Revision cc6d7fec
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor fast 5 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Business;
use SL::DB::ContactDepartment;
use SL::DB::ContactTitle;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Greeting;
... | ... | |
$self->{cv}->greeting(trim $self->{cv}->greeting);
my $save_greeting = $self->{cv}->greeting
my $save_greeting = $self->{cv}->greeting
&& $::instance_conf->get_vc_greetings_use_textfield
&& SL::DB::Manager::Greeting->get_all_count(where => [description => $self->{cv}->greeting]) == 0;
my $save_contact_title = $self->{contact}->cp_title
my $save_contact_title = $self->{contact}->cp_title
&& $::instance_conf->get_contact_titles_use_textfield
&& SL::DB::Manager::ContactTitle->get_all_count(where => [description => $self->{contact}->cp_title]) == 0;
my $save_contact_department = $self->{contact}->cp_abteilung
&& $::instance_conf->get_contact_departments_use_textfield
&& SL::DB::Manager::ContactDepartment->get_all_count(where => [description => $self->{contact}->cp_abteilung]) == 0;
my $db = $self->{cv}->db;
$db->with_transaction(sub {
... | ... | |
if( $self->{contact}->cp_name ne '' || $self->{contact}->cp_givenname ne '' ) {
SL::DB::ContactTitle->new(description => $self->{contact}->cp_title)->save if $save_contact_title;
SL::DB::ContactTitle ->new(description => $self->{contact}->cp_title) ->save if $save_contact_title;
SL::DB::ContactDepartment->new(description => $self->{contact}->cp_abteilung)->save if $save_contact_department;
$self->{contact}->save(cascade => 1);
... | ... | |
$self->{all_contact_departments} = SL::DB::Manager::ContactDepartment->get_all_sorted();
foreach my $contact (@{ $self->{cv}->contacts }) {
if ($contact->cp_abteilung && !grep {$contact->cp_abteilung eq $_->description} @{$self->{all_contact_departments}}) {
unshift @{$self->{all_contact_departments}}, (SL::DB::ContactDepartment->new(description => $contact->cp_abteilung));
$self->{all_currencies} = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->get_all();
$self->{all_languages} = SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all();
... | ... | |
$self->{all_pricegroups} = SL::DB::Manager::Pricegroup->get_all_sorted(query => [ or => [ id => $self->{cv}->pricegroup_id, obsolete => 0 ] ]);
$query =
'SELECT DISTINCT(cp_abteilung) AS department
FROM contacts
WHERE cp_abteilung IS NOT NULL AND cp_abteilung != \'\'
ORDER BY cp_abteilung';
$self->{all_departments} = [
{ $_->{department}; }
selectall_hashref_query($::form, $dbh, $query)
$self->{contacts} = $self->{cv}->contacts;
$self->{contacts} ||= [];
SL/DB/MetaSetup/ | ||
co_ustid => { type => 'text' },
coa => { type => 'text' },
company => { type => 'text' },
contact_departments_use_textfield => { type => 'boolean' },
contact_titles_use_textfield => { type => 'boolean' },
create_part_if_not_found => { type => 'boolean', default => 'false' },
create_zugferd_invoices => { type => 'integer' },
js/kivi.CustomerVendor.js | ||
if ( contactId ) {
} else {
$('#contact_cp_title_select, #contact_cp_abteilung_select').val('');
locale/de/all | ||
'Use UStVA' => 'UStVA verwenden',
'Use WebDAV Repository' => 'Verwende WebDAV',
'Use WebDAV Storage backend' => 'Verwende WebDAV-Backend',
'Use a text field to enter (new) contact departments if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.' => 'Textfeld zusätzlich zur Eingabe (neuer) Abteilungen von Ansprechpersonen verwenden. Sonst wird nur eine Auswahlliste angezeigt.',
'Use a text field to enter (new) contact titles if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.' => 'Textfeld zusätzlich zur Eingabe (neuer) Titel von Ansprechpersonen verwenden. Sonst wird nur eine Auswahlliste angezeigt.',
'Use a text field to enter (new) greetings if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.' => 'Textfeld zusätzlich zur Eingabe (neuer) Anreden verwenden. Sonst wird nur eine Auswahlliste angezeigt.',
'Use as new' => 'Als neu verwenden',
... | ... | |
'Use linked items' => 'Verknüpfte Positionen verwenden',
'Use master default bin for Default Transfer, if no default bin for the part is configured' => 'Standardlagerplatz für Ein- / Auslagern über Standard-Lagerplatz, falls für die Ware kein expliziter Lagerplatz konfiguriert ist',
'Use settings from client configuration' => 'Einstellungen aus Mandantenkonfiguration folgen',
'Use text field for department of contacts' => 'Textfeld für Abteilungen von Ansprechpersonen verwenden',
'Use text field for greetings' => 'Textfeld für Anreden verwenden',
'Use text field for title of contacts' => 'Textfeld für Titel von Ansprechpersonen verwenden',
'Use this storage backend for all generated PDF-Files' => 'Verwende dieses Backend für generierte PDF-Dateien',
locale/en/all | ||
'Use UStVA' => '',
'Use WebDAV Repository' => '',
'Use WebDAV Storage backend' => '',
'Use a text field to enter (new) contact departments if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.' => '',
'Use a text field to enter (new) contact titles if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.' => '',
'Use a text field to enter (new) greetings if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.' => '',
'Use as new' => '',
... | ... | |
'Use linked items' => '',
'Use master default bin for Default Transfer, if no default bin for the part is configured' => '',
'Use settings from client configuration' => '',
'Use text field for department of contacts' => '',
'Use text field for greetings' => '',
'Use text field for title of contacts' => '',
'Use this storage backend for all generated PDF-Files' => '',
sql/Pg-upgrade2/defaults_contact_departments_use_textfield.sql | ||
-- @tag: defaults_contact_departments_use_textfield
-- @description: Auswahl, ob Freitext-Feld für Abteilungen bei Ansprechpersonen im Kunden-/Lieferantenstamm angeboten wird
-- @depends: release_3_5_5
ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN contact_departments_use_textfield BOOLEAN;
UPDATE defaults SET contact_departments_use_textfield = TRUE;
templates/webpages/client_config/_features.html | ||
<td> [% L.yes_no_tag('defaults.contact_titles_use_textfield', SELF.defaults.contact_titles_use_textfield) %]</td>
<td>[% LxERP.t8('Use a text field to enter (new) contact titles if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.') %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.t8('Use text field for department of contacts') %]</td>
<td> [% L.yes_no_tag('defaults.contact_departments_use_textfield', SELF.defaults.contact_departments_use_textfield) %]</td>
<td>[% LxERP.t8('Use a text field to enter (new) contact departments if enabled. Otherwise, only a drop down box is offered.') %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.t8('Hourly Rate') %]</td>
templates/webpages/customer_vendor/tabs/contacts.html | ||
<th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.input_tag('contact.cp_abteilung',, size = 40) %]
[% L.select_tag('contact_cp_abteilung_select', SELF.all_departments, default =, with_empty = 1, onchange = '$("#contact_cp_abteilung").val(this.value);') %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_contact_departments_use_textfield -%]
[% L.input_tag('contact.cp_abteilung',, size = 40) %]
[% L.select_tag('contact_cp_abteilung_select', SELF.all_contact_departments, default =, value_key = 'description', title_key = 'description', with_empty = 1, onchange = '$("#contact_cp_abteilung").val(this.value);') %]
[%- ELSE -%]
[% L.select_tag('contact.cp_abteilung', SELF.all_contact_departments, default =, value_key = 'description', title_key = 'description', with_empty = 1) %]
[%- END -%]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Abteilungen bei Ansprechpersonen: Freitext-Feld und/oder Auswahlliste
Die Abteilung wird entweder nur mit einer Auswahlliste angezeigt oder mit
Freitext-Feld und Auswahlliste. Das ist annähernd das alte Verhalten - im
Freitext-Feld eingegebener Text wird auch in contact_departments gespeichert.
In der Mandantenkonfiguration ist das Freitext-Feld (altes Verhalten)
Todo: Fremdschlüsselbeziehung zwischen contacts und contact_departments