kivitendo/sql/Pg-upgrade/ @ d14f6a63
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | #!/usr/bin/perl
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | # Datenbankupgrade: Einfuehrung von Buchungsgruppen
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | die("This script cannot be run from the command line.") unless ($main::form);
sub mydberror {
my ($msg) = @_;
die($dbup_locale->text("Database update error:") .
"<br>$msg<br>" . $DBI::errstr);
sub mydoquery {
my ($query, @values) = @_;
$dbh->do($query, undef, @values) ||
mydberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
sub set_taxzone_ids {
foreach my $table (qw(customer vendor ar ap oe)) {
my $query = "UPDATE ${table} SET taxzone_id = 0";
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
sub set_ic_links {
my $query =
"SELECT id, link " .
"FROM chart " .
"WHERE id IN " .
" (SELECT DISTINCT inventory_accno_id " .
" FROM parts " .
" WHERE (NOT inventory_accno_id ISNULL) AND (inventory_accno_id > 0))";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
my $query_update = "UPDATE chart SET link = ? WHERE id = ?";
my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare($query_update);
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my %links;
map({ $links{$_} = 1 } split(/:/, $ref->{"link"}));
$links{"IC"} = 1;
my $new_link = join(":", keys(%links));
$sth_update->execute($new_link, $ref->{"id"}) ||
mydberror($query_update . " ($new_link, $ref->{id})");
sub force_inventory_accno_id_for_parts {
my $query =
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | "SELECT inventory_accno_id " .
"FROM buchungsgruppen " .
"WHERE description = 'Standard 16%'";
my ($bg_id) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | if ($bg_id) {
$query =
"UPDATE parts SET inventory_accno_id = $bg_id " .
"WHERE (NOT inventory_accno_id ISNULL) AND (inventory_accno_id > 0)";
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | }
sub retrieve_accounts {
my $query =
"SELECT c.accno, c.description,,, " .
"d.inventory_accno_id, d.income_accno_id, d.expense_accno_id " .
"FROM chart c, defaults d " .
"WHERE LIKE '%IC%' " .
"ORDER BY c.accno";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
my ($acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense) = ({}, {}, {});
my %key_map = (
"IC" => $acc_inventory,
"IC_income" => $acc_income,
"IC_sale" => $acc_income,
"IC_expense" => $acc_expense,
"IC_cogs" => $acc_expense,
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
foreach my $key (split(/:/, $ref->{link})) {
next unless ($key_map{$key});
$key_map{$key}->{$ref->{"id"}} = {
"accno" => $ref->{"accno"},
"description" => $ref->{"description"},
"id" => $ref->{"id"},
"selected" => ($ref->{id} eq $ref->{inventory_accno_id})
|| ($ref->{id} eq $ref->{income_accno_id})
|| ($ref->{id} eq $ref->{expense_accno_id}) ?
"selected" : "",
$acc_inventory =
[sort({ $a->{"accno"} cmp $b->{"accno"} } values(%{$acc_inventory}))];
$acc_income =
[sort({ $a->{"accno"} cmp $b->{"accno"} } values(%{$acc_income}))];
$acc_expense =
[sort({ $a->{"accno"} cmp $b->{"accno"} } values(%{$acc_expense}))];
return ($acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense);
sub retrieve_buchungsgruppen {
my @buchungsgruppen;
my $query =
"SELECT bg.*, " .
" ci.accno AS inventory_accno, " .
" ci0.accno AS income_accno_0, " .
" ce0.accno AS expense_accno_0, " .
" ci1.accno AS income_accno_1, " .
" ce1.accno AS expense_accno_1, " .
" ci2.accno AS income_accno_2, " .
" ce2.accno AS expense_accno_2, " .
" ci3.accno AS income_accno_3, " .
" ce3.accno AS expense_accno_3 " .
"FROM buchungsgruppen bg " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ci ON bg.inventory_accno_id = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ci0 ON bg.income_accno_id_0 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ce0 ON bg.expense_accno_id_0 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ci1 ON bg.income_accno_id_1 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ce1 ON bg.expense_accno_id_1 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ci2 ON bg.income_accno_id_2 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ce2 ON bg.expense_accno_id_2 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ci3 ON bg.income_accno_id_3 = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart ce3 ON bg.expense_accno_id_3 =";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push(@buchungsgruppen, $ref);
return \@buchungsgruppen;
sub update_known_buchungsgruppen {
my ($buchungsgruppen) = @_;
my @updates;
my $query =
"SELECT id, inventory_accno_id, income_accno_id, expense_accno_id " .
"FROM parts " .
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | "WHERE NOT inventory_accno_id ISNULL AND (inventory_accno_id > 0) ";
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
5772b02e | Moritz Bunkus | my $query_update = "UPDATE parts SET buchungsgruppen_id = ?";
$query_update .= ", inventory_accno_id = ?" if ($main::eur);
$query_update .= " WHERE id = ?";
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare($query_update);
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
foreach my $bg (@{$buchungsgruppen}) {
5772b02e | Moritz Bunkus | if (($main::eur ||
($ref->{"inventory_accno_id"} == $bg->{"inventory_accno_id"})) &&
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | ($ref->{"income_accno_id"} == $bg->{"income_accno_id_0"}) &&
($ref->{"expense_accno_id"} == $bg->{"expense_accno_id_0"})) {
5772b02e | Moritz Bunkus | my @values = ($bg->{"id"}, $ref->{"id"});
splice(@values, 1, 0, $bg->{"inventory_accno_id"}) if ($main::eur);
$sth_update->execute(@values) ||
mydberror($query_update . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | last;
my $query =
"SELECT id, inventory_accno_id, income_accno_id, expense_accno_id " .
"FROM parts " .
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | "WHERE (inventory_accno_id ISNULL OR (inventory_accno_id = 0)) AND " .
" NOT assembly";
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
foreach my $bg (@{$buchungsgruppen}) {
if (($ref->{"income_accno_id"} == $bg->{"income_accno_id_0"}) &&
($ref->{"expense_accno_id"} == $bg->{"expense_accno_id_0"})) {
584599b2 | Moritz Bunkus | my @values = ($bg->{"id"}, $ref->{"id"});
splice(@values, 1, 0, undef) if ($main::eur);
$sth_update->execute(@values) ||
mydberror($query_update . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | last;
sub retrieve_unknown_accno_combinations {
my ($buchungsgruppen) = @_;
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | my (@parts, @services, @assemblies, $sth, $query, $ref);
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
$query =
"p.inventory_accno_id, p.income_accno_id, p.expense_accno_id, " .
"c1.accno AS inventory_accno, c1.description AS inventory_description, " .
"c2.accno AS income_accno, c2.description AS income_description, " .
"c3.accno AS expense_accno, c3.description AS expense_description " .
"FROM parts p " .
"LEFT JOIN chart c1 ON p.inventory_accno_id = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart c2 ON p.income_accno_id = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart c3 ON p.expense_accno_id = " .
"WHERE NOT inventory_accno_id ISNULL AND (inventory_accno_id > 0)";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $found = 0;
foreach my $bg (@{$buchungsgruppen}) {
if (($ref->{"inventory_accno_id"} == $bg->{"inventory_accno_id"}) &&
($ref->{"income_accno_id"} == $bg->{"income_accno_id_0"}) &&
($ref->{"expense_accno_id"} == $bg->{"expense_accno_id_0"})) {
$found = 1;
push(@parts, $ref) unless ($found);
$query =
"p.income_accno_id, p.expense_accno_id, " .
"c2.accno AS income_accno, c2.description AS income_description, " .
"c3.accno AS expense_accno, c3.description AS expense_description " .
"FROM parts p " .
"LEFT JOIN chart c2 ON p.income_accno_id = " .
"LEFT JOIN chart c3 ON p.expense_accno_id = " .
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | "WHERE (inventory_accno_id ISNULL OR (inventory_accno_id = 0)) AND " .
" NOT assembly";
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $found = 0;
foreach my $bg (@{$buchungsgruppen}) {
if (($ref->{"income_accno_id"} == $bg->{"income_accno_id_0"}) &&
($ref->{"expense_accno_id"} == $bg->{"expense_accno_id_0"})) {
$found = 1;
push(@services, $ref) unless ($found);
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | $query =
"p.income_accno_id, " .
"c.accno AS income_accno, c.description AS income_description " .
"FROM parts p " .
"LEFT JOIN chart c ON p.income_accno_id = " .
"WHERE p.assembly AND " .
" (p.buchungsgruppen_id ISNULL OR (p.buchungsgruppen_id = 0))";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push(@assemblies, $ref);
return (\@parts, \@services, \@assemblies);
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | }
sub display_create_bgs_dialog {
my ($type, $list,
$acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense,
$buchungsgruppen) = @_;
foreach my $entry (@{$list}) {
$entry->{"ACC_INVENTORY"} = $acc_inventory;
$entry->{"ACC_INCOME"} = $acc_income;
$entry->{"ACC_EXPENSE"} = $acc_expense;
$entry->{"eur"} = $main::eur;
9aaca433 | Moritz Bunkus | # $form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_parts")
# $form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_services")
# $form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_assemblies")
{ "LIST" => $list,
"BUCHUNGSGRUPPEN" => $buchungsgruppen,
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | }
sub create_buchungsgruppen {
my $form = $main::form;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $form->{"rowcount"}; $i++) {
next unless ($form->{"description_$i"} &&
$form->{"inventory_accno_id_$i"} &&
$form->{"income_accno_id_0_$i"} &&
$form->{"expense_accno_id_0_$i"} &&
$form->{"income_accno_id_1_$i"} &&
$form->{"expense_accno_id_1_$i"} &&
$form->{"income_accno_id_2_$i"} &&
$form->{"expense_accno_id_2_$i"} &&
$form->{"income_accno_id_3_$i"} &&
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | my $query = "SELECT nextval('id')";
my ($id) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
$query =
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | "INSERT INTO buchungsgruppen (" .
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | "id, description, inventory_accno_id, " .
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | "income_accno_id_0, expense_accno_id_0, " .
"income_accno_id_1, expense_accno_id_1, " .
"income_accno_id_2, expense_accno_id_2, " .
"income_accno_id_3, expense_accno_id_3) " .
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
my @values = ($id, $form->{"description_$i"});
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
foreach my $acc (qw(inventory_accno_id
income_accno_id_0 expense_accno_id_0
income_accno_id_1 expense_accno_id_1
income_accno_id_2 expense_accno_id_2
income_accno_id_3 expense_accno_id_3)) {
push(@values, (split(/--/, $form->{"${acc}_${i}"}))[0]);
mydoquery($query, @values);
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
$form->{"new_buchungsgruppen_id_$i"} = $id;
sub assign_buchungsgruppen_for_assemblies {
my ($query, $sth, $i);
$query =
"UPDATE parts " .
"SET buchungsgruppen_id = ? " .
"WHERE assembly AND " .
"(buchungsgruppen_id ISNULL OR (buchungsgruppen_id = 0)) AND " .
"(income_accno_id = ?)";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $form->{"rowcount"}; $i++) {
next unless ($form->{"new_buchungsgruppen_id_$i"});
my @values = ($form->{"new_buchungsgruppen_id_$i"},
$sth->execute(@values) ||
mydberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @values) . ")");
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | }
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | $sth->finish();
1960c18c | Moritz Bunkus | $dbh->commit();
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | $dbh->begin_work();
sub retrieve_std_inventory_accno_id {
my $query;
$query = "SELECT coa FROM defaults";
my ($coa) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
my $inventory_accno;
if ($coa eq "Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU") {
$inventory_accno = "3980";
} elsif ($coa eq "Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU") {
$inventory_accno = "1140";
my $inventory_accno_id;
if ($inventory_accno) {
27bbc91a | Holger Lindemann | $query = "SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '$inventory_accno'";
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | ($inventory_accno_id) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
if (!$inventory_accno_id) {
$query = "SELECT id, link FROM chart WHERE link LIKE '%IC%'";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || mydberror($query);
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
if (grep({ $_ eq "IC" } split(/:/, $ref->{"link"}))) {
$inventory_accno_id = $ref->{"id"};
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | $inventory_accno_id = 1 unless ($inventory_accno_id);
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | $form->{"std_inventory_accno_id"} = $inventory_accno_id;
sub do_update {
if ($main::form->{"action2"} eq "create_buchungsgruppen") {
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | if ($main::form->{"action2"} eq "create_buchungsgruppen_assemblies") {
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | retrieve_std_inventory_accno_id();
# Set all taxzone_id columns = 0.
# If balancing is off then force parts.inventory_accno_id to
# a single value for parts.
force_inventory_accno_id_for_parts() if ($main::eur);
# Force "IC" to be present in for all accounts
# which have been used as inventory accounts in parts.
# Assign buchungsgruppen_ids in parts for known combinations
# of inventory_accno_id, income_accno_id, expense_accno_id.
my $buchungsgruppen = retrieve_buchungsgruppen();
# Retrieve all distinct combinations of inventory_accno_id,
# income_accno_id and expense_accno_id for which there's no
# Buchungsgruppe. Then let the user create new ones.
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | ($parts, $services, $assemblies) =
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
my ($acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense) = retrieve_accounts();
9aaca433 | Moritz Bunkus | print($form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_header"));
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
if (scalar(@{$parts})) {
display_create_bgs_dialog("parts", $parts,
$acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense,
return 2;
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | } else {
9aaca433 | Moritz Bunkus | print($form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_parts_done"));
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | }
if (scalar(@{$services})) {
display_create_bgs_dialog("services", $services,
$acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense,
return 2;
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | } else {
9aaca433 | Moritz Bunkus | print($form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_services_done"));
a56a4d79 | Moritz Bunkus | }
if (scalar(@{$assemblies})) {
display_create_bgs_dialog("assemblies", $assemblies,
$acc_inventory, $acc_income, $acc_expense,
return 2;
} else {
9aaca433 | Moritz Bunkus | print($form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_assemblies_done"));
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | }
9aaca433 | Moritz Bunkus | print($form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/buchungsgruppen_footer"));
b563c672 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
return 1;
return do_update();