Revision cc125b4f
Von G. Richardson vor etwa 7 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
you the trouble of mucking around with statement handles for small database
queries and does exception handling in the common cases for you.
Query and retrieval function share the parameter scheme:
Query and retrieval functions share the parameter scheme:
query_or_retrieval(C<FORM, DBH, QUERY[, BINDVALUES]>)
... | ... | |
=item selectrow_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves the first row
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retrieves the first row
from the database, and returns it as an arrayref of the first row.
=item selectfirst_hashref_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves the first row
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retrieves the first row
from the database, and returns it as a hashref of the first row.
=item selectall_hashref_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves all data from
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retrieves all data from
the database, and returns it in hashref mode. This is slightly confusing, as
the data structure will actually be a reference to an array, containing
hashrefs for each row.
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves all data from
Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retrieves all data from
the database, and creates a hash from the results using KEY_COL as the column
for the hash keys and VALUE_COL for its values.
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Typos in POD