Revision d0a4a74d
Von Kivitendo Admin vor fast 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
/* ar amount is zero, or we are checking with a non-ar-transaction, so we return 0 in both cases as multiplicator of ac.amount */
) AS amount, c.$category
) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM acc_trans ac
LEFT JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
LEFT JOIN ar ON ( = ac.trans_id)
WHERE ac.trans_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE 1=1 $subwhere)
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
JOIN ar a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
WHERE $where $dpt_where
AND ac.trans_id IN ( SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans a WHERE (a.chart_link LIKE '%AR_paid%') $subwhere)
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
JOIN ap a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
WHERE $where $dpt_where
AND ac.trans_id IN ( SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans a WHERE (a.chart_link LIKE '%AP_paid%') $subwhere)
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
JOIN gl a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
WHERE $where $dpt_where $glwhere
AND NOT ((ac.chart_link = 'AR') OR (ac.chart_link = 'AP'))
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
if ($form->{project_id}) {
$query .= qq|
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * ac.qty * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * ac.qty * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM invoice ac
JOIN ar a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
JOIN parts p ON (ac.parts_id =
... | ... | |
WHERE (c.category = 'I') $prwhere $dpt_where
AND ac.trans_id IN ( SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans a WHERE (a.chart_link LIKE '%AR_paid%') $subwhere)
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM invoice ac
JOIN ap a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
JOIN parts p ON (ac.parts_id =
... | ... | |
WHERE (c.category = 'E') $prwhere $dpt_where
AND ac.trans_id IN ( SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans a WHERE (a.chart_link LIKE '%AP_paid%') $subwhere)
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
... | ... | |
$query = qq|
SELECT sum(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT sum(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
WHERE $where
GROUP BY c.$category |;
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description |;
if ($form->{project_id}) {
$query .= qq|
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * ac.qty * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * ac.qty * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM invoice ac
JOIN ar a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
JOIN parts p ON (ac.parts_id =
... | ... | |
GROUP BY c.$category
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * ac.qty * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.sellprice * ac.qty * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category, c.accno, c.description
FROM invoice ac
JOIN ap a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
JOIN parts p ON (ac.parts_id =
... | ... | |
GROUP BY c.$category |;
GROUP BY c.$category, c.accno, c.description |;
... | ... | |
my $accno;
my $ref;
# store information for chart list in $form->{charts}
foreach my $ref (selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query)) {
unless ( defined $form->{charts}->{$ref->{accno}} ) {
# a chart may appear several times in the resulting hashref, init it the first time
$form->{charts}->{$ref->{accno}} = { amount => 0,
"$category" => $ref->{"$category"},
accno => $ref->{accno},
description => $ref->{description},
if ($category eq "pos_bwa") {
if ($last_period) {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} }{kumm} += $ref->{amount};
} else {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} }{jetzt} += $ref->{amount};
# only increase chart amount for current period, not last_period
$form->{charts}->{$ref->{accno}}->{amount} += $ref->{amount},
} else {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} } += $ref->{amount};
$form->{charts}->{$ref->{accno}}->{amount} += $ref->{amount}; # no last_period for eur
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff get_accounts_g zusätzlich nach Konto gruppieren
Dadurch erhält man die Salden der Einzelkonten in der Abfrage, und kann
diese in der EÜR und BWA als Kontenliste/Kontennachweis mit ausgeben.
Das Ergebnis aus der Abfrage für die Konten wird hierfür zusätzlich in
$form->{charts} gespeichert.
Für die Kontenliste wird an dieser Stelle auch die Kontenbeschreibung
mit abgefragt.