kivitendo/modules/fallback/Daemon/ @ c9a40818
23d89499 | Moritz Bunkus | ||
# Copyright (C) 2006, David Muir Sharnoff <>
package Daemon::Generic;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
require POSIX;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Slurp;
use File::Flock;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(newdaemon);
our $VERSION = 0.71;
our $force_quit_delay = 15;
our $package = __PACKAGE__;
our $caller;
sub newdaemon
my (%args) = @_;
my $pkg = $caller || caller() || 'main';
my $foo = bless {}, $pkg;
unless ($foo->isa($package)) {
no strict qw(refs);
my $isa = \@{"${pkg}::ISA"};
unshift(@$isa, $package);
bless $foo, 'This::Package::Does::Not::Exist';
undef $foo;
new($pkg, %args);
sub new
my ($pkg, %args) = @_;
if ($pkg eq __PACKAGE__) {
$pkg = caller() || 'main';
srand(time ^ ($$ << 5))
unless $args{no_srand};
my $av0 = $0;
$av0 =~ s!/!/.!g;
my $self = {
gd_args => \%args,
gd_pidfile => $args{pidfile},
gd_logpriority => $args{logpriority},
gd_progname => $args{progname}
? $args{progname}
: $0,
gd_pidbase => $args{pidbase}
? $args{pidbase}
: ($args{progname}
? "/var/run/$args{progname}"
: "/var/run/$av0"),
gd_foreground => $args{foreground} || 0,
configfile => $args{configfile}
? $args{configfile}
: ($args{progname}
? "/etc/$args{progname}.conf"
: "/etc/$av0"),
debug => $args{debug} || 0,
bless $self, $pkg;
my $do = $self->{do} = $ARGV[0];
$self->gd_help if $do eq 'help';
$self->gd_version if $do eq 'version';
$self->gd_install if $do eq 'install';
$self->gd_uninstall if $do eq 'uninstall';
$self->gd_pidfile unless $self->{gd_pidfile};
my %newconfig = $self->gd_preconfig;
$self->{gd_pidfile} = $newconfig{pidfile} if $newconfig{pidfile};
print "Configuration looks okay\n" if $do eq 'check';
my $pidfile = $self->{gd_pidfile};
my $killed = 0;
my $locked = 0;
if (-e $pidfile) {
if ($locked = lock($pidfile, undef, 'nonblocking')) {
# old process is dead
if ($do eq 'status') {
print "$0 dead\n";
exit 1;
} else {
sleep(2) if -M $pidfile < 2/86400;
my $oldpid = read_file($pidfile);
if ($oldpid) {
if ($do eq 'stop' or $do eq 'restart') {
$killed = $self->gd_kill($oldpid);
$locked = lock($pidfile);
if ($do eq 'stop') {
} elsif ($do eq 'reload') {
if (kill(1,$oldpid)) {
print "Requested reconfiguration\n";
} else {
print "Kill failed: $!\n";
} elsif ($do eq 'status') {
if (kill(0,$oldpid)) {
print "$0 running - pid $oldpid\n";
$self->gd_check($pidfile, $oldpid);
exit 0;
} else {
print "$0 dead\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ($do eq 'check') {
if (kill(0,$oldpid)) {
print "$0 running - pid $oldpid\n";
$self->gd_check($pidfile, $oldpid);
} elsif ($do eq 'start') {
print "\u$self->{gd_progname} is already running (pid $oldpid)\n";
exit; # according to LSB, this is no error
} else {
$self->gd_error("Pid file $pidfile is invalid but locked, exiting\n");
} else {
$locked = lock($pidfile, undef, 'nonblocking')
or die "Could not lock pid file $pidfile: $!";
if ($do eq 'reload' || $do eq 'stop' || $do eq 'check' || ($do eq 'restart' && ! $killed)) {
print "No $0 running\n";
if ($do eq 'stop') {
if ($do eq 'status') {
print "Unused\n";
exit 3;
if ($do eq 'check') {
unless ($do eq 'reload' || $do eq 'restart' || $do eq 'start') {
$self->gd_other_cmd($do, $locked);
unless ($self->{gd_foreground}) {
$locked or lock($pidfile, undef, 'nonblocking')
or die "Could not lock PID file $pidfile: $!";
write_file($pidfile, "$$\n");
print STDERR "Starting up...\n";
sub gd_check {}
sub gd_more_opt { return() }
sub gd_getopt
my $self = shift;
'configfile=s' => \$self->{configfile},
'foreground!' => \$self->{gd_foreground},
'debug!' => \$self->{debug},
? %{$self->{gd_args}{options}}
: (),
) or exit($self->gd_usage());
if (@ARGV < ($self->{gd_args}{minimum_args} || 1)) {
if (@ARGV > ($self->{gd_args}{maximum_args} || 1)) {
sub gd_parse_argv { }
sub gd_help
my $self = shift;
sub gd_version
my $self = shift;
no strict qw(refs);
my $v = $self->{gd_args}{version}
|| ${ref($self)."::VERSION"}
|| $main::VERSION
|| "?";
print "$self->{gd_progname} - version $v\n";;
sub gd_pidfile
my $self = shift;
my $x = $self->{configfile};
$x =~ s!/!.!g;
$self->{gd_pidfile} = "$self->{gd_pidbase}$";
sub gd_other_cmd
my $self = shift;
sub gd_redirect_output
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{gd_foreground};
my $logname = $self->gd_logname;
my $p = $self->{gd_logpriority} ? "-p $self->{gd_logpriority}" : "";
open(STDERR, "|logger $p -t '$logname'") or (print "could not open stderr: $!" && exit(1));
open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR") or die "redirect STDOUT -> STDERR: $!";
sub gd_daemonize
my $self = shift;
print "Starting $self->{gd_progname} server\n";
my $pid;
POSIX::_exit(0) if $pid = fork;
die "Could not fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
POSIX::_exit(0) if $pid = fork;
die "Could not fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
$| = 1;
print "Sucessfully daemonized\n";
sub gd_logname
my $self = shift;
return $self->{gd_progname}."[$$]";
sub gd_reconfig_event
my $self = shift;
print STDERR "Reconfiguration requested\n";
sub gd_quit_event
my $self = shift;
print STDERR "Quitting...\n";
sub gd_setup_signals
my $self = shift;
$SIG{INT} = sub { $self->gd_quit_event() };
$SIG{HUP} = sub { $self->gd_reconfig_event() };
sub gd_run { die "must defined gd_run()" }
sub gd_error
my $self = shift;
my $e = shift;
my $do = $self->{do};
if ($do && $do eq 'stop') {
warn $e;
} else {
die $e;
sub gd_flags_more { return () }
sub gd_flags
my $self = shift;
return (
'-c file' => "Specify configuration file (instead of $self->{configfile})",
'-f' => "Run in the foreground (don't detach)",
sub gd_commands_more { return () }
sub gd_commands
my $self = shift;
return (
start => "Starts a new $self->{gd_progname} if there isn't one running already",
stop => "Stops a running $self->{gd_progname}",
reload => "Causes a running $self->{gd_progname} to reload it's config file. Starts a new one if none is running.",
restart => "Stops a running $self->{gd_progname} if one is running. Starts a new one.",
? ('install' => "Setup $self->{gd_progname} to run automatically after reboot")
: ()),
? ('uninstall' => "Do not run $self->{gd_progname} after reboots")
: ()),
check => "Check the configuration file and report the daemon state",
help => "Display this usage info",
version => "Display the version of $self->{gd_progname}",
sub gd_positional_more { return() }
sub gd_alts
my $offset = shift;
my @results;
for (my $i = $offset; $i <= $#_; $i += 2) {
push(@results, $_[$i]);
return @results;
sub gd_usage
my $self = shift;
require Text::Wrap;
import Text::Wrap;
my $col = 15;
my @flags = $self->gd_flags;
my @commands = $self->gd_commands;
my @positional = $self->gd_positional_more;
my $summary = "Usage: $self->{gd_progname} ";
my $details = '';
for my $i (gd_alts(0, @flags)) {
$summary .= "[ $i ] ";
$summary .= "{ ";
$summary .= join(" | ", gd_alts(0, @commands));
$summary .= " } ";
$summary .= join(" ", gd_alts(0, @positional));
my (@all) = (@flags, @commands, @positional);
while (@all) {
my ($key, $desc) = splice(@all, 0, 2);
local($Text::Wrap::columns) = 79;
$details .= wrap(
sprintf(" %-${col}s ", $key),
" " x ($col + 2),
$details .= "\n";
print "$summary\n$details";
return 0;
sub gd_install_pre {}
sub gd_install_post {}
sub gd_can_install
my $self = shift;
require File::Basename;
my $basename = File::Basename::basename($0);
if (
-x "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d"
-x $0
$0 !~ m{^(?:/usr|/var)?/tmp/}
eval { symlink("",""); 1 }
-d "/etc/init.d"
! -e "/etc/init.d/$basename"
) {
return sub {
require Cwd;
my $abs_path = Cwd::abs_path($0);
symlink($abs_path, "/etc/init.d/$basename")
or die "Install failed: symlink /etc/init.d/$basename -> $abs_path: $!\n";
print "+ /usr/sbin/update-rc.d $basename defaults\n";
system("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d", $basename, "defaults");
my $exit = $? >> 8;
exit($exit) if $exit;
return 0;
sub gd_install
my $self = shift;
my $ifunc = $self->gd_can_install();
die "Install command not supported\n" unless $ifunc;
sub gd_uninstall_pre {}
sub gd_uninstall_post {}
sub gd_can_uninstall
my $self = shift;
require File::Basename;
my $basename = File::Basename::basename($0);
require Cwd;
my $abs_path = Cwd::abs_path($0) || 'no abs path';
my $link = readlink("/etc/init.d/$basename") || 'no link';
if (
$link eq $abs_path
-x "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d"
) {
return sub {
print "+ /usr/sbin/update-rc.d $basename remove\n";
system("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d", $basename, "remove");
my $exit = $? >> 8;
exit($exit) if $exit;
return 0;
sub gd_uninstall
my $self = shift;
my $ufunc = $self->gd_can_uninstall();
die "Cannot uninstall\n" unless $ufunc;
sub gd_kill
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
my $talkmore = 0;
my $killed = 0;
if (kill(0, $pid)) {
$killed = 1;
print "Killing $pid\n";
my $t = time;
sleep(1) if kill(0, $pid);
if ($force_quit_delay && kill(0, $pid)) {
print "Waiting for $pid to die...\n";
$talkmore = 1;
while(kill(0, $pid) && time - $t < $force_quit_delay) {
if (kill(15, $pid)) {
print "Killing $pid with -TERM...\n";
if ($force_quit_delay) {
while(kill(0, $pid) && time - $t < $force_quit_delay * 2) {
} else {
sleep(1) if kill(0, $pid);
if (kill(9, $pid)) {
print "Killing $pid with -KILL...\n";
my $k9 = time;
my $max = $force_quit_delay * 4;
$max = 60 if $max < 60;
while(kill(0, $pid)) {
if (time - $k9 > $max) {
print "Giving up on $pid ever dying.\n";
print "Waiting for $pid to die...\n";
print "Process $pid is gone\n" if $talkmore;
} else {
print "Process $pid no longer running\n";
return $killed;
sub gd_preconfig { die "gd_preconfig() must be redefined"; }
sub gd_postconfig { }