# -n do not include custom_ scripts
# -v verbose mode, shows progress stuff
# this version of locles processes not only all required .pl files
# but also all parse_html_templated files.
use POSIX;
use FileHandle;
use Data::Dumper;
$| = 1;
$basedir = "../..";
$bindir = "$basedir/bin/mozilla";
$dbupdir = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade";
$dbupdir2 = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade2";
$menufile = "menu.ini";
$submitsearch = qr/type\s*=\s*[\"\']?submit/i;
foreach $item (@ARGV) {
$item =~ s/-//g;
$arg{$item} = 1;
opendir DIR, "$bindir" or die "$!";
@progfiles = grep { /\.pl$/ && !/(_|^\.)/ } readdir DIR;
seekdir DIR, 0;
@customfiles = grep /_/, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
# put customized files into @customfiles
@customfiles = () if ($arg{n});
if ($arg{n}) {
@menufiles = ($menufile);
} else {
opendir DIR, "$basedir" or die "$!";
@menufiles = grep { /.*?_$menufile$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
unshift @menufiles, $menufile;
opendir DIR, $dbupdir or die "$!";
@dbplfiles = grep { /\.pl$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
opendir DIR, $dbupdir2 or die "$!";
@dbplfiles2 = grep { /\.pl$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
# slurp the translations in
if (-f 'all') {
require "all";
# Read HTML templates.
#%htmllocale = ();
#@htmltemplates = <../../templates/webpages/*/*_master.html>;
#foreach $file (@htmltemplates) {
# scanhtmlfile($file);
map({ handle_file($_, $bindir); } @progfiles);
map({ handle_file($_, $dbupdir); } @dbplfiles);
map({ handle_file($_, $dbupdir2); } @dbplfiles2);
sub handle_file {
my ($file, $dir) = @_;
print "\n$file" if $arg{v};
%locale = ();
%submit = ();
%subrt = ();
# scan custom_{module}.pl or {login}_{module}.pl files
foreach $customfile (@customfiles) {
if ($customfile =~ /_$file/) {
if (-f "$dir/$customfile") {
# if this is the menu.pl file
if ($file eq 'menu.pl') {
foreach $item (@menufiles) {
if ($file eq 'menunew.pl') {
foreach $item (@menufiles) {
print "." if $arg{v};
$file =~ s/\.pl//;
eval { require 'missing'; };
unlink 'missing';
foreach $text (keys %$missing) {
if ($locale{$text} || $htmllocale{$text}) {
unless ($self->{texts}{$text}) {
$self->{texts}{$text} = $missing->{$text};
open FH, ">$file" or die "$! : $file";
print FH q|$self->{texts} = {
foreach $key (sort keys %locale) {
if ($self->{texts}{$key}) {
$text = $self->{texts}{$key};
} else {
$text = $key;
$text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
$keytext = $key;
$keytext =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$keytext =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
print FH qq| '$keytext'|
. (' ' x (27 - length($keytext)))
. qq| => '$text',\n|;
print FH q|};
$self->{subs} = {
foreach $key (sort keys %subrt) {
$text = $key;
$text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
print FH qq| '$text'| . (' ' x (27 - length($text))) . qq| => '$text',\n|;
foreach $key (sort keys %submit) {
$text = ($self->{texts}{$key}) ? $self->{texts}{$key} : $key;
$text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
$english_sub = $key;
$english_sub =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$english_sub =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
$english_sub = lc $key;
$translated_sub = lc $text;
$english_sub =~ s/( |-|,)/_/g;
$translated_sub =~ s/( |-|,)/_/g;
print FH qq| '$translated_sub'|
. (' ' x (27 - length($translated_sub)))
. qq| => '$english_sub',\n|;
print FH q|};
close FH;
#foreach $file (@htmltemplates) {
# converthtmlfile($file);
# now print out all
open FH, ">all" or die "$! : all";
print FH q|# These are all the texts to build the translations files.
# The file has the form of 'english text' => 'foreign text',
# you can add the translation in this file or in the 'missing' file
# run locales.pl from this directory to rebuild the translation files
$self->{texts} = {
foreach $key (sort keys %alllocales) {
$text = $self->{texts}{$key};
$text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
$key =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$key =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
unless ($text) {
push @missing, $key;
print FH qq| '$key'| . (' ' x (27 - length($key))) . qq| => '$text',\n|;
print FH q|};
close FH;
if (@missing) {
open FH, ">missing" or die "$! : missing";
print FH q|# add the missing texts and run locales.pl to rebuild
$missing = {
foreach $text (@missing) {
print FH qq| '$text'| . (' ' x (27 - length($text))) . qq| => '',\n|;
print FH q|};
close FH;
open(FH, "LANGUAGE");
@language = <FH>;
$trlanguage = $language[0];
chomp $trlanguage;
$per = sprintf("%.1f", ($count - $notext) / $count * 100);
print "\n$trlanguage - ${per}%";
print " - $notext missing" if $notext;
print "\n";
# eom
sub extract_text_between_parenthesis {
my ($fh, $line) = @_;
my ($inside_string, $pos, $text, $quote_next) = (undef, 0, "", 0);
while (1) {
if (length($line) <= $pos) {
$line = <$fh>;
return ($text, "") unless ($line);
$pos = 0;
my $cur_char = substr($line, $pos, 1);
if (!$inside_string) {
if ((length($line) >= ($pos + 3)) && (substr($line, $pos, 2)) eq "qq") {
$inside_string = substr($line, $pos + 2, 1);
$pos += 2;
} elsif ((length($line) >= ($pos + 2)) &&
(substr($line, $pos, 1) eq "q")) {
$inside_string = substr($line, $pos + 1, 1);
} elsif (($cur_char eq '"') || ($cur_char eq '\'')) {
$inside_string = $cur_char;
} elsif (($cur_char eq ")") || ($cur_char eq ',')) {
return ($text, substr($line, $pos + 1));
} else {
if ($quote_next) {
$text .= $cur_char;
$quote_next = 0;
} elsif ($cur_char eq '\\') {
$text .= $cur_char;
$quote_next = 1;
} elsif ($cur_char eq $inside_string) {
} else {
$text .= $cur_char;
sub scanfile {
my $file = shift;
my $dont_include_subs = shift;
my $scanned_files = shift;
$scanned_files = {} unless ($scanned_files);
return if ($scanned_files->{$file});
$scanned_files->{$file} = 1;
if (!defined $cached{$file}) {
return unless (-f "$file");
my $fh = new FileHandle;
open $fh, "$file" or die "$! : $file";
my ($is_submit, $line_no, $sub_line_no) = (0, 0, 0);
while (<$fh>) {
# is this another file
if (/require\s+\W.*\.pl/) {
my $newfile = $&;
$newfile =~ s/require\s+\W//;
$newfile =~ s|bin/mozilla||;
# &scanfile("$bindir/$newfile", 0, $scanned_files);
$cached{$file}{scan}{"$bindir/$newfile"} = 1;
} elsif (/use\s+SL::(.*?);/) {
# &scanfile("../../SL/${1}.pm", 1, $scanned_files);
$cached{$file}{scannosubs}{"../../SL/${1}.pm"} = 1;
# is this a template call?
if (/parse_html_template\s*\(\s*[\"\']([\w\/]+)/) {
my $newfile = "$basedir/templates/webpages/$1_master.html";
if (-f $newfile) {
# &scanhtmlfile($newfile);
# &converthtmlfile($newfile);
$cached{$file}{scanh}{$newfile} = 1;
print "." if $arg{v};
# is this a sub ?
if (/^sub /) {
next if ($dont_include_subs);
($null, $subrt) = split / +/;
# $subrt{$subrt} = 1;
$cached{$file}{subr}{$subrt} = 1;
my $rc = 1;
while ($rc) {
if (/Locale/) {
unless (/^use /) {
my ($null, $country) = split /,/;
$country =~ s/^ +[\"\']//;
$country =~ s/[\"\'].*//;
my $postmatch = "";
# is it a submit button before $locale->
if (/$submitsearch/) {
$postmatch = "$'";
if ($` !~ /locale->text/) {
$is_submit = 1;
$sub_line_no = $line_no;
my ($found) = /locale->text.*?\(/;
my $postmatch = "$'";
if ($found) {
my $string;
($string, $_) = extract_text_between_parenthesis($fh, $postmatch);
$postmatch = $_;
# if there is no $ in the string record it
unless (($string =~ /\$\D.*/) || ("" eq $string)) {
# this guarantees one instance of string
# $locale{$string} = 1;
$cached{$file}{locale}{$string} = 1;
# this one is for all the locales
# $alllocales{$string} = 1;
$cached{$file}{all}{$string} = 1;
# is it a submit button before $locale->
if ($is_submit) {
# $submit{$string} = 1;
$cached{$file}{submit}{$string} = 1;
} elsif ($postmatch =~ />/) {
$is_submit = 0;
# exit loop if there are no more locales on this line
($rc) = ($postmatch =~ /locale->text/);
if ( ($postmatch =~ />/)
|| (!$found && ($sub_line_no != $line_no) && />/)) {
$is_submit = 0;
map { $alllocales{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{all}};
map { $locale{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{locale}};
map { $submit{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{submit}};
map { $subrt{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{subr}};
map { &scanfile($_, 0, $scanned_files) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scan}};
map { &scanfile($_, 1, $scanned_files) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scannosubs}};
map { &scanhtmlfile($_) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}};
sub scanmenu {
my $file = shift;
my $fh = new FileHandle;
open $fh, "$file" or die "$! : $file";
my @a = grep /^\[/, <$fh>;
# strip []
grep { s/(\[|\])//g } @a;
foreach my $item (@a) {
@b = split /--/, $item;
foreach $string (@b) {
chomp $string;
$locale{$string} = 1;
$alllocales{$string} = 1;
sub scanhtmlfile {
local *IN;
if (!defined $cached{$_[0]}) {
open(IN, $_[0]) || die $_[0];
my $copying = 0;
my $issubmit = 0;
my $text = "";
while (my $line = <IN>) {
while ("" ne $line) {
if (!$copying) {
if ($line =~ m|<translate>|i) {
my $eom = $+[0];
if ($` =~ /$submitsearch/) {
$issubmit = 1
substr($line, 0, $eom) = "";
$copying = 1;
} else {
$line = "";
} else {
if ($line =~ m|</translate>|i) {
$text .= $`;
substr($line, 0, $+[0]) = "";
$text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$copying = 0;
if ($issubmit) {
# $submit{$text} = 1;
$cached{$_[0]}{submit}{$text} = 1;
$issubmit = 0;
# $alllocales{$text} = 1;
$cached{$_[0]}{all}{$text} = 1;
# $htmllocale{$text} = 1;
$cached{$_[0]}{html}{$text} = 1;
$text = "";
} else {
$text .= $line;
$line = "";
# copy back into global arrays
map { $alllocales{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$_[0]}{all}};
map { $htmllocales{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$_[0]}{html}};
map { $submit{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$_[0]}{submit}};
sub converthtmlfile {
local *IN;
local *OUT;
my $file = shift;
open(IN, $file) || die;
my $langcode = (split("/", getcwd()))[-1];
$file =~ s/_master.html$/_${langcode}.html/;
open(OUT, ">$file") || die;
my $copying = 0;
my $text = "";
while (my $line = <IN>) {
if ("" eq $line) {
print(OUT "\n");
while ("" ne $line) {
if (!$copying) {
if ($line =~ m|<translate>|i) {
print(OUT $`);
substr($line, 0, $+[0]) = "";
$copying = 1;
print(OUT "\n") if ("" eq $line);
} else {
print(OUT "${line}\n");
$line = "";
} else {
if ($line =~ m|</translate>|i) {
$text .= $`;
substr($line, 0, $+[0]) = "";
$text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$copying = 0;
$alllocales{$text} = 1;
$htmllocale{$text} = 1;
print(OUT $self->{"texts"}{$text} || $text);
print(OUT "\n") if ("" eq $line);
$text = "";
} else {
$text .= $line;
$line = "";