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package SL::DB::Manager::Invoice;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::DB::Helper::Manager);

use SL::DB::Helper::Paginated;
use SL::DB::Helper::Sorted;

sub object_class { 'SL::DB::Invoice' }


sub type_filter {
my $class = shift;
my $type = lc(shift || '');

return (or => [ invoice => 0, invoice => undef ]) if $type eq 'ar_transaction';
return (and => [ invoice => 1, amount => { ge => 0 }, or => [ storno => 0, storno => undef ] ]) if $type =~ m/^(?:sales_)?invoice$/;
return (and => [ invoice => 1, amount => { lt => 0 }, or => [ storno => 0, storno => undef ] ]) if $type eq 'credit_note';
return (and => [ invoice => 1, amount => { lt => 0 }, storno => 1 ]) if $type =~ m/(?:invoice_)?storno/;
return (and => [ invoice => 1, amount => { ge => 0 }, storno => 1 ]) if $type eq 'credit_note_storno';
return (amount => {gt => 'paid'}) if $type eq 'open';

die "Unknown type $type";

sub _sort_spec {
return (
default => [ 'transdate', 1 ],
nulls => {
transaction_description => 'FIRST',
customer_name => 'FIRST',
default => 'LAST',
columns => {
customer => 'lower(',
globalprojectnumber => 'lower(globalproject.projectnumber)',

# Bug in Rose::DB::Object: the next should be
# "globalproject.project_type.description". This workaround will
# only work if no other table with "project_type" is visible in
# the current query
globalproject_type => 'lower(project_type.description)',

map { ( $_ => "lower(ar.$_)" ) } qw(invnumber ordnumber quonumber cusordnumber shippingpoint shipvia notes intnotes transaction_description),

sub default_objects_per_page { 40 }
