1 |
package SL::DB::Helper::ZUGFeRD;
2 |
3 |
use strict;
4 |
use utf8;
5 |
6 |
use parent qw(Exporter);
7 |
our @EXPORT = qw(create_zugferd_data create_zugferd_xmp_data);
8 |
9 |
use SL::DB::Tax;
10 |
use SL::DB::TaxKey;
11 |
use SL::Helper::ISO3166;
12 |
use SL::Helper::ISO4217;
13 |
use SL::Helper::UNECERecommendation20;
14 |
15 |
use Carp;
16 |
use Encode qw(encode);
17 |
use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);
18 |
use List::Util qw(sum);
19 |
use Template;
20 |
use XML::Writer;
21 |
22 |
my @line_names = qw(LineOne LineTwo LineThree);
23 |
24 |
sub _u8 {
25 |
my ($value) = @_;
26 |
return encode('UTF-8', $value // '');
27 |
28 |
29 |
sub _r2 {
30 |
my ($value) = @_;
31 |
return $::form->round_amount($value, 2);
32 |
33 |
34 |
sub _type_name {
35 |
my ($self) = @_;
36 |
my $type = $self->invoice_type;
37 |
38 |
no warnings 'once';
39 |
return $type eq 'ar_transaction' ? $::locale->text('Invoice') : $self->displayable_type;
40 |
41 |
42 |
sub _type_code {
43 |
my ($self) = @_;
44 |
my $type = $self->invoice_type;
45 |
46 |
# 326 (Partial invoice)
47 |
# 380 (Commercial invoice)
48 |
# 384 (Corrected Invoice)
49 |
# 381 (Credit note)
50 |
# 389 (Credit note, self billed invoice)
51 |
52 |
return $type eq 'credit_note' ? 381 : 380;
53 |
54 |
55 |
sub _unit_code {
56 |
my ($unit) = @_;
57 |
58 |
# Mapping from kivitendo's units to UN/ECE Recommendation 20 & 21.
59 |
my $code = SL::Helper::UNECERecommendation20::map_name_to_code($unit);
60 |
return $code if $code;
61 |
62 |
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "ZUGFeRD unit name mapping: no UN/ECE Recommendation 20/21 unit known for kivitendo unit '$unit'; using 'C62'");
63 |
64 |
return 'C62';
65 |
66 |
67 |
sub _parse_our_address {
68 |
my @result;
69 |
my @street = grep { $_ } ($::instance_conf->get_address_street1, $::instance_conf->get_address_street2);
70 |
71 |
push @result, [ 'PostcodeCode', $::instance_conf->get_address_zipcode ] if $::instance_conf->get_address_zipcode;
72 |
push @result, grep { $_->[1] } pairwise { [ $a, $b] } @line_names, @street;
73 |
push @result, [ 'CityName', $::instance_conf->get_address_city ] if $::instance_conf->get_address_city;
74 |
push @result, [ 'CountryID', SL::Helper::ISO3166::map_name_to_alpha_2_code($::instance_conf->get_address_country) // 'DE' ];
75 |
76 |
return @result;
77 |
78 |
79 |
sub _customer_postal_trade_address {
80 |
my (%params) = @_;
81 |
82 |
# <ram:PostalTradeAddress>
83 |
84 |
85 |
my @parts = grep { $_ } map { $params{customer}->$_ } qw(department_1 department_2 street);
86 |
87 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:PostcodeCode", _u8($params{customer}->zipcode));
88 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:" . $_->[0], _u8($_->[1])) for grep { $_->[1] } pairwise { [ $a, $b] } @line_names, @parts;
89 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CityName", _u8($params{customer}->city));
90 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CountryID", _u8(SL::Helper::ISO3166::map_name_to_alpha_2_code($params{customer}->country) // 'DE'));
91 |
92 |
# </ram:PostalTradeAddress>
93 |
94 |
95 |
sub _tax_rate_and_code {
96 |
my ($taxzone, $tax) = @_;
97 |
98 |
my ($tax_rate, $tax_code) = @_;
99 |
100 |
if ($taxzone->description =~ m{Au.*erhalb}) {
101 |
$tax_rate = 0;
102 |
$tax_code = 'G';
103 |
104 |
} elsif ($taxzone->description =~ m{EU mit}) {
105 |
$tax_rate = 0;
106 |
$tax_code = 'K';
107 |
108 |
} else {
109 |
$tax_rate = $tax->rate * 100;
110 |
$tax_code = !$tax_rate ? 'Z' : 'S';
111 |
112 |
113 |
return (rate => $tax_rate, code => $tax_code);
114 |
115 |
116 |
sub _line_item {
117 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
118 |
119 |
my $item_ptc = $params{ptc_data}->{items}->[$params{line_number}];
120 |
121 |
my $taxkey = $item_ptc->{taxkey_id} ? SL::DB::TaxKey->load_cached($item_ptc->{taxkey_id}) : undef;
122 |
my $tax = $item_ptc->{taxkey_id} ? SL::DB::Tax->load_cached($taxkey->tax_id) : undef;
123 |
my %tax_info = _tax_rate_and_code($self->taxzone, $tax);
124 |
125 |
# <ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem>
126 |
127 |
128 |
# <ram:AssociatedDocumentLineDocument>
129 |
130 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:LineID", $params{line_number} + 1);
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:SellerAssignedID", _u8($params{item}->part->partnumber));
135 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Name", _u8($params{item}->description));
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:ChargeAmount", _r2($item_ptc->{sellprice}));
141 |
142 |
143 |
# </ram:SpecifiedLineTradeAgreement>
144 |
145 |
# <ram:SpecifiedLineTradeDelivery>
146 |
147 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:BilledQuantity", $params{item}->qty, "unitCode" => _unit_code($params{item}->unit));
148 |
149 |
# </ram:SpecifiedLineTradeDelivery>
150 |
151 |
# <ram:SpecifiedLineTradeSettlement>
152 |
153 |
154 |
# <ram:ApplicableTradeTax>
155 |
156 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:TypeCode", "VAT");
157 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CategoryCode", $tax_info{code});
158 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:RateApplicablePercent", _r2($tax_info{rate}));
159 |
160 |
# </ram:ApplicableTradeTax>
161 |
162 |
# <ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementLineMonetarySummation>
163 |
164 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:LineTotalAmount", _r2($item_ptc->{linetotal}));
165 |
166 |
# </ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementLineMonetarySummation>
167 |
168 |
169 |
# </ram:SpecifiedLineTradeSettlement>
170 |
171 |
172 |
# <ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem>
173 |
174 |
175 |
sub _taxes {
176 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
177 |
178 |
my %taxkey_info;
179 |
180 |
foreach my $item (@{ $params{ptc_data}->{items} }) {
181 |
$taxkey_info{$item->{taxkey_id}} //= {
182 |
linetotal => 0,
183 |
tax_amount => 0,
184 |
185 |
my $info = $taxkey_info{$item->{taxkey_id}};
186 |
$info->{taxkey} //= SL::DB::TaxKey->load_cached($item->{taxkey_id});
187 |
$info->{tax} //= SL::DB::Tax->load_cached($info->{taxkey}->tax_id);
188 |
$info->{linetotal} += $item->{linetotal};
189 |
$info->{tax_amount} += $item->{tax_amount};
190 |
191 |
192 |
foreach my $taxkey_id (sort keys %taxkey_info) {
193 |
my $info = $taxkey_info{$taxkey_id};
194 |
my %tax_info = _tax_rate_and_code($self->taxzone, $info->{tax});
195 |
196 |
# <ram:ApplicableTradeTax>
197 |
198 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CalculatedAmount", _r2($params{ptc_data}->{taxes}->{$info->{tax}->{chart_id}}));
199 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:TypeCode", "VAT");
200 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:BasisAmount", _r2($info->{linetotal}));
201 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CategoryCode", $tax_info{code});
202 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:RateApplicablePercent", _r2($tax_info{rate}));
203 |
204 |
# </ram:ApplicableTradeTax>
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
sub _format_payment_terms_description {
209 |
my ($self) = @_;
210 |
211 |
my (%vars, %amounts, %formatted_amounts);
212 |
213 |
local $::myconfig{numberformat} = $::myconfig{numberformat};
214 |
local $::myconfig{dateformat} = $::myconfig{dateformat};
215 |
216 |
if ($self->language_id) {
217 |
my $language = SL::DB::Language->load_cached($self->language_id);
218 |
$::myconfig{dateformat} = $language->output_dateformat if $language->output_dateformat;
219 |
$::myconfig{numberformat} = $language->output_numberformat if $language->output_numberformat;
220 |
221 |
222 |
$vars{currency} = $self->currency->name if $self->currency;
223 |
$vars{$_} = $self->customer->$_ for qw(account_number bank bank_code bic iban mandate_date_of_signature mandator_id);
224 |
$vars{$_} = $self->payment_terms->$_ for qw(terms_netto terms_skonto percent_skonto);
225 |
$vars{payment_description} = $self->payment_terms->description;
226 |
$vars{netto_date} = $self->payment_terms->calc_date(reference_date => $self->transdate, due_date => $self->duedate, terms => 'net')->to_kivitendo;
227 |
$vars{skonto_date} = $self->payment_terms->calc_date(reference_date => $self->transdate, due_date => $self->duedate, terms => 'discount')->to_kivitendo;
228 |
229 |
$amounts{invtotal} = $self->amount;
230 |
$amounts{total} = $self->amount - $self->paid;
231 |
232 |
$amounts{skonto_in_percent} = 100.0 * $vars{percent_skonto};
233 |
$amounts{skonto_amount} = $amounts{invtotal} * $vars{percent_skonto};
234 |
$amounts{invtotal_wo_skonto} = $amounts{invtotal} * (1 - $vars{percent_skonto});
235 |
$amounts{total_wo_skonto} = $amounts{total} * (1 - $vars{percent_skonto});
236 |
237 |
foreach (keys %amounts) {
238 |
$amounts{$_} = $::form->round_amount($amounts{$_}, 2);
239 |
$formatted_amounts{$_} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $amounts{$_}, 2);
240 |
241 |
242 |
my $description = ($self->payment_terms->translated_attribute('description_long_invoice', $self->language_id) // '') || $self->payment_terms->description_long_invoice;
243 |
$description =~ s{<\%$_\%>}{ $vars{$_} }ge for keys %vars;
244 |
$description =~ s{<\%$_\%>}{ $formatted_amounts{$_} }ge for keys %formatted_amounts;
245 |
246 |
return $description;
247 |
248 |
249 |
sub _payment_terms {
250 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
251 |
252 |
return unless $self->payment_terms;
253 |
254 |
# <ram:SpecifiedTradePaymentTerms>
255 |
256 |
257 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Description", _u8(_format_payment_terms_description($self)));
258 |
259 |
# <ram:DueDateDateTime>
260 |
261 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("udt:DateTimeString", $self->duedate->strftime('%Y%m%d'), "format" => "102");
262 |
263 |
# </ram:DueDateDateTime>
264 |
265 |
if ($self->payment_terms->percent_skonto && $self->payment_terms->terms_skonto) {
266 |
# <ram:ApplicableTradePaymentDiscountTerms>
267 |
268 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:BasisPeriodMeasure", $self->payment_terms->terms_skonto, "unitCode" => "DAY");
269 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CalculationPercent", _r2($self->payment_terms->percent_skonto * 100));
270 |
271 |
# </ram:ApplicableTradePaymentDiscountTerms>
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
# </ram:SpecifiedTradePaymentTerms>
276 |
277 |
278 |
sub _totals {
279 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
280 |
281 |
# <ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation>
282 |
283 |
284 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:LineTotalAmount", _r2($self->netamount));
285 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:TaxBasisTotalAmount", _r2($self->netamount));
286 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:TaxTotalAmount", _r2(sum(values %{ $params{ptc_data}->{taxes} })), "currencyID" => "EUR");
287 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:GrandTotalAmount", _r2($self->amount));
288 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:TotalPrepaidAmount", _r2($self->paid));
289 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:DuePayableAmount", _r2($self->amount - $self->paid));
290 |
291 |
292 |
# </ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation>
293 |
294 |
295 |
sub _exchanged_document_context {
296 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
297 |
298 |
# <rsm:ExchangedDocumentContext>
299 |
300 |
301 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("udt:Indicator", "true"); # TODO: change to 'false'
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:ID", "urn:cen.eu:en16931:2017#conformant#urn:zugferd.de:2p0:extended");
306 |
307 |
308 |
# </rsm:ExchangedDocumentContext>
309 |
310 |
311 |
sub _exchanged_document {
312 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
313 |
314 |
# <rsm:ExchangedDocument>
315 |
316 |
317 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:ID", _u8($self->invnumber));
318 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Name", _u8(_type_name($self)));
319 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:TypeCode", _u8(_type_code($self)));
320 |
321 |
# <ram:IssueDateTime>
322 |
323 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("udt:DateTimeString", $self->transdate->strftime('%Y%m%d'), "format" => "102");
324 |
325 |
# </ram:IssueDateTime>
326 |
327 |
if ($self->language && (($self->language->template_code // '') =~ m{^(de|en)}i)) {
328 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:LanguageID", uc($1));
329 |
330 |
331 |
if ($self->transaction_description) {
332 |
333 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Content", _u8($self->transaction_description));
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
my $notes = $self->notes_as_stripped_html;
338 |
if ($notes) {
339 |
340 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Content", _u8($notes));
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
# </rsm:ExchangedDocument>
346 |
347 |
348 |
sub _seller_trade_party {
349 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
350 |
351 |
my @our_address = _parse_our_address();
352 |
353 |
my $sales_person = $self->salesman;
354 |
my $sales_person_auth = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $sales_person->login);
355 |
my %sales_person_cfg = $sales_person_auth ? %{ $sales_person_auth->config_values } : ();
356 |
$sales_person_cfg{email} ||= $sales_person->deleted_email;
357 |
$sales_person_cfg{tel} ||= $sales_person->deleted_tel;
358 |
359 |
# <ram:SellerTradeParty>
360 |
361 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:ID", _u8($self->customer->c_vendor_id)) if ($self->customer->c_vendor_id // '') ne '';
362 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Name", _u8($::instance_conf->get_company));
363 |
364 |
# <ram:DefinedTradeContact>
365 |
366 |
367 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:PersonName", _u8($sales_person_cfg{name} || $sales_person_cfg{login}));
368 |
369 |
if ($sales_person_cfg{tel}) {
370 |
371 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:CompleteNumber", _u8($sales_person_cfg{tel}));
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
if ($sales_person_cfg{email}) {
376 |
377 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:URIID", _u8($sales_person_cfg{email}));
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
# </ram:DefinedTradeContact>
383 |
384 |
if (@our_address) {
385 |
# <ram:PostalTradeAddress>
386 |
387 |
foreach my $element (@our_address) {
388 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:" . $element->[0], _u8($element->[1]));
389 |
390 |
391 |
# </ram:PostalTradeAddress>
392 |
393 |
394 |
my $ustid_nr = $::instance_conf->get_co_ustid;
395 |
if ($ustid_nr) {
396 |
$ustid_nr = "DE$ustid_nr" unless $ustid_nr =~ m{^[A-Z]{2}};
397 |
# <ram:SpecifiedTaxRegistration>
398 |
399 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:ID", _u8($ustid_nr), "schemeID" => "VA");
400 |
401 |
# </ram:SpecifiedTaxRegistration>
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
# </ram:SellerTradeParty>
406 |
407 |
408 |
sub _buyer_trade_party {
409 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
410 |
411 |
# <ram:BuyerTradeParty>
412 |
413 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:ID", _u8($self->customer->customernumber));
414 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:Name", _u8($self->customer->name));
415 |
416 |
_customer_postal_trade_address(%params, customer => $self->customer);
417 |
418 |
419 |
# </ram:BuyerTradeParty>
420 |
421 |
422 |
sub _included_supply_chain_trade_line_item {
423 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
424 |
425 |
my $line_number = 0;
426 |
foreach my $item (@{ $self->items }) {
427 |
_line_item($self, %params, item => $item, line_number => $line_number);
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
sub _applicable_header_trade_agreement {
433 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
434 |
435 |
# <ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement>
436 |
437 |
438 |
_seller_trade_party($self, %params);
439 |
_buyer_trade_party($self, %params);
440 |
441 |
if ($self->cusordnumber) {
442 |
# <ram:BuyerOrderReferencedDocument>
443 |
444 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:IssuerAssignedID", _u8($self->cusordnumber));
445 |
446 |
# </ram:BuyerOrderReferencedDocument>
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
# </ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement>
451 |
452 |
453 |
sub _applicable_header_trade_delivery {
454 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
455 |
456 |
# <ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeDelivery>
457 |
458 |
# <ram:ActualDeliverySupplyChainEvent>
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("udt:DateTimeString", ($self->deliverydate // $self->transdate)->strftime('%Y%m%d'), "format" => "102");
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 |
# </ram:ActualDeliverySupplyChainEvent>
467 |
468 |
# </ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeDelivery>
469 |
470 |
471 |
sub _applicable_header_trade_settlement {
472 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
473 |
474 |
# <ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement>
475 |
476 |
$params{xml}->dataElement("ram:InvoiceCurrencyCode", _u8(SL::Helper::ISO4217::map_currency_name_to_code($self->currency->name) // 'EUR'));
477 |
478 |
_taxes($self, %params);
479 |
_payment_terms($self, %params);
480 |
_totals($self, %params);
481 |
482 |
483 |
# </ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement>
484 |
485 |
486 |
sub _supply_chain_trade_transaction {
487 |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
488 |
489 |
# <rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction>
490 |
491 |
492 |
_included_supply_chain_trade_line_item($self, %params);
493 |
_applicable_header_trade_agreement($self, %params);
494 |
_applicable_header_trade_delivery($self, %params);
495 |
_applicable_header_trade_settlement($self, %params);
496 |
497 |
498 |
# </rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction>
499 |
500 |
501 |
sub create_zugferd_data {
502 |
my ($self) = @_;
503 |
504 |
my %ptc_data = $self->calculate_prices_and_taxes;
505 |
my $output = '';
506 |
my $xml = XML::Writer->new(
507 |
OUTPUT => \$output,
508 |
509 |
510 |
ENCODING => 'utf-8',
511 |
512 |
513 |
my %params = (
514 |
ptc_data => \%ptc_data,
515 |
xml => $xml,
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
# <rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice>
521 |
522 |
"xmlns:a" => "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:QualifiedDataType:100",
523 |
"xmlns:rsm" => "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100",
524 |
"xmlns:qdt" => "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:QualifiedDataType:10",
525 |
"xmlns:ram" => "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100",
526 |
"xmlns:xs" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
527 |
"xmlns:udt" => "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:UnqualifiedDataType:100");
528 |
529 |
_exchanged_document_context($self, %params);
530 |
_exchanged_document($self, %params);
531 |
_supply_chain_trade_transaction($self, %params);
532 |
533 |
534 |
# </rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice>
535 |
536 |
return $output;
537 |
538 |
539 |
sub create_zugferd_xmp_data {
540 |
my ($self) = @_;
541 |
542 |
return {
543 |
conformance_level => 'EXTENDED',
544 |
document_file_name => 'ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml',
545 |
document_type => 'INVOICE',
546 |
version => '1.0',
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |
ZUGFeRD: Rechnungen mit ZUGFeRD-Daten erzeugen