Revision ca2bc8a2
Von G. Richardson vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
422 | 422 |
); |
423 | 423 |
424 | 424 |
# add employee here, so that variable is still known and passed in url when choosing a different sort order in resulting table |
425 |
my @hidden_variables = qw(accno source reference description notes project_id datefrom dateto employee_id datesort category l_subtotal); |
425 |
my @hidden_variables = qw(accno source reference description notes project_id datefrom dateto employee_id datesort category l_subtotal department_id);
426 | 426 |
push @hidden_variables, map { "l_${_}" } @columns; |
427 | 427 |
428 | 428 |
my $employee = $form->{employee_id} ? SL::DB::Employee->new(id => $form->{employee_id})->load->name : ''; |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Buchungsjournal: Abteilungsfilter bei Export berücksichtigen
vergessene hidden