Revision c98a426e
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 18 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
(SELECT accno FROM chart WHERE id = expense_accno_id_3) AS expense_accno_3
FROM buchungsgruppen
ORDER BY sortkey|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
... | ... | |
$form->{income_accno_id_2}, $form->{expense_accno_id_2},
$form->{income_accno_id_3}, $form->{expense_accno_id_3});
my $query;
# id is the old record
if ($form->{id}) {
$query = qq|UPDATE buchungsgruppen SET
... | ... | |
WHERE id = ?|;
push(@values, $form->{id});
} else {
$query = qq|SELECT MAX(sortkey) + 1 FROM buchungsgruppen|;
my ($sortkey) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
$form->dberror($query) if ($dbh->err);
push(@values, $sortkey);
$query = qq|INSERT INTO buchungsgruppen
(description, inventory_accno_id,
income_accno_id_0, expense_accno_id_0,
income_accno_id_1, expense_accno_id_1,
income_accno_id_2, expense_accno_id_2,
income_accno_id_3, expense_accno_id_3)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
income_accno_id_3, expense_accno_id_3,
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
... | ... | |
sub swap_buchungsgruppen {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);
my $query =
(SELECT sortkey FROM buchungsgruppen WHERE id = ?) AS sortkey1,
(SELECT sortkey FROM buchungsgruppen WHERE id = ?) AS sortkey2|;
my @values = ($form->{"id1"}, $form->{"id2"});
my @sortkeys = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
$query = qq|UPDATE buchungsgruppen SET sortkey = ? WHERE id = ?|;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($sortkeys[1], $form->{"id1"}) ||
$form->dberror($query . " ($sortkeys[1], $form->{id1})");
$sth->execute($sortkeys[0], $form->{"id2"}) ||
$form->dberror($query . " ($sortkeys[0], $form->{id2})");
sub printer {
SL/ | ||
# get buchungsgruppen
$query = qq|SELECT id, description
FROM buchungsgruppen|;
FROM buchungsgruppen
ORDER BY sortkey|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
bin/mozilla/ | ||
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Buchungsgruppen');
@column_index = qw(description inventory_accno income_accno_0 expense_accno_0 income_accno_1 expense_accno_1 income_accno_2 expense_accno_2 income_accno_3 expense_accno_3 );
@column_index = qw(up down description inventory_accno
income_accno_0 expense_accno_0
income_accno_1 expense_accno_1
income_accno_2 expense_accno_2
income_accno_3 expense_accno_3 );
$column_header{up} =
qq|<th class="listheading">|
. qq|<img src="image/up.png" alt="| . $locale->text("up") . qq|">|
. qq|</th>|;
$column_header{down} =
qq|<th class="listheading">|
. qq|<img src="image/down.png" alt="| . $locale->text("down") . qq|">|
. qq|</th>|;
$column_header{description} =
qq|<th class=listheading width=60%>|
qq|<th class="listheading" width="40%">|
. $locale->text('Description')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_header{inventory_accno} =
qq|<th class=listheading width=10%>|
qq|<th class=listheading>|
. $locale->text('Bestandskonto')
. qq|</th>|;
$column_header{income_accno_0} =
... | ... | |
my $swap_link = qq|$form->{script}?action=swap_buchungsgruppen&|;
map({ $swap_link .= $_ . "=" . $form->escape($form->{$_}) . "&" }
qw(login password path));
my $row = 0;
foreach $ref (@{ $form->{ALL} }) {
... | ... | |
<tr valign=top class=listrow$i>
if ($row) {
my $pref = $form->{ALL}->[$row - 1];
$column_data{up} =
qq|<td align="center" valign="center">| .
qq|<a href="${swap_link}id1=$ref->{id}&id2=$pref->{id}">| .
qq|<img src="image/up.png" alt="| . $locale->text("up") . qq|">| .
} else {
$column_data{up} = qq|<td> </td>|;
if ($row == (scalar(@{ $form->{ALL} }) - 1)) {
$column_data{down} = qq|<td> </td>|;
} else {
my $nref = $form->{ALL}->[$row + 1];
$column_data{down} =
qq|<td align="center" valign="center">| .
qq|<a href="${swap_link}id1=$ref->{id}&id2=$nref->{id}">| .
qq|<img src="image/down.png" alt="| . $locale->text("down") . qq|">| .
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><a href=$form->{script}?action=edit_buchungsgruppe&id=$ref->{id}&path=$form->{path}&login=$form->{login}&password=$form->{password}&callback=$callback>$ref->{description}</td>|;
... | ... | |
print qq|
print qq|
... | ... | |
sub swap_buchungsgruppen {
AM->swap_buchungsgruppen(\%myconfig, $form);
sub add_printer {
locale/de/all | ||
'dimension units' => 'Maßeinheiten',
'does not exist' => 'existiert nicht',
'done' => 'erledigt',
'down' => 'hoch',
'eMail Send?' => 'eMail-Versand?',
'eMail?' => 'eMail?',
'ea' => 'St.',
... | ... | |
'successfully created!' => 'wurde erfolgreich erstellt',
'successfully deleted!' => 'wurde erfolgreich gel?scht',
'to (date)' => 'bis',
'up' => 'runter',
'use program settings' => 'benutze Programmeinstellungen',
'ustva' => 'UStVA',
'website' => 'Webseite',
locale/de/am | ||
'Year End' => 'Jahresende',
'Yes' => 'Ja',
'dimension units' => 'Maßeinheiten',
'down' => 'hoch',
'equal Outputformat' => 'wie Ausgabeformat',
'lead deleted!' => 'Kundenquelle gel?scht',
'lead saved!' => 'Kundenquelle geichert',
'service units' => 'Dienstleistungseinheiten',
'up' => 'runter',
'use program settings' => 'benutze Programmeinstellungen',
... | ... | |
'set_longdescription' => 'set_longdescription',
'set_unit_languages' => 'set_unit_languages',
'sic_header' => 'sic_header',
'swap_buchungsgruppen' => 'swap_buchungsgruppen',
'vendor_selection' => 'vendor_selection',
'warehouse_header' => 'warehouse_header',
'erfassen' => 'add',
sql/Pg-upgrade2/buchungsgruppen_sortkey.sql | ||
-- @tag: buchungsgruppen_sortkey
-- @description: Neue Spalte für Sortierreihenfolge der Buchungsgruppen
-- @depends: release_2_4_1
ALTER TABLE buchungsgruppen ADD COLUMN sortkey integer;
CREATE SEQUENCE tmp_counter;
UPDATE buchungsgruppen SET sortkey = nextval('tmp_counter');
DROP SEQUENCE tmp_counter;
ALTER TABLE buchungsgruppen ALTER COLUMN sortkey SET NOT NULL;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Die Buchungsgruppen sortierbar gemacht.