
sub _paste {
my $self = shift;

src => $self->{cross},
left => ($self->{img}->getwidth / 2) - ($self->{cross}->getwidth / 2),
top => ($self->{img}->getheight / 2) - ($self->{cross}->getheight / 2),

# Write the QR-Code image to a file.
sub _write {
my $self = shift;
my ($out_file) = @_;

$self->{img}->write(file => $out_file) or die $self->{img}->errstr, "\n";



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::Helper::QrBill - Helper methods for generating Swiss billing QR-Code


use SL::Helper::QrBill;

eval {
my $qr_image = SL::Helper::QrBill->new(
} or do {
local $_ = $@; chomp; my $error = $_;
$::form->error($::locale->text('QR-Image generation failed: ' . $error));


This module generates the Swiss billing QR-Code with data provided to the constructor.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<new>

Creates a new object. Expects six references to hashes as arguments.

The hashes are structured as follows:

=over 4

=item C<%biller_information>

Fields: iban.

=over 4

=item C<iban>

Fixed length; 21 alphanumerical characters, only IBANs with CH- or LI-
country code.


=item C<%biller_data>

Fields (mandatory): address_type, company and countrycode.
Fields (combined): address_row1 and address_row2.
Fields (structured): street, street_no, postalcode and city.

=over 4

=item C<address_type>

Fixed length; 1-digit, alphanumerical.

=item C<company>

Maximum of 70 characters, name (surname allowable) or company.

=item C<address_row1>

Maximum of 70 characters, street/no.

=item C<address_row2>

Maximum of 70 characters, postal code/city.

=item C<street>

Maximum of 70 characters, street.

=item C<street_no>

Maximum of 16 characters, street no.

=item C<postalcode>

Maximum of 16 characters, postal code.

=item C<city>

Maximum of 35 characters, city.

=item C<countrycode>

2-digit country code according to ISO 3166-1.


=item C<%payment_information>

Fields: amount and currency.

=over 4

=item C<amount>

Decimal, no leading zeroes, maximum of 12 digits (inclusive decimal
separator and places). Only dot as decimal separator is permitted.

=item C<currency>



=item C<%invoice_recipient_data>

Fields (mandatory): address_type, name and countrycode.
Fields (combined): address_row1 and address_row2.
Fields (structured): street, street_no, postalcode and city.

=over 4

=item C<address_type>

Fixed length; 1-digit, alphanumerical.

=item C<name>

Maximum of 70 characters, name (surname allowable) or company.

=item C<address_row1>

Maximum of 70 characters, street/no.

=item C<address_row2>

Maximum of 70 characters, postal code/city.

=item C<street>

Maximum of 70 characters, street.

=item C<street_no>

Maximum of 16 characters, street no.

=item C<postalcode>

Maximum of 16 characters, postal code.

=item C<city>

Maximum of 35 characters, city.

=item C<countrycode>

2-digit country code according to ISO 3166-1.


=item C<%ref_nr_data>

Fields: type and ref_number.

=over 4

=item C<type>

Maximum of 4 characters, alphanumerical. QRR/NON.

=item C<ref_number>

QR-Reference: 27 characters, numerical; without Reference: empty.


=item C<%additional_information>

Fields: unstructured_message.

=over 4

=item C<unstructured_message>

Maximum of 140 characters, unstructured message.



=head2 C<generate>

Generates the QR-Code image. Accepts filename of image as argument.
Defaults to C<out.png>.

=head1 TESTS

Tests may be invoked by executing C<t/ t/helper/qrbill.t>
within the root directory of the repository.

=head1 AUTHOR

Steven Schubiger E<lt>stsc@refcnt.orgE<gt>
